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Thread: Disillusioned CoA leader and advisor joins Omni-Tek

  1. #1

    Exclamation Disillusioned CoA leader and advisor joins Omni-Tek

    At 0700 hours today two security guards stationed outside 4-Holes, Argentum noticed two clanners approach them with a white banner.

    The clanners inform one of the guards that they wish to defect to Omni-Tek. The clanners were safely escorted to the headquarters of Red Tape nearby where they were identified as clan leader Pasquale "Docnecro" Dupaski and advisor Mohammad "Towerofpain " Goliday of the clan The Medical Board -=CoA=-. President Charles "Kithrak" Houston met with them and helped with the paperwork involved.

    When asked about his reasons for defecting to Omni-Tek Docnecro said. "My initial expectations in joining the Council of Ares(CoA) were that they would unite the clans and offer leadership the Council of Truth(CoT) lacked. Over time however, I was greatly disappointed to learn that they only seek to empower themselves.

    They want to force compliance from the CoT, they were willing to use force or the threat of force. With some of the largest militant clans within their ranks, there was little choice for me but to go along under that kind of pressure.

    I'm just a doctor that wishes for a peaceful existence. Civil war looks inevitable within the clans. I hope those who see the truth of the situation within the CoA will not tolerate it and come forward."

    Towerofpain's reasons for defecting were simpler. "I'm not a big thinker....all I can do is give you my reason short and to the point....CoT is lazy and cant do anything. As for the CoA there is so many military clans that they all just scream out for civil war within the clans."

    After the paperwork was completed Kithrak welcomed the two new Omni-Tek employees and offered both a position within Red Tape. They accepted and are now readjusting and provideing valuable first hand information. "They were fortunate the security guards were trained under our department. Our people are taught to exercise the use of force only if they are given no other alternative."
    Charles 'Kithrak' Houston - Equipment
    Administrator, Omni-Admin
    Bringing the politics of Rubi-Ka to life!

    "He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster....when you gaze long into the abyss the abyss also gazes into you..." -Friedrich Nietzsche-

    "By denying support to the possibility of peace, the Council of Truth is guranteeing an outcome of war."-Administrator Houston-

  2. #2
    Very nicely worked bit of political fluff. Im impressed because i dont think many people will see through it

    To put a few points into focus about Docnecro and his friend:

    Not once did he attend a CoA meeting.
    He spoke with the leaders of CoA very breifly ... just to lend his support and request to add CoA to his clan's name.

    According to our records that is his entire time of contact within CoA.

    Its also obvious that these two take press to heart: Comments such as "Screaming for civil war" and "Only seek to empower themselves" could come straight out of anti-CoA propaganda speeches from the early weeks.

    Most people seem to have realized by now, that isnt what the CoA is about.

    So basically ... where am i going with this? Well ... I may be sticking my neck out here, but CoA regards this as selfish and uninformed behaviour from people that seem to have no clue about the Council they volunteered to be part of.

    Its also a big shame to see two Clanners take the selfish option. An easy life under the corporation for themselves while their brothers and sisters and the Clans struggle for a better way of life.
    Sulema Keaorata Fahrni

    You dont need eyes to see, you need vision

  3. #3
    Be that as it may Sambika, it still looks bad. Suggesting the Medical Boards was not serious about the CoA raises even more questions. Are some CoA "more equal" than others? Should The Medical Board been allowed in so carelessly and how many other CoA clans might be just as uncommitted?

    Let's face it, Red Tape has scored a remarkable diplomatic coup here. Time to concede the point gracefully. I am sure MD will have its day too before long.
    Dabblez - Rubi-Ka Universal Robots (RUR)
    We put the Art into Artificial Intelligence!

  4. #4
    ((I do actually admire that bit of work because it was very well done - I think that shows in my original post? That is why it warranted a reply, in an attempt to straighten out a few facts and lessen the blow ))
    Sulema Keaorata Fahrni

    You dont need eyes to see, you need vision

  5. #5
    I'm an Omni, damned proud of it, and it's fitting they should try and discredit this Docnecro and Towerofpain. After all, they saw something that was blatantly, blatantly obvious. Of course, you clanners probably won't listen, it's very easy to accuse me of parroting propaganda when you're incapable of argueing with the points made.

    The CoA is an prototype of what you could expect in droves should by some impossible fluke the Clans overthrow Omni-Tek of Rubi-Ka. Being anarchists with a very diverse idea of 'freedom', they would immediately form any number of their own factions, which they virtually have already and bring about a new age of bloodshed in civil wars.

