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Thread: Poor ol' Nano-Technicians: Suggestions

  1. #1

    Unhappy Poor ol' Nano-Technicians: Suggestions

    I'm not sure what Funcom is thinking about doing with nano-technicians... but they're inferior as a first character and as far as I've seen, at high levels too (no crits? Bah). Anyway, in order to be a good nano-tech you have to be RICH. I really don't agree with that, because I'm poor frankly. I think Funcom is afraid of putting in Nano-Tech crits because they'd be mocked for copying Everquest, but maybe that's what needs to be done. I really don't feel like an all powerful nuker, I really hate being out tanked, out healed, and out damaged by a damn martial artist.

    I'm thinking we can make this into a suggestion forum... people can have some good ideas, but please don't flame me about "u r fagit" or some ignorant crap like that, because I don't regular the forums. But heres what I have to say...

    1. Criticals for nukes. That would be really nice, because two of the most powerful classes (in my opinion, sorry fixers) are agents and martial artists, because they have insane crits.

    2. Kind of a side note, but don't make 1/4 damage nukes cost 100% nano... I really don't have enough nano to kill anything but an opifex (which are normally agents, so I'll prolly die anyway)

    3. For the newbie NTs: Maybe make high MC have the same effect as weapon skills have to weapons. (ie: 100 MC on a 60 MC nuke makes it do higher end damage and cast a little bit faster)

    4. Put more nano-tech weapons in! I've seen a +matter creation pistol, but it was like 10 million... and to be honest, I think pillows are stupid as all hell.

    5. If you don't want to up their nukes, give them more (for a lack of a better term) Enchanter type nanos (pardon my Everquest term). They already have mez and "clarity", maybe give them an AE mez or stuns or something

    If you have any more suggestions or... constructive... criticism I'd really appreciate it, but don't flame me...

  2. #2
    1) They already said they won't do this.

    2) Good idea. Prolly won't be done. But a good point nonetheless.

    3) High weapon skill doesn't speed up firing a gun. It does, however, increase the damage. Allowing MC to affect nuke damage would be a nice way to restore NTs as effective dealers of damage in chunks.

    4) There are actually a bunch of things NTs can use to increase MC... Galahad Khan and Galahad Priscilla pistols come to mind, the notum crystals, pillows for the pillow-biters.... this isn't a major problem.

    5) AE mez is a crat specialty, leave it alone. Stuns... NTs had stuns. They were nerfed.

    Hope that, despite my "It ain't happening" vibe, you can view this as constructive criticism.
    Gunned down the young. Now old, crotchety, and back.

  3. #3
    in response to MC affecting nuke dmg.

    it does. to a lesser extent. to a yellow mob, it does it's entire range of dmg. to a red mob, the same nuke does mainly the minimum. with a higher MC, the red mob tends to be hit harder with the same nuke. (sometimes more than just the bare minimum) it will never be as varied as guns since u wield a gun for life (or until u choose a higher ql to equip) Nukes u can have a variety of them "equipped" and use which ever one u want.

    in response to buffing items
    what we need as compared to the usual MC buffing crap guns (Khan is more for engis, Pepper is more useful to a team-only doc), why not have NT-only Nano-delta-adding guns? Guns that massively increase your Nano recharge rate, perhaps with somewhat decent dmg(perhaps with a slow rate of fire to counter this). That or guns that have the abilities of what blocks us from having 6 ncus in our ncu slots. range increase, nano cost modifier, nano interruption rate, etc.... on our guns. getting to 1k MC is far too easy. What we need is to compare our sit down rates to other professions. There is so many hp-heals compared to np-heals(humid being the ONLY one). If our nano attacks are supposed to last out any drawn out combat (eg. vs doc, vs boss-mobs, vs mongo-enforcer, vs tms-soldiers)

    either make us:
    1. able to calm players. (i don't suggest this either)
    2. 10 seconds to recharge 235np when we waste 400+ every 4 seconds is unacceptable. the devil gun(Techtronik) can reload faster than this.
    3. give all our nukes a min-max dmg boost. if we're anything like our names, we're the heavy dmg, but paper thin guys. (MA with Ithaca. Point shown) <--best NT can't compare to the dmg of these guys, not to mention we can't chain layer ourselves to protect (nano recharge rates do not lower due to nano init), we definitely cannot tank 1/5 as well as they do(lol, enfraam what?). are NT reduced to being the tertiary mezzer, and the guy who blinds mobs that dies in 2 seconds anyways? cuz that's what it feels like right now.

    both our professionals have left. prolly due to being forced to read ALL the forum posts (unpaid). ARKs are unpaid and they take all the heat as Funcom's (UNPAID) meatshields. (got a warning from a GM today about demoralizing ARKs from their UNPAID positions, LOL)

    one green mob. 7 fumbles and 3 counters in a row. (my current record). fix NTs. (at least soldiers can fire their guns, omg, even OE their guns). (vs red mobs, this continual fumble problem disappears) give NTs a pet MP to tag around. =)

    me<--1 NT who got reduced to using a gun to compete with dmg. (yes, i'm the guy with the banana. Sleek Cannons are in fact, better than most guns aroundwithout a Soldier tag on it, good dmg 1-400(400), low recharge 1.x, fling, burst, non-conflicting implant for HW, Burst, Fling, decent buffs OS/RC/TF)
    Blue Steel(TM)

    E 86% - S 60% - A 33% - K 20%

    SL upgraded oct 10, 2003

    RK2 - Derek"Rayfield" Zoolander
    RK2 - "Umeshiso" Maki
    RK2 - Sylvester "Code187" Vallone

  4. #4
    Back in the day's of infinite range (80m) nt's were good pvp'ers. This was also with full damage mind , but I think increasing the range nano progs can be cast to 60m might be a good way to improve nt pvp ability. I know they "say" they nerfed range to stop people from exploiting by killing things at beyond visual range, but I figure going to 60m instead of 80 would be acceptable.

    Just a suggestion , if it's a stupid idea kindly say so in gentle terms pls nt's .
    Sredniaka Sherrmanaka Posthasteaka Thanatopsysaka Vashtareliusaka Nnerroaka Alexxander

    "Quidquid latine dictum, sit altum viditur"

    Sredni Vashtar went forth,
    His thoughts were red thoughts and his teeth were white.
    His enemies called for peace, but he brought them death.
    Sredni Vashtar the Beautiful.
    by HH Munro

  5. #5
    And give them some MC buffs for gods sake.

  6. #6
    And I'll take a Nano Resist buff to go with that MC buff as well, please.

  7. #7
    I don't want any MC buffs, I just want to hold Funcom to the promise that they give us MC debuff protection - buff. Nano Resistance buff would be welcomed as well along with Nano Init (buff) or Nano Init protection buff.

    Where we could really use a skill buff is on TS instead of MC.

  8. #8
    bump... ding 800
    Q u o t e:

    Pardon me for hijacking the thread, here..

    But, Brion - if you don't want your mother to know you were up and on the computer at 3:29 in the morning - DON'T post on a forum that she reads.


    From the WoW forums. best PWNAGE EVAH!!!

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