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Thread: Apartments, some random ideas I have.

  1. #1

    Apartments, some random ideas I have.

    This is my first post on the Anarchy boards although this particular post I have done on other boards and not had much recognition for it so I'd thought I'll post it here so people can add suggestions to my own ones.

    Now the current state of apartments, Im not that chuffed with them.
    My one at the moment looks like I should be wearing a special jacket inside that doesn't let me move my arms because well it looks like an insane asylum (with added closet).
    Also I know that Funcom plans to do something with apartments in the future but for now I'm gonna post some suggestions and I want to see how everyone else reacts to them and expands on them.

    First off we need to solve the rather constraining problem of the fact that we can only have 10 items in one room.
    I have a few suggestions off the top of my head and I'll list them although I do not have a favourite.
    Simplest thing to do is just simply allow more items in the apartment say 30-50 odd items.
    Another idea is to make a form that grants you extra space,(in either "plus x amount of items" categories or "new total" amount categories) but how this form comes into existance has multiple possiblilites.
    Should it just be bought in stores then applied to your apartment key?
    Should you have to get a certain skilled/level crat to sign for it? With possible xp reward?
    Should we make it a tradeskill for crats this application form? Allow them to build something?
    Or (my least favourite) as some rare loot in a team mission or boss loot?
    Lastly could a fixer "creatively fill" a form for you to allow you get more items in your apartment?

    Second is being able to relocate your apartment.
    Simplest (Im not sure if you can yet but ohh well) is to let you delete your key and select a new apartment.
    Second is to somehow ask for your house to get transfered via an automated service of somesort? Maybe a booth (mover company) where you can select exactly where you new apartment will be from an interactive map?
    Or maybe get a crat to sign you a form that will allow you reselect you apartment?
    Next maybe get a fixer to copy a friends key for you not so that you can enter his house but the use the same enterance as his but create a new apartment for you?
    Lastly have some procedure to simply buy another then you can have more than one or delete the one you dont want.

    Third thing I would like to see is that the apartment key to have the name of the town it links to, the backyard it is in and the co-ords of the door you need to enter.
    That and maybe to make things easier do like with missions and you can upload the co-ords to your map and youll get say a purple spot for your backyard its in and a blue dot for the entrance of the apartment in the backyard?

    Okay now is extra furniture for the apartments.
    Simply put I want sofas, beds desks, phones I want it all I dont care if it doesnt do anything I want it for atomsphere and effect.
    I swear I have seen these sorta things in mission dungeons so it must exist in the game files somewhere. It cant be that hard to convert them into some sort of file for use in apartments. You don't even lots of new icons just make a generic furniture icon and just give it a description.
    I have thought of many ways to introduce this new furniture into the world though.
    First is to just sell it in them yalm shops were they already sell some furniture.
    Second is to add a furniture trader store. Namely a store thats only accesable to traders that consists solely of furniture. Itll give traders something extra to sell to people. (I can't really imagine doing it for the fixer store apart from maybe more illegal pieces of furniture and artwork like famous paintings and whatnot).

    Next would be to allow us to simply lift the items from missions. They are there, just make them register as an item and say let us nick them, if you want to add ****e to it say maybe a skill or attribute is needed to remove (B&E or strength) and if weight gets implemented properly then make them heavy so you can't steal everything.
    Next would be to make them a tradeskill aimed at traders and engies.
    Say if you want a wall mounted fan then that would be a powersupply of somesort, a metal pole, some wiring and several sheets of metal along with some form of blow torch. Then make the better/rarer pieces of furniture harder to make
    through thier items or skill needed.
    This would be quite a complicated way of introducing furniture to the world and might not be popular if the skills are skills no-one normally uses. But I feel it would give a person more to do especially if more than one of these ways was implemented.
    Imagine it, you show someone around your house you can point at each pice and itll have its own story. This painting was smuggled in from earth by a fixer friend of mine, this sofa I stole from an omni lab in a mission, this Tv I bought off a trader in borealis, and lastly this desk was made by the master crasftman/engie Namos.

    Ermm lets see what else is there to do ahh yes.
    I want to be able to actually do something in my apartment. This is an idea off the top of my head.

    Leet bobo doll. This doll would be constructed from a metal pole, a leet doll and maybe something else to make it big (shoulder pad of living flesh maybe).
    This doll would act as something gauge your weapons against. You could set its armour rating and fumble settings and what not (but not allow it to attack you) so you can personally test out weapons you have without going out into the field and endangering yourself. Then you can specify like a timer to you can set and after its done itll gauge how much damage you did in that given period of time (similar to the antiguardians thing but more accurate because you set all the enemy settings).
    Furthermore make it different items for each type of attack.
    So for Ma's it'll be a punchbag/Bobo doll.
    For melee maybe a large piece of hard crystal.
    For bows a traditional zone target thing like they use in contests.
    Lastly for guns maybe a large block of concrete?

    Maybe to make it more reliable add another item that you can use on enemy corpses that allows you to get thier name and description on a large library which you can fill up and look up (Maybe use concept art as small pictures of all the enemies youve documented). But also to upload enemy stats into the weapon tester so you can somewhat accurately gauge how much damage you will do to it in a set period of time (although it wont be wholly accurate as the doll won't attack you).

    Thats what I can think of for today Ill try and expand on it another time.
    Arcos a neutral Adventurer

  2. #2


    When I began to play I had 3-4 alts to try different professions, each one with his/her apartment in Rome (my love-town of low-levelling ), and of course I regularly forgot who was living where... Okay, sounds lame, but well, I figure some people *may* also have this problem if they weren't in their flat for long...
    Jen Markarian - Put the weirdness back in Omni-Mining
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    I never want to lose what I have finally found
    There's a requiem
    A new congregation
    And it's telling me: go forward and walk
    Under a brighter sky
    -- Delerium, Euphoria --

  3. #3
    I've given up on apartments until they fix them. I bet they are low, low, low priorty right now.
    Fear is the Mind Killer.
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  4. #4
    Yeah Demenzia it was something that is blindly simple but would be useful when/if the time comes that apartments are of some use, and yes as you said when you have alot of characters it must get impossible to remember where his apartment is, and since the data on the location of the apartment is probably held on some database on the server I wouldnt of thought it would be too hard to put it as text on the items description.
    Although I'll admit that the location being shown on the mini map might be a bit harder thugh and not really worth the time.

    Also Bonk, Yeah I know I sorta gave up on apartments a long while ago and they probably are number 99 on the top 100 things to do. But it can't hurt to throw some ideas around especially if they dont require hideous amounts of manpower (like new art, specific new coding, new sounds etc) they might get bundled into some addonpack or something.
    Arcos a neutral Adventurer

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