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Thread: just do 40% healing

  1. #41
    Originally posted by Demono

    so what you are saying is that if CH is as imbalancing as MK shield..

    and bracers (42% reflect)+ RRFE are the equivalent of MK shield but permanent

    then Docs are so unbalanced that it is ridiculous because they can have the two most unbalancing items in the game
    Lol, so ur saying that only doc's can wear bracers? u must be kidding... i have no clue what profession u play, but i've fought Soldiers that take 0 dmg from my gun. And it's not like i can kill a soldier for those 40 sec nanoshutdown last

    What i'm saying is that since heals, TMS, UVC, evades, debuffs where designed for full dmg, why do u ppl only cry for nerf on heals? because to me those buffs are equal designed for full dmg game.... heck now even MA's cry for nerf on doc's CH...why is that, because we can heal ur insane amount of UVC critts made by Flashpoint, River 6 and all ur different dmg types made by fists.
    Offcourse MA's think our initdebuff is worse then Traders debuff, MA's are among a few proffessions that can fight on full def and resist and evade a lot, and i see MA's wack Traders with ease

    If none could kill a doc i would not for a sec hesitate to say that we are overpowered, but as it is today Traders, MP's and some good Agents (in fp Trader) wins almost hands down vs doc's. And we fight equal to a lot of other professions, just because we gives u a hard fight and u cant beat us down with ease every time does not give u the right to cry for nerf.

    It's not like doc's are real mean killingmachines, it takes us ages to kill someone, and it's all about outliving our oponent. And more then one profession can criple our skills so we cant cast i.e CH. Heck Noer landed 2 debuffs on me the other day even tho i was on full def and have 865 nanoresist, my selfequipped weapon turned into 0% effective, i had to zone into bunker because i was laughing so bad But u dont see me on the BB cry for nerf on Traders do u?

    I even hope FC nerf heals to 50% because the funniest part of the game as it is now is to read all the whining on BB. And it sure wont stop if heals are nerfed, i can assure u that next up is TMS, cocoon, rrf, roots, stun +++...
    Last edited by Fryli; Aug 20th, 2002 at 21:43:48.

  2. #42
    Originally posted by Demono

    I think a lot of people think they should at least be able to stand a chance against a doc... but a doc with bracers and RRFE is unbeatable, except by a few debuffers, if they get off their debuff first. so... against debuffers it would be 50/50.. and against anyone else it is almost 0% chance if the doc has the bracers and RRFE
    I am sure that you happy since bracers getting nerfed....
    Yes make all buffs self only.
    Two sisters practicing medicine on Rubika and Shadowlands Pomy and Julka.

    As a doctor i would prescribe you to use some common sense and a vacation to Real Life"

    If i ever start a new character in Eve i will choose a name something like "aieerjjnnvajjnasdio11e3".

  3. #43
    Originally posted by Fryli

    I even hope FC nerf heals to 50% because the funniest part of the game as it is now is to read all the whining on BB. And it sure wont stop if heals are nerfed, i can assure u that next up is TMS, cocoon, rrf, roots, stun +++...
    L) MAs will be the biggest whiners then. Since they soooo depend on their heals when fighting soldiers.
    Two sisters practicing medicine on Rubika and Shadowlands Pomy and Julka.

    As a doctor i would prescribe you to use some common sense and a vacation to Real Life"

    If i ever start a new character in Eve i will choose a name something like "aieerjjnnvajjnasdio11e3".

  4. #44


    I feel like im the only non Doc class postin on this thread now
    Anyways i kinda feel like i was makin some valid points if u keep in mind that they are from a totally MA point of view

    Like i said before..there is not 1 single doc in AO that i dislike.Dunno why that it's worked out that way maybe you just whenever i come across you you are in good moods =).Even the omni docs are really cool when it comes to dueling and hangin out in low supression zones

    Pomy.....Most docs dont have good titles cause noone wants to duel them plain and simple there arent enuff Traders and MP's that play anymore for docs to duel their way up to a good title.and your totally right about docs not being able to get kills in group PvP your not a class that does lots of fast damage.I can kinda relate ever since i tossed my LLTS to have better defense and be a good tank(cue the violin music....) im rookie now and if i ever do get another title it'll most likely be freshman*sniff* :P

    BTW didnt know about MA's bein able to wreck traders i really need to duel some people,i havent really dueled since just before the UVC patch when i got friggin owned repeatedly by a lv 165ish doc =p(talk to me about balance im lv 200 here)

    Good point about some classes bein able to take out the docs tho it does make sense,its kinda similar to the fixers and unfortunately im not on those lists to be in charge of those 2 classes

    Whatever happens dont ever say that you docs arent a kickass class.
    Ive never felt more secure in PvP zones that when Im with peeps like Fryli and Necessity

    Anyways i didnt mean for my posts to come off like nasty not about to make any enemies over a friggin thread......