    At least, until Omni-Prime wiped them out from orbit, or Sol Banking did so. Or hell, maybe the whole ICC would get fed up with them.

    The CoA did threaten violence against the Council of Truth, they are shown in their own papers to say as much. They appear to be perfectly willing to pick up arms against fellow Clanners, if those clanners don't share their want of war with a massive company thats last crimes on the planet date centuries ago.

    The Clans once had a point, and a reason to fight. I'll admit that. Hell, had I lived when Atrox were slave labor left to die and Omni-Med churned out mutant abominations by the busload, maybe I'd have been a Clanner.

    Only I, when Omni-Tek of Rubi-Ka reformed and started actually winning awards for employee treatment, would have been content to join a labor union and gone back to work.

    As it stands, though, I don't see any employee being remotely treated like a slave. In fact, new employees complain that they aren't given enough direction as to what they should do. A far cry from being forced into something they don't want to do.

    Meanwhile, I hear Clanners refer to employees scornfully as jack-booted thugs, mindless followers, pawns, etc. Not exactly with sympathy and understanding. After all, either they or their ancestors were likely once Omni-Tek employees.

    The Clans don't fight for freedom anymore, and there's little to no oppression to fight against, now they fight to start an endless war. If they're not stopped from within, they'll get it too.
    Last edited by Stormrazer; Aug 25th, 2002 at 22:29:28.
    Hated by the weak-willed and stubborn alike, for nonconformity to the will of the unwashed masses, and for an irritating tendancy to be right.

  6. #6

    From the Office of Commander Windguaerd

    Docnecro is a former member of my clan, who was dissapointed he was not promoted. The reason was he did not show the leadership and skills needed to join the MD Command Staff. After becoming inactive for a long period of time he left the clan and formed his own. Docnecro's "The Medical Board" Clan did not take off as he hoped, he was a clan leader for less than a month and he decided to join Omni-Tek with his one Advisor.

    I agree with Mr. Towerofpain's comment "I'm not a big thinker", had he thought things over, he may have seen that he was betraying the clans in his treacherous switch to an easy life with the corporation, which would be happy to see all of our people erradicated from the face of Rubi-ka.

    I see this as the clans losing two weapons on our side, and Omni-Tek gaining two more lackies on their side.

    Two traitors who now are "providing valuable first hand information" to the enemy, yes...I see how you were true your dreams gentlemen, in your dreams.

    And Mr. Kithrak's comment "They were fortunate the security guards were trained under our department"...clearly states not all Omni-Tek Departments would hold their fire even if an unarmed clanner was to peacefully approach them...good luck Docnecro and Towerofpain, you're now two upstanding omni drones.
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    Founding member of the Council of Truth Clerical Staff.
    Keep in mind: My posts are my own personal views and thoughts.

  7. #7
    Oh but what a jolly good parroting of CLAN propaganda. A nice little song and dance any clanner has heard some shadow of on their mission terminal, doubtless.

    Let's get back to the facts, shall we? Omni-Tek isn't pushing for war. Omni-Tek hasn't created the Council of Ares in the hopes of replacing the Council of Truth, thereby nullifying the Tir Accord and giving them free range to see your people, as you put it, 'eradicated from the face of the Rubi-Ka'.

    That'd be a lovely evil plot to accuse the corperation of, but WAIT! The CoA is a Clan organization! YOUR organization! You, who take such pride in being good, upstanding Clansmen, are pushing for an age of bloodshed, not Omni-Tek. In fact, I and many other employees have spoken against the stupidity of bringing about this war. Which, thanks to what seems to be a chain of events you and yours have put into motion, I doubt that even if the LOT of you reformed and actually sought peace for once, you could prevent war. Clan Sentinels and the like are even more skip-bonking looney than you are. If just by somewhat.

    No, Omni-Tek signed the Accord, and even if we've had our criminals that went in violation of it, we've still done a hell of a lot of a better job on our end then you have over there.

    We've had three botched attempts to take Omni-HQ lately, and though seeing the Clansmen die in the attempts brutally was a signifigant morale booster to the more militant of us, the Clan assaults were in EXTREME violation of the Accord.

    Unprovoked, like much what that you folks do is. Omni-Tek signed an Accord that gave you and yours land, a recognized Gov't, and even the ownership of any new notum mines found on Clan territory. And on top of that, even though it's against the Tir Accord, many employees actually welcome Clanners in Rompa and other OT places of business.

    Hell, I know this first hand, as I'm one of the few people that'd hold both sides to the Tir Accord. The occasional employee gets just a bit sore at me when I tell their Clan drinking buddy what they're in violation of, and that they shouldn't be there.

