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Thread: Omni vs Omni even when defending their own arena

  1. #1

    Omni vs Omni even when defending their own arena

    You know, I wasn't going to bother writing anything in the forums since I'm gone in 4 days.

    Today clanners raided Ent arena. Me and another ma teamed up and went in to defend it with a bunch of other omni. (Though we had originaly gone there to fight each other.) Soon things settled down and nothing was happening.

    Suddenly a doctor from MoK attacks me, I was a little suprised since I (yes, not too bright) went semi afk standing there. Well, I have auto attack player on so I started hitting her back. Saw what was happening, and assuming it was a clanner, sent my pet and attempted to kill her. (Found out she was omni after she died and subsequently sent me 4 yr old tells.) My team mate joined in. She died.

    Then I recieve some fairly immature tells along the line of 'youre so dead blahblah wtf etc.'

    Then more of her 'friends' decide we had 'ganked' the poor doc and in turn ganked us. What's sad is half of them are omnis I've buffed and helped out for free in the past. I suppose a chance at Tar loot means more then that.

    Now keep in mind that there are still clanners standing outside of the arena during this. I'm sure we gave them quite an amusing show. /curt

    So clanners. You're right. Omni is pathetic and can't stand together at all. Last four 2ho raids I was in, there were maybe 3-5 omnis. This defending the arena today turned into an omni gank omni gankfest. Sad.

    To the MoK players out there: While I'm glad it fills your little souls to press q on any dot you see on your map, I realize now why omni has such a bad rep for being able to do anything vs the clans.

    I've read all the threads about MoK's arrogance etc, and I really didn't give a damn. But if their players today are anything like the guild in general, then those crybaby threads I suppose do have some merit.

    It's just pathetic how omni kills each other more then clan kills omni.

    Blah, what do I care. I'm out in 4 days anyways.

    And no Deac, stay away from my damn toes. Perv.
    Last edited by Zylina; Aug 28th, 2002 at 09:49:16.

  2. #2


    once when omni was taking of tir arean there was like 8 of us standing in there and Arg roots me then tells me to leave now then alphas me then his soldier guildy kills me then sends me a tell saying omg im dumb sorry i thought you were clan guess it runs in the guild

  3. #3
    please don't change omni... it makes our lives easier.

  4. #4
    Go clan we all know omni is corrupted (except sorli lol)

  5. #5
    /me hands Zylina a Clan application form

    you know you wanna

  6. #6

    how silly

    C'mon know clan are just as bad...i hang out quite a lot in tir i see clan gank clan all the time...I actualy think they gank more then omni...i dont dare step in the 0% in tir cuz i know like 10 ppl are gonna have a go at me (maybe cuz im OT ) but that still dont change the fact that no matter where you are there will be jerk's who gank their own side (fewls....go p00 your self)....
    Well, just my thoughts on the subjekt

    Filthgrinder, Soldier Of Legion[size=0.1]
    Do you belive?
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    Account Created : 2001-06-27 13:42:4

  7. #7
    Originally posted by Jhoanna
    Go clan we all know omni is corrupted (except sorli lol)
    Nah, sorli's a scumbag too, scumbag :P

  8. #8

    Re: how silly

    Originally posted by Frost
    C'mon know clan are just as bad...i hang out quite a lot in tir i see clan gank clan all the time...I actualy think they gank more then omni...i dont dare step in the 0% in tir cuz i know like 10 ppl are gonna have a go at me (maybe cuz im OT ) but that still dont change the fact that no matter where you are there will be jerk's who gank their own side (fewls....go p00 your self)....
    Well, just my thoughts on the subjekt

    High lvl clanners don´t gank each other w/o any reason...and this thread was about high lvl players....

  9. #9
    I've read all the threads about MoK's arrogance etc, and I really didn't give a damn. But if their players today are anything like the guild in general, then those crybaby threads I suppose do have some merit.
    Zylina, If you had taken the issue up with a general, the offender would have been dealt with.
    Instead you choose to come here (common ground) and bash an entire faction over one members actions......lame
    -Zindel- Novice 200 Opifex MA
    -Clematis- Apprentice 180 Opifex Fixer
    -Bushwhacker- 135 Atrox Enforcer
    General of Mecenaries of Kai [TaG]

  10. #10
    I agree fully. That 'omni' entry in the database automatically changes all people into immoral ganking scum

  11. #11
    i dunno about omni ganking eachother but my experience in tir arena tells me that high lvl clanners respect eachother mostly and dont attack eachother without arranging a duel or practise session in the arena. u can quite easily stand in the middle of the arena and chat without the threat of attack from anyone at a reasonable lvl
    o and my thoughts about omni ent arena is that it sucks. i h8 that feckin button :P