    Disciple092 lv 200 Clan MA

  5. #45


    Your DoTs are lethal to non healing profs, all you need to do is CH until I

    Apart from that, I am NOT after any sort of nerf here, I want DMG at 100%. since (as you said) everyone has rrfe there is no way to one shot/kill anyone nor is it normally possible in three shots.

    Docs OWN 1 vs 1, we simply have no chance, traders (FC`s ole love child )are perhaps the only class nastier than you for a soldier in pvp.

    OMHH heals for 110 or so, I can instacast it, but not fight at the same time.

    Your heals alone (defining abiltity) is more than enough to withstand the onslaught (read tickle) of a soldier. Since we no longer have a defining ability we cannot do anything.

    pvp with bracers is silly. No non helaing prof will go toe to toe with any of the healers.

    and a whole litter of bearcubs ...

    "Only the dead have seen the end of war." -- Plato
    "You see me now, a soldier, of a 1000 psychic wars...." -- Blue Oyster Cult

  6. #46
    Originally posted by Fryli

    I even hope FC nerf heals to 50% because the funniest part of the game as it is now is to read all the whining on BB. And it sure wont stop if heals are nerfed, i can assure u that next up is TMS, cocoon, rrf, roots, stun +++...
    Frily i think you misunderstood me, i never asked for heal nerf (check back if u wanna bother) all i asked for originally was full damage back and specials unnerfed, as well as NT nuke range (use to be ~70m) and bracers made unique as Kink said that was it. Now FC decides to make bracers totally useless thats not what i wanted. Cap heals at 50% is a nerf and nerfs are a waste of time and a bad way of solving problems.
    Old day mass pvp was boring cause soldiers use to TMS/whompa/alpha and zone back waiting on recharge while the target was dead. But this wouldnt have come back even with 100% dmg and no cap on specials because RRF and 1 bracers could still cut out 41% of the damage if they did it as i proposed.
    Anyway well see whats next now ;(

    NB: Julia u can have 900 ams at lvl 200 i can have max 1K, some "supposely nerfed" prof has 1.3K ams at lvl 160ish.....

  7. #47
    Originally posted by Infamine

    NB: Julia u can have 900 ams at lvl 200 i can have max 1K, some "supposely nerfed" prof has 1.3K ams at lvl 160ish.....
    Lol i dont even want to think how gimped my AMS will be with AR/RE.

    And as i said 900 ams is extremly... it means i must put bright shotgun and faded shotgun. Bright shotgun conflicts with TS/MS that i soooo need and faded shotgun conflicts with BM that i also will need.

    By the way i think its lame that best mass combat proffesion whines here. There was 7 of us in bunker two days ago and about 30 omnis outside 2 soldiers 2 docs 2 MAs and agent every time we went out of the bunker one omni was falling dead. Thanks to alpha by soldiers and AS from river series that MAs were using.
    Two sisters practicing medicine on Rubika and Shadowlands Pomy and Julka.

    As a doctor i would prescribe you to use some common sense and a vacation to Real Life"

    If i ever start a new character in Eve i will choose a name something like "aieerjjnnvajjnasdio11e3".

  8. #48
    FYI Doc AMS with various weapons at lvl 200:

    Shotgun: 750 (only shining)
    Rifle: 750 (triple implantable)
    1HB: 850 (triple)
    MA: 900 (triple + lightblue)

    Thats about it; AR/RE is even worse (around 650).

    Still think we got 'uber' AMS?

    In teampvp being doc means healing people; init debuffs and dots. Like out class was meant to be. We're not the dmg dealers there.

    In Duels we get 'owned' by trader, mp, engineer, agent, yaddy yaddy etc all what other docs said above. We 'own' soldiers yes, get soldiers some loving (they are getting it anyways).

    Most docs have more then 500/600 evades AFTER 180++ because of the insane darkblue IP cost.

    CH costs 1400 nano and can be cast around 4 times without good items. Add a hardcore ncu and Gailee hood and buff yourself up with Cruncher and HE and you can chaincast it for 11mins. Now who has Gailee? Ever saw a duel with a doc? Most take 4+ mins, docs must hope the other one doesnt just /walk away laughing.

    Check my sig; Firerose had Rookie in 2 evenings, just from alpha-ing gankers and duels with classes I knew I stood a chance to (so I didnt duel trader/doc etc). Know how hard it is to get Rookie with a doc? Try it yourself; you'll be amazed how long it will take because we have no real shot dmg potential. Which is fine with me. I think I pretty much know how a soldier works, we (soldiers) do great team pvp; we're the tanks litterairy. Docs in teampvp are the healers. It's balanced for teampvp, stop thinking war is fought in duels.