    That alone has made me hated in some parts of Omni-1, hated for holding Clanners accountable. Really, just how hateful does that make Omni-Tek seem toward Clanners?

    As for unarmed Clanners approaching Omni-1, all guards can be trusted not to shoot, so long as the Clanner approaching had sense enough to send an application in advance.
    Hated by the weak-willed and stubborn alike, for nonconformity to the will of the unwashed masses, and for an irritating tendancy to be right.

  8. #8


    I have been reading CoA topics, news articles, collected information and I come to the same conclusion each time. Im going to sum it up into 1 sentence.

    CoA is not looking for civil war.

    Many of the people who argue against them are using information floating around in gossip, not a good way to go. I would believe those two traitors if they had some proof, as for me im going to keep making statements based on facts, not like Docnecro and Towerofpain.

    Also the Tir Accord has been broken by both sides MANY times. It's just a piece of paper that does nothing. Even without the Tir accord it would not be in Omni-Tek's best interest to destroy the Clans with one large galactic force. Other companies would take advantage of that event (most likely Sol B.C).
    Last edited by Gabro; Aug 28th, 2002 at 06:17:24.
    Gabro ,
    A Member of Lost Chapter
    Level 200 Bureaucrat RK1

  9. #9
    I am dissappionted that you take such dim views of Docnecro or Towerofpain. You sound as if you were upset that they freely chose to leave the CoA and clans to join Omni-Tek. But isn't freedom what the clans cherish as the one thing that they claim, sets them apart from Omni-Tek? Then why do you scorn their freedom to choose to peacefully leave your madness behind them and seek sanity, order, stablity?

    It was the actions of the clans that caused the ICC to bring in the peacekeepers that are on their way to Rubi-Ka even now. The emergency powers granted to the ICC that made this possible was instigated by Sol Banking among others. If the CoA is not such a threat to the continued stability of the clans and the CoT there would have been no need for the peacekeepers to begin with.

    It was because of the CoA's actions and and the continued unprovoked attacks on Omni-Tek in each and every case it was the clans that were "seen" as the aggressors. You can say what you will about your peaceful intentions but your actions speak much louder than your words and lies.

    Wake up clanners and fellow citizens of Rubi-Ka. Outside third parties are starting to move in to intervene in the form of ICC Peacekeepers. This was started by Sol Banking and other corporations that have been extremely aggressive in attempting to not only get rid of Omni-Tek, but the Clans as well. They do not care about your freedom or Omni-Tek's profits. They only seek to see the both of us wiped off the face of the planet.

    We have united once against a "common" foe. I have no desire to see your actions cause this common foe to return and now it is too late....
    Last edited by Kithrak; Aug 28th, 2002 at 06:37:01.
    Charles 'Kithrak' Houston - Equipment
    Administrator, Omni-Admin
    Bringing the politics of Rubi-Ka to life!

    "He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster....when you gaze long into the abyss the abyss also gazes into you..." -Friedrich Nietzsche-

    "By denying support to the possibility of peace, the Council of Truth is guranteeing an outcome of war."-Administrator Houston-

  10. #10
    Well said, Charles, but it's not that they were seen to be the agressors. They WERE the agressors. Even the Omni-Tek force that took Athen that one time was there in retaliation for a Clan occupation of Omni-Ent.

    It's the Clans actions that speak far louder than their words, and this leader of Lost Chapter spouts more of it.

    They don't want peace... Certainly not the Council of Ares. That much is EASILY proven.

    I site this.

    Look at that. Pay 'special attention to "The CoT and Radiman have done nothing but hurt the clans chance of winning this war!"

    What war? War hasn't been officially declared. Yet they think they're going to win it? Tell me, fearless leader, do you really think if Omni-Tek of Rubi-Ka was wiped out tomorrow, that the Clans would have peace?

    I hate to repeat myself anymore, it gets tiresome, but apparently I must. Even if Omni-Tek of Rubi-Ka were removed, the Clans would just start quibbling over resources and power between themselves. Clan Sentinels alone has been calling for disobedience to the Council of Truth, Clan Knights has left the CoT, and there is CoA wanting to be the new boss.

    They're a long ways away from being one voice, and with their common and comparatively pacifistic enemy done away with, you'd have to be mad if you think they wouldn't become each other's rivals.

    Ah, and then you can well expect Sol Banking to move in. The clans by that time would have doubtless given Sol power to convince the ICC the Clans can't be dealt with. Then it's the Clans vs. the legions of every hyper-corperation in known space.

