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Thread: Pls i dont wanna playing EQ-SCI-FI!!

  1. #21
    I am TIRED and SICk of al the crying about how this 14.2 going to making you old time players game no fun.All you do is cheat.NOw the game will be more fair for normal players because the game will be...
    Now i have a chance
    All the cheaters and oes will not have 200 guns and do uber damage,it will be more fair.i maybe can pvp too now hahahha!
    It will be more fair and more fun now
    Before i sit to eat my fish and rice,i wanting to saying this ok.

    He wears full medical omni medical suit and has 5 or 10 millions of credits to spend.He is level 1 twink.He is ruining this game ok.
    personal respect is a privilege to be earned, not a right. again is state, this game is a MMO. it's for everyone, not just you. if ppl want to be with you and team with you, they would not leave you for someone who OE more. do you understand that you are not the center of the world?
    Blue Steel(TM)

    E 86% - S 60% - A 33% - K 20%

    SL upgraded oct 10, 2003

    RK2 - Derek"Rayfield" Zoolander
    RK2 - "Umeshiso" Maki
    RK2 - Sylvester "Code187" Vallone

  2. #22
    Ray i am getting the impression you don't like me..........

    I gave up a long time ago on FunCOM.
    This forum is used for amusement only, but anyone who posts should be respected no matter how ridiculous the statement maybe.

    I used to get so frustrated with the game changes and certain things, i learned not to let it bother me.
    Last edited by Master Wong; Aug 31st, 2002 at 18:19:13.

  3. #23
    And after more than a year of sufferring,my first love the nt, if you somehow with all your postings of good knowledge,faith,and fortune,insight,etc

    help to improve the nts class, believe me i will be happy for you!

    Wong Bows 2 U

  4. #24

  5. #25

    Re: Pls i dont wanna playing EQ-SCI-FI!!

    Originally posted by Master Wong

    So now
    I will now enjoying a fortune cookie.
    to calm my anga
    For the record, fortune cookies are a wholly American invention. I spent the better part of 2 months in China/Taiwan/Hong Kong and not once was I served a fortune cookie at the end of the meal.

    Heck, half the things on a typical american "chinese" restaurant are not even real chinese dishes.

    Nice try, buddy. Your RP sucks. =p

    (Normally, I wouldn't even respond to a thread with this kind of reply, but his style of "RP" is somewhat insulting to me, and I am not even Asian)
    Gogo "Atremis" Yubari
    220 MA - RK1

    There are 10 types of people in this world... Those who understand binary, and those who don't.

  6. #26
    I sense , slight of hand in this guy Master wrong maddening miss-direction,if you will.
    Is it worth the effort,? I suspect not if someone truley felt so alone and unheard, then not replying would be the best option before the time-burgler strikes again.

    For someone who "claims" to be of eastern origin you show a unbeleivible multitude of stereo tyipical trates, (one wonder's when you'll start to mention how many cammaras you take everywhere with you) none of wich bare closer examination, in real life.

    In short, I don't think your real, if CZ doesn't show the good sense to close this post, you can rest assured it is personaly been closed by me, in short, yeah what ever master WRONG, I don't buy it, infact I think your stereo-typical indulgence (the name for a start) is nothing short of bigotry behaviour and offensive.

    don't waste your time replying, I shan't bother to read anything that you deem to waste our time with again.

    Caloss2 LVL 220 melee VANGUARD (semi retired).....Llewlyn 220/30/70 meepmeep.....Boooocal 220../30/70 Soldier.......Knack 220/30/70 Keeper.....Hiesenberg 215/xx/xx NT NERFED Neytiri1 220/30/70 Shade Knacker220/30/70Meat shield for guides/walkthroughs/letsplays and all your other AO needs
    Quote Originally Posted by Mastablasta
    In my special design documents that I feed to the FC devs, who are my willing slaves.

  7. #27
    Wong you're a Fixer? what's your Fixer's name? RK-1? 2? what MK GA are you wearing? What level? What's your gun. See, I know every major PvP Fixer on RK-1 and most of RK-2..the guys that COULD be almost considered unkillable (who will tell you that ain't nowhere near true), so I'm kinda wondering who you are
    General Hershel "Kasimir" Jurik

    President of Division 9 R.S.G.E


    Braumiester of the Pagan Bartenders, wielder of dual SSo8s

    Stealer of hearts, creds, and anything not nailed down!

  8. #28

    Re: Pls i dont wanna playing EQ-SCI-FI!!

    Originally posted by Master Wong
    Random pls, making boss spawns totally random!!!

    Like a boss will spawning at different camps not just same boss at each camping ok.
    I think they already did that with the shade camps in andromida, people dont seem to realise that these outdoor camps they mention already exist, (on a smaller scale and not quite as good) all over andromida.

  9. #29
    Originally posted by Master Wong
    I am from Hong Kong.

    everyone I met in Hong Kong spoke English a lot better than you.

    It was British-controlled until 1997 when thier 99 year lease
    expired and it went back under Chinas rule.

    You're a bad liar Master Wong

  10. #30

    You know...

    Whenever i have arguements like this CZ comes around, closes the thread, and gives me a slap on my wrist.

    Now I know its just me.
    Click Click BOOM
    BoomDoom - Lvl 146 NT
    Thugdoom - lvl 80 enforcer
    EmissaryDoom - lvl 75 Crat
    ProfDoom - Lvl 57 MP
    Nursedoom - lvl 57 Doctor

  11. #31
    wong u pothead. you speak perfectly fine english in one post then u imitate and linguistically impaired chinaman in a obviously insulting way. Your half as- attempt to back paddle and pretend that you are really from hong kong just makes you look like more of a piece of shi-
    Kalashnakof [Over 170 LvLs Served]
    The Few, The Proud, The Unendowed
    The Troxy Soldiers of Pax Romana
    [!]AR/RE 80/40 from 66/33
    [!]Nophex drop off Notum Trainie
    [!]Still waiting for AirStrike MK1-10...

  12. #32

    harharhardy hardy har

    ROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOFL!! This is by far the most entertaining thread i have ever read in my life.

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