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Thread: Pet Pathing

  1. #1

    Pet Pathing

    Well I'm prety new to the game, been a few weeks now, and am playing a crat. Missions seem to create a lot of problems for pets, sometimes charms cancel in team missions between levels, pets get stuck or lost or run around in a room with the mob they are supposed to attack then run off down the hall. Some environments are really hard on the poor dumb things.

    My suggestion is a simple one really. I'm sure there are many complex reasons why pet pathing has been problematic to fix over the past year, and this may seem like an unrealistic fix but, well, it's not really a realistic game. When you use the /pet follow cmd the pet teleports to you instantly, same with all charmed pets. When you use the /pet attack cmd the pet teleports directly to the targeted mob/player and attacks. If this is a big pvp problem, just make it work this way indoors only.

    I easily spend half my time in missions chasing down my pets and trying to get them to pull their heads out of their a55se.

  2. #2

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