    And don't kid yourself, if war starts, it's VERY much in Omni-Tek's best interest to try and annihilate the clans as fast as possible. By orbit, as much as they can. After all, an extended real war would give ICC and Sol Banking a fine excuse to move in themselves. More than they have already, thanks to the instability that the CoA has helped to provide.

    That 'peice of paper' we know to be the Tir Accord is all that's kept Omni-Tek from using it's full might against the Clans. That's some considerable might... After all, Omni-Tek does business on countless planets, millions of bases, and a home-world called Omni-Prime that it has to itself, and is free to design and produce any weapon the most deranged scientists they can hire could build.

    You think the grunts you see in Omni-Ent. are the full extent of Omni-Tek's power? Yeah... You keep telling yourself that. Look more to Omni-HQ, which Clan forces have failed to capture thrice in just this past month, and multiply the forces there by several hundred thousand, if not millions.

    The only reason the Clans weren't wiped out to start, is that at one time they worked the mines, infiltrated key locations, held places that Omni-Tek couldn't just waste without killing loyal employees and wasting vast amounts of property. Causing horrific loss of life and profit.

    Now though... The mines are all run by droids and loyal employees happy with their jobs. All clanners for the most part swarm between their own cities.

    The Clansmen have little they can hold hostage, and now that they've no rallying cry that makes any sense to a true employee, they stand against what is really a very solid and defensible seat of power, while they live in no city a tactical nuke couldn't make short work of.

    Daft clanner... Peace was in the Clans' best interest. Not war. Radiman knew it, the Council of Truth knew it, but you... You and the CoA... No, you let the power you held go to your heads. You dared to think you and yours were better than everyone else, and that no force could stand against you.

    Oh but what a rude wake-up call it will be, if Omni-Prime does see fit to flex it's muscle, and make the Clans an example to Sol B.C. and the ICC. No one will sing the CoA's praises that day. No one will defend it. The loss of life will be astronomical. And people like you started it.
    Hated by the weak-willed and stubborn alike, for nonconformity to the will of the unwashed masses, and for an irritating tendancy to be right.

  11. #11
    While this really has nothing to do with anything, I think perhaps the CoA did not lose much in losing Towerofpain. Unless there are other 101 atrox enforcers with the exact name on RK1 that is. Then again, perhaps they do feel the loss of an atrox who was heard to shout nonsense about gays etc for half an hour in 20k. *shrug* Such a diplomatic atrox must be a rare find.

  12. #12
    Posts like the last one from Zylina is a great way to take a discussion, and turn it into a flame session, or personal attack forum.

    I myself don't like hearing about such behavior happening in the game, but I believe, and forgive me if I'm wrong, this thread was a IC discussion on recent events. I hope that someone personally smacked that person on the back of the head for making comments like that, but that is not what the thread was about.. it has no place here. tell your friends in /tells...spread the word to Red tape, and Charles...but, taking a interesting thread and making it a way to personally strike down another player? no matter how wrong his actions or words were at one time?

    We all have skeletons in our closet.....what happens if someone posts yours?

    I urge everyone else who wishes to respond to the thread to please, stay on topic with the discusson, cause it would be a shame to see this self distruct over something like that.

    (note..I do not know any of the people listed in the article personally, was only responding by my own emotional reaction to many posts I have read along these lines, that really are more about destroying a person, than taking part in a discussion. If the person did say the things listed, that was not kewl, but by posting that here, unrelated to the actual topic, makes you just as bad, if not worse IMO)
    AO is not just about pvp, or Rp or power lvling. It is about whatever the players choose to bring to it. Don't make it personal against one of these groups because you feel nerfed by the game company.

    Atlantian: "Jesska Rhees" - lvl 153 Crat - retired
    Rimor: Krazee "Lilyflie" Madness - lvl 103 ENF - semi around again

  13. #13
    Hum, I'm not familar with the one hundred and one atrox enforcers you speak of...or this odd concept. Towerofpain was never said to be diplomatic in any public statements. Surely an intelligent person such as yourself is familar with the way most atroxes freely say whatever is on their mind. His inappropriate public behavior has no bearing on the current disscussion.

    His personal views do not in any way reflect the views of my organization and it would have been far more professional of you to disscuss this issue in private instead of mudslinging in public. I will follow up on this issue at a later date.
    Charles 'Kithrak' Houston - Equipment
    Administrator, Omni-Admin
    Bringing the politics of Rubi-Ka to life!

    "He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster....when you gaze long into the abyss the abyss also gazes into you..." -Friedrich Nietzsche-

    "By denying support to the possibility of peace, the Council of Truth is guranteeing an outcome of war."-Administrator Houston-

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