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Thread: Killing guards is banable??????????

  1. #1

    Killing guards is banable??????????

    Killing guards is banable, sees to be the noted feeling i got from this recent encounter with a gm. After killing guards for say about an hour inside tir city, and generally haveing a good time just seeing how fast i could kill them i went to socialize a little before the servers went down. After i zoned into the place i was meet abruptly a few seconds later by a gm who said rename your pet now.

    My pet was name GM Lostclevage, green letters but had white output after it somethign no gm would ever have happen as well as it was a lvl 150 crat pet, thet pet was doing no talking other than attack output. No /pet chat commands were issued. I continued to ask why this why a bad thing, at first the gm told me it was because it confused people. i stated that the pet was not chatting and also put out white output after the name as well as said Lostclevages's pet - GM Lostclevage: , which was put there to prevent players from poseing there pets as gms.

    After pointing this out she had no reponse to it nothing more than you need to not name you pet this , i continued on trying to find out how i was doing something wrong considering i wasn;t saying antying though pet chat he was just killing. finally i got this out of her in her own words " It looks bad to see a pet name GM Lostclevage killing guards" . Now i know my names not considered offensive cause i told her right then and there she should change my name if thats it, she didn't, and even cosmiks seen my name at partys i have danced infront of him and with him and nothing about it.

    I then found out why i was petitioned was cause i was killing guards, which seems to be the only reason they cared is they found a loop hole to say that killing guards is bad. the gm never once siad i was impersinating a guard, then after that i was told this was my warning if it happend again i was banned. i assured her that i had delted my pet name macros for that. after much thought still being irritated by this i realized that the hole reason this came up was that i was killing guards.

    This based on that several gms and arks over the week to 2 time that i have had my pet named this have said nothing. They have seen my pet , in matter of fact my pet commented nice green name there.

    Personally i see this as going to far. why would you warn someone against there account that wasn;t causeing problems, wasn;t impersonating a gm, and did what the gm asked. if anythign the gm lied to me, she was not stright foward to me about why this was happening, she would not tell me why she tryed to go around the facts, and last but not least i was targeted by some one that has lost the total facts that it was a game and that killing guards is not the same as exploiting or harrsing another player, or hacking .

    I'm asking for 2 things in this post, #1 that warning be removed , #2 i am asking for an apology from funcom for being harassed in this way, when by no mean was i being disrespectful, uncooperative , or impersinating a gm ( Impersinating a gm was never once remarked on by a gm it was just siad it was confuseing to players, and later the reason was redefined ).
    PVP Crat - More gimped than you would belive, but i still kill
    Pokees Pokees
    LostClevage President of Enron

    Titlehugger Psycho PVP crat
    Flushdragon SUpAh Gimped trox adv

  2. #2
    ummmm.. You were asking for trouble when you named your bot that.

    Sheesh... It would be like naming your bot I am comunist and then walking into a WWII convention.... Takes alot of brains don't it...
    Q u o t e:

    Pardon me for hijacking the thread, here..

    But, Brion - if you don't want your mother to know you were up and on the computer at 3:29 in the morning - DON'T post on a forum that she reads.


    From the WoW forums. best PWNAGE EVAH!!!

  3. #3
    sorry, dont mean to flame or be blunt but,
    why did you in the first place make the
    pet look like a GM with GM in the name
    and the same greenish color ? that is most likely the
    same reason why they want u to change it..

    Last edited by Znails; Aug 29th, 2002 at 08:50:58.

  4. #4
    I think its the guard killing that is the problem also, it upsets RPers if you kill same side guards, and doesnt make much sense either.. I even heard, indirectly via a GM, that they plan to implement forced side changes for guard killers !!! heh
    An official clarification would be nice though before someone gets forced over to other side for testing a weapon..
    Last edited by Eza; Aug 29th, 2002 at 08:21:37.

  5. #5


    About time too!

    Anyone killing any mob/guard/person of the same side should be booted out.

    And no, I don't think the rules should be relaxed for teaming. It is not normal for opposing factions to team up for the very training they will use to blow each others brains out later.

    Guild sparring should be the only exception.

  6. #6
    Couldn't care less about someone killing guards on same side, they work pretty good as targets to try weapons and pets, but naming your pet with GM blabla is wrong imo and then even using a green name...

    I would call that impersonating FC employee

    and number 3 in the Rules of Conduct is

    "You may not impersonate any Funcom employee, including, but not limited to, any Customer Support people, nor may you impersonate any member of the ARK (Advisors of Rubi-Ka) organisation."

    Even if you didn't really try to gain any advantage of it, you stilled named your pet so people could think it was a GM and in green text.
    ICQ: 419860

    Clan Apocalypse - The guild for models

    Account closed.

  7. #7

    Question a lil idea

    Well, as stated before i hardly think it was guard killin that triggered the GM....Anyway...Am i the only one really anoyed over seeing high lvl clanners attack our guards we all we can do is say "go home clanner!"....Maybe rig a trigger that makes the clanner (or OT) who are attacking the guard be in 25% (just make sure you dont give the attacker the possibility to attack others, only be attack, kinda like the neuts), im sure that would change the picture a bit, and also let us feel like we can defend our towns!

