i posted this in a reply to someones question but id figure id make a new thread

a few things have been comfirmed by some people ,that very few other poeple know about team pvp.

when you kill somoene that is teamed you gain points if you are not teamed.

when you kill someone while teamed u gain no points.

when you die while teamed you DO lose points, just not as much as if you were not teamed, but there is no way to determine how much because theres no way to view your pvp rating.

another thing that is not confirmed yet is that when u join a team your pvp titles are averaged to a certain value which gives your team a pvp value, and anyone within this 100pts of team pvp value can get points off you if they are not teamed.

for example a novice with 1750 pvp rating teams with a freshman with 1450 rating.

1450+1750=3200/2 = 1600

the team pvp rating is now 1600, which means a rookie with 1500 pvp rating could get kill points off the novice, or an apprentice get some kill points off the freshman, as long as they are unteamed.

this hasnt been confirmed, but it seems logical to some people gaining titles off higer or lower titled people in some cases.