    Neophyte Hotpanties
    lvl 199 clan fixer rk1
    Member of Storm

  12. #12
    Originally posted by Hothead
    i dunno about omni ganking eachother but my experience in tir arena tells me that high lvl clanners respect eachother mostly and dont attack eachother without arranging a duel or practise session in the arena. u can quite easily stand in the middle of the arena and chat without the threat of attack from anyone at a reasonable lvl
    o and my thoughts about omni ent arena is that it sucks. i h8 that feckin button :P

    Neophyte Hotpanties
    lvl 199 clan fixer rk1
    Member of Storm
    your forgetting your a fixer

  13. #13
    "C'mon know clan are just as bad...i hang out quite a lot in tir i see clan gank clan all the time...I actualy think they gank more then omni...i dont dare step in the 0% in tir cuz i know like 10 ppl are gonna have a go at me (maybe cuz im OT ) but that still dont change the fact that no matter where you are there will be jerk's who gank their own side (fewls....go p00 your self)....
    Well, just my thoughts on the subjekt"

    Nothinman, muffinhunter and skymarshal were probably the only people who let me go into the omni ent arena and chat, test ****, noob weapon fight and just have a little fun. These 3 people are probably the least seen for me at tir arena, i'll tell you why.

    People say 'oh well **** i can't go to tir' why not? Every omni who comes there except Solyhhit and Elementul5 is there to gank. If they can't come to tir to duel that's their own damn fault. I do not need to back up this generalization, because all you have to do is watch how it's done. Every once in a while one of those 'Big Three' omni guilds will bring one of their new recruits to go 'clan hunting' in tir. I know this because of people i've never seen before all of a sudden in the guild, or, i've seen them before unguilded and not at tir before. I DO visit the arena fairly often, but that's becoming less and less common nowadays with the lack of willingness people have to duel in tir.

    Solyhhit is omni, he's trinity too, and he's allowed by many clanners to do the same i did in omni-ent, he's well liked by a lot of us. RP is just a lame excuse to gank in the arena. But every other omni save Element and Solyhhit are there to gank.. There are people who gank omni 'because they're omni' that doesn't make them any better. But bear in mind, people from both sides do pick and choose their enemies, and not always according to alignment.

    Take metallica86 for example. He steps in, anyone is looking to kill him. If you stepped in, you wouldn't have 6 clanners all attacking you at once, unless of course you stirred up anger within both the so-called RP crowd and the people who try to get rid of the gankers in tir arena. You wouldn't have screenshots posted of your corpse being eaten up by sharks like that recent one by Johiyat(i think that was his i always get Celest and him mixed up). Yes there will always be *******s out there looking to get a free kill off you, but it won't happen nearly as often as it will if you've pissed people off, or ganked at tir.

    Ganking is by no means roleplaying-related. It's a smokescreen, you can just tell by the person's attitude. Ever wonder why these so-called 'roleplayers' visit the arena more often than they visit 2ho? Arenas are more fitting for their bad taste.

    As far as MoK goes with the original poster...Doesn't 'Total Aggression Gaming(TAG)' mean anything to you?

    Hell, not just the's omni vs omni at tarasque as well with the guild-specifications :P
    "A man is someone who has a cause he's willing to fight for and has a woman in his life he'll do anything to protect."
    -SDI Ssgt. Port, USMC, MCRD Parris Island S.C.

    Experienced Stars "Stromm" Nstripes - Retired

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  14. #14

  15. #15
    Man, so many people whine on these forums... anyways.. the point is.. You should probably keep this between you and the person that "ganked" you.. not many omni gank other omni without some kinda reason i suppose.. Or the doc was just playing around with you like many other omni people play with eachother in the arena.. Just because the doc was in MoK doesn't mean its the guild's fault for one persons blabla.. flame me whatever, i could really care less but its the truth and a lot of people know it, except the clanners.. obviously they will disagree.. but they would agree if this was a clan situation.

    Cappy ur eleet =D

  16. #16


    well a few days ago i were in the arena in Omni Ent, bacause some clanners had taken over. 2 of my guildies was ganked by Elementul5, while there still were clanners there... so maybe he dont gank clanners but he sure as hell gank omnis... ./me hands Elementul5 a Clan app...

    i dont really care if a clanner ganks me... maybe they dont see it as roleplay when they do, maybe they just see me as an easy target... but i dont like omnis who gank me...

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