    Well, just a thought

    Filthgrinder, Soldier Of Legion[size=0.1]
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    Account Created : 2001-06-27 13:42:4

  8. #8


    Make em level 51184098 and pretty much invulnerable like in UO. Attacking a guard there is insta death.

  9. #9
    Heh, I remember awhile back ago when you killed a Omni mob you found this cool item
    * July 9, 2001 :: + July 29, 2004

  10. #10
    well, that would pretty much ruin the idea about taking taking control over OP's and stuff like that stuff
    Filthgrinder, Soldier Of Legion[size=0.1]
    Do you belive?
    Which Personality Disorder Do I Have?
    My type is: KAE.
    Killer 93% - Achiever 66% - Explorer 26% - Socializer 13%

    Account Created : 2001-06-27 13:42:4

  11. #11


    well, that would pretty much ruin the idea about taking taking control over OP's and stuff like that stuff
    As opposed to now when they insta respawn so you can "take over" the op all over again 20 seconds later?

  12. #12
    Originally posted by Frost
    well, that would pretty much ruin the idea about taking taking control over OP's and stuff like that stuff
    not to mention 2h0.. 4-5 lvl 160-200 omnis on yer tail.. AND 3 lvl 51184098 guards and a lvl 51184098 omni pol XS on yer tail.. yay!

  13. #13
    well, i dont know if you noticed...but that feature aint in use not talking about now...But when they finaly get it online and working it would be pretty silly if the guards insta kill the entire team?....

    *edit* Might be a good idea to make the guards a bit harder tho?

    Originally posted by Schu

    As opposed to now when they insta respawn so you can "take over" the op all over again 20 seconds later?
    Filthgrinder, Soldier Of Legion[size=0.1]
    Do you belive?
    Which Personality Disorder Do I Have?
    My type is: KAE.
    Killer 93% - Achiever 66% - Explorer 26% - Socializer 13%

    Account Created : 2001-06-27 13:42:4

  14. #14
    Simple, naming pets with GM <name here> Is wrong.

    But killing guards, what the ****.

    I test out my weapons and crits on them, whine about something more important like invisible mobs that never leave you alone and hurt ya!
    ¤ Cloudeeeh “Cloudeh MKII” 120 Solitus 1HB Enforcer
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    Inhuman, Undying, Feast of blood now Pulse through me, Immortal..I'm undying, Eternal..Undead!

    [size=0.1]C.L.O.U.D.: Cybernetic Lifeform Optimized for Ultimate Destruction[/size]

  15. #15
    I agree on a couple things people said.

    First, guard killing isn't exactly cool in my book. If I see someone doing it, I join in to finish it off more quickly... can anyone say Newland gates lag? (yeah try and reduce it, guards in tir? tir is laggy enough as it is) I don't condone it and if you want test something out, doing it in the woods is a much better way.

    Second, naming your pet GM Lostcleavage in green is asking for trouble. You even joked about it at Camelot and I knew there was something wrong... oh and someone quoted the EULA above, which means your wrong on any claim you can make.

    EULA, read it, don't just click it.
    211 Apprentice Fixer Wigz [gear]
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    Proud Veteran of Synergy Factor
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    Retired due to the intentional timesink design of AO.

  16. #16
    Well if I was doing it I would pump up the guards and add more guards until it got to the point were they were hard as hell to kill. That being said I do think that guard killers are skum. We had a couple in Omni Entertainment when I was playing months ago.

    Fear is the Mind Killer.
    You wasted life, why wouldn't you waste death?

  17. #17

    Thumbs down


    I have no problem if you wish to "push the borders" or "see where the lines are". But when you find out, you should not bother ranting about it on the forums.


  18. #18
    Maybe if the guards werent so damn choocky they wouldnt get killed so often, as for the MG thing you have to remeber that they are people, the reason you were banned is probabaly beacuase after talking to you he figured he didint like you because you were un-cooperative and cheecky therfore he can get you banned simply by whining about some little thing (same with polce really) so the best bet is not to be cheecky to a GM, besides most of em are nice people. You also have to remeber that people dont get payed or anything for been arks(i dont think anyway) so why else would you want to be one ... ... ... for power!. even if you dont plan to use that power for bad thats the reason why people want to be GM's and stuff (some of em just want to help) but mainly its for power and superiority.

  19. #19
    Originally posted by Schu
    Make em level 51184098 and pretty much invulnerable like in UO. Attacking a guard there is insta death.
    Maybe PVP zones isn't full of them so you can be trained all the time then?

    Lich × Finalizer × Dictator × Vanguard × Techno Arch-Wizard × Godfather × Eternalist × Saviour × Deity × Guru

    'People demand freedom of speech as a compensation for the freedom of thought which they never use' - Kierkegaard

  20. #20

    Question ?

    What am i doing here ?

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