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Thread: Cosmik plz read

  1. #1

    Cosmik plz read

    Since we're close to the next patch can you maybe get the programmers to make it so that you dont get PvP points from same side kills?

    Its come up a few times in our guild....we would like to be able to maybe practice PvP a little with our friends but since we cant duel without losing/gaining points we dont

    Alotta times theres not many Omni on for us to fight in any of the PvP spots(im sure the omnis get this prob with clanners too)and we just think it would be great to goto mort bar or something and have a free-for-all fight just for some laughs

    this CAN'T be difficult for the patch team to write up and it would make a WORLD of difference with this games funfactor for high Lv's and guildees that just wanna have some fun

    this is NOT about farming...anyone that PvP's knows who the farmers are and arent by how often their seen in 25%
    What it IS about is losing points for a title that I've been juggling around for months now....Im a damage Taker not Dealer and getting the kill isnt as easy for me as it is for alotta others(any Doc can relate to this)

    Since the real PvPers get most kills from people not in their faction,i seriously doubt that this would affect anyone other than farmers and char's too afraid to stand in 25%

    This games supposed to be about a war,and fighting same side IMO is training for the Clan/Omni fights......Can a private in the Army earn the rank of General by constantly going thru basic training?.................Didn't think so.

    Just about everyone in RED loves to PvP and im sure we arent the only guild like that,maybe FC can give us a chance to train our new guildees and have some fun in the process instead of this dueling to 50% nonsense

    Can't speak for the other guilds mind u,neither can i speak for the uber twinks lv 1-25 that love to pvp in arena,so plz chime in and speak your mind...........

    Disciple092 lv 200 Clan MA

  2. #2

  3. #3
    just team with someone. that way you won't lose or gain pvp points.

  4. #4
    Yea what Borrace said.. something for you to do if they dont change it .

    Btw I have a level 10 twink i dont mind if they change the title thing.. I like just Owning people - Title scares people off heh
    If you can't beat them, Hit them in the face with a wrench


  5. #5
    Originally posted by Borrace
    just team with someone. that way you won't lose or gain pvp points.

    ahh u still lose points if u die and are in a team, u just don't gain any.
    My small army on rbk2

    Got Nullity Sphere?


    <--flavor of the month

    I See you!

  6. #6
    You only lose points if the person that kills you gains points.

    215 Solitus Soldier RK1
    Advisor Midnight Reveries.

    Do politics exist? Yes.
    Who's involved in them? Anyone who wants to be.

    If you spend your time worrying about what everyone else is doing in their lives, you'll miss what's happening in yours.

  7. #7
    really? i thought the point system didn't count at all when you were teamed.

    are you sure?

  8. #8
    Originally posted by Borrace
    really? i thought the point system didn't count at all when you were teamed.

    are you sure?
    a few things have been comfirmed by some people ,that very few other poeple know about team pvp.

    when you kill somoene that is teamed you gain points if you are not teamed.

    when you kill someone while teamed u gain no points.

    when you die while teamed you DO lose points, just not as much as if you were not teamed, but there is no way to determine how much because theres no way to view your pvp rating.

    another thing that is not confirmed yet is that when u join a team your pvp titles are averaged to a certain value which gives your team a pvp value, and anyone within this 100pts of team pvp value can get points off you if they are not teamed.

    for example a novice with 1750 pvp rating teams with a freshman with 1450 rating.

    1450+1750=3200/2 = 1600

    the team pvp rating is now 1600, which means a rookie with 1500 pvp rating could get kill points off the novice, or an apprentice get some kill points off the freshman, as long as they are unteamed.

    this hasnt been confirmed, but it seems logical to some people gaining titles off higer or lower titled people in some cases.

    anyways i bump this thread because it should be done.
    like disc said but ill say it better :P

    "should a soldier gain the rank of general by killing his own soldiers?"
    Last edited by A²; Aug 28th, 2002 at 20:10:28.

  9. #9


    Interesting thread, but I have a better idea. I've been saying it for over a year: Make the whole world 0% and remove the lvl 75+ restriction; then we'll really have Anarchy and the game can live up to its name. It'll be beautiful I tell ya.

    Predisent of Redemption

  10. #10
    Thx for going way off topic "Predisent" Messman

    anyways this is about us trying to get a change on the PvP points system so that you can't get points for killing someone in same faction........such possibilities...we can even have guilds face off in actual COMPETITIONS without the worry of losing hard earned PvP points in the name of fun

    WON'T be a tough bit of programming Cosmik,plz reply

  11. #11
    Oh yeah tell me more Messman

    *Love that idea* hehe

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