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Thread: FC sponsored PvP tournaments / pvp colosseum (prizes?)

  1. #1

    FC sponsored PvP tournaments / pvp colosseum (prizes?)

    Hello FC, I have this great idea for you (You could call it high lvl content )

    How about you sponsor some official Title level tournaments, would that not be awseome?
    Maybe you could have it in the middle of nowhere and just lower suppression zones? I have no idea.

    OR you could arrange some kind of colosseum, where you could win prizes like lesser uniques once a week or something, instead of hmm, I dont know camping the mobs

    Of course we would have to have two different classes per title level. Melee and ranged, and maybe even a third. Combo (where both melee and ranged where to compete against eachother)

    I have no idea if this is arrangable, but it should be. The prizes could be heh even only money. Anything that makes you feel important and like a winner, or as if you have accomplished a task is good here.

    Discuss this idea and come up with new ideas to enhance this one. meow off.

  2. #2
    That would be awesome...

    I would ad level class more then range/melee class hehe.

  3. #3

    Thumbs up true

    Sounds like a good idea, i aint really high lvl yet but i would still enjoy watching the fight

    a bump for you
    Filthgrinder, Soldier Of Legion[size=0.1]
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    Account Created : 2001-06-27 13:42:4

  4. #4
    Yep sounds very good

    FC can u do it for us???

    OTs....We fight???
    Junior "Tradition" Rm

  5. #5
    Great idea. With Funcoms new emphasis on pvp they should strive to balance things up and fix pvp and do stuff like you suggest.
    Fear is the Mind Killer.
    You wasted life, why wouldn't you waste death?

  6. #6

    / Tolbat
    w00p w00p!!

  7. #7
    That would be cool but youd have to have some pvp balance... this is where my idea comes in. You can only fight members of your own class, that way it traders wouldnt have all the uber leet rare items. I think your idea is great, if you charged admission it could server as a money sink, game content for high levels, and a reward for pvping. If they dont like your idea FC is crazy. They absolutely do need organized pvp contests, that would add a lot to the game.
    -Freshman Ybbo Level 51 Enforcer

    -Ebbo Level 25 Meta-Physicist

  8. #8
    I like it. Maybe even have pre-registered teams competing.

    A nice prize could simply be a NoDrop plaque that you could drop in the chat window to show people. It would say "PvP Champion levels x to y" or something. Doesn't even need an actual use in game other than bragging rights.

    If they wanted to get really fancy, they could set up arenas to include special environmental effects. A no casting zone might be possible - the code is already in place in the grid. You could have an arena where a low QL aoe nuke hits every few seconds. Maybe a zone that includes a constant debuff, or a constant buff. Maybe an arena that has lots of obstacles (pet users might want to abstain from that one).

    I want an arena that looks like you're fighting from the rooftops of a city. That'd be cool.
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