    Vhir / 215 Doctor
    Nynke / 205 Agent
    Letah / 200 Doctor
    Firerose / 200 Soldier
    [eqp | imps | pics | sig]

    Yeah I'm back, no need to ask your ebay-check questions

  9. #49
    Well dmg and heals should be caped same amount %.....think if it was 50% heals and 100% dmg instead...shouldn´t that **** up heal classes huh?

    Just see it as it is....dmg and heals need to be at same % cap...that´s the truth...

  10. #50
    Originally posted by Cyboot
    Well dmg and heals should be caped same amount %.....think if it was 50% heals and 100% dmg instead...shouldn´t that **** up heal classes huh?

    Just see it as it is....dmg and heals need to be at same % cap...that´s the truth...
    Yea, Cyboot to bring ur arguement a bit further....yea, dmg is nerfed to 50/40 and heals are not....but i cant see that RRF, TMS, UVC, EVADES, DEBUFFS, AC +++....are caped either...

    So when u cry for nerf on heals....i can agree as long as FC nerf all those other defensive abilities and buffs along with heals

  11. #51
    PvP in AO is such a convoluted mess of imbalancing features, near impossible to correct. There is almost never a way to make a positive change without one or two unwanted negative effects.

    When gathering the troops for mass pvp, there are a few professions that makes everyone just say, "ALRIGHT!!! " when they show. Docs and Fixers are the first ones that come to my mind. Docs are probably the most wanted allies and the most hated opponents. If both sides have a doc, there is balance. Any side with more or less than the other and the battle is noticeably imbalanced.

    With that in mind I'd like to say.....No one single profession should be the main factor for whether a team wins or fails.

    The fix? Maybe the nano cost of CH should be increased considerably. Sure docs are vulnerable to nano shut down and deprives....just like everyone else. Complete heals are not the ONLY prize features of docs, just the most abused. Would the amount of complete heals you could cast really matter after nano shut down was placed in your ncu?

    I do not agree with 100% damage, and I don't agree with 40% heals.....we got past that ugly mess a long time ago.

    Also, Pomy your indecent, idiotic, non constructive posts are enough to make a person grow a tumor ....time to take the trash out.
    -Zindel- Novice 200 Opifex MA
    -Clematis- Apprentice 180 Opifex Fixer
    -Bushwhacker- 135 Atrox Enforcer
    General of Mecenaries of Kai [TaG]

  12. #52
    actually ill wait to see what fc does to TMS recharge time, if its going down to ~10sec then soldier case is fixed
    now another think trolls in my mind for quite some time, NT nuke range cap, use to be ~70m max now capped to 40m making useless the highest range inc what yall think ?

  13. #53


    Originally posted by Pris401
    E5..... why all the doc hate?

    Is it because when we were test duelling you couldn't even beat me when I didn't use my init debuff?

    Well... Firefly managed to kill me pretty easily, made me lose rookie... and he's lower level than you...what's my point? none really.. offense, but we test dueled and I didn't have dimach or outside buffs. I seem to recall almost accidentally killing you in a similar incident, and if I had felt the need to use dimach, undoubtedly you would have been staring at a reclaim within the next few minutes. I also recall witnessing you vs Aidin, in which was the saddest 'duel' (dare I say duel as opposed to massacre?)...shortly afterwords her and I dueled, and it was a pretty even match (Though I probably would have lost eventually...merely due to level factor), but we were unable to finish as she had to leave because of some guild business or something. I'm not afraid of docs...I've rarely lost to one in a pvp match. (I'm more than willing to back that up, if you feel like rezzing. send me a /tell) I've had my share of fights with compromise (claimed i was exploiting or something in camalot...) yashanda (we're pretty even). (most of you are dumb enough to use ithacas...and duck exp. is one of the easiest evades to raise (so8 armor, spirit boots, limbo mastery = 1.1k+ duck exp. also rrfe and 2 t5 projectile bracers make your crits for 250ish, even with a snakemaster)

    I would have to agree with zindel, however, in the request that the nano cost of CH be at least it is, i believe your CH costs less nano than my heal...which is rediculous...

    If you wish for damage to be increased to 100% (who the hell thought of this idea) then, quite simply...your insane. I must admit that i was never around for the 10k aimshot days...or the 10k full auto days ...and despite the fact that theres a support 50% damage cap, most of the proffesions will die before they realize whats happening...(agents will own the day..sneak/concentration/AS/FS(?) ect...It seems only soldiers want this idea...though I can understand why...they get aggrod, TMS, FS/burst/ over..)

    I'm done with this thread.. (no offense fryli/pomy, but you sound like your about go outside and play, im not going to bother arguing with you)

  14. #54
    err AS was 10k FA was up to 15k if my memory is good, ask messmann he stil lgot a screenie of him FA for an insane ammount by garv i think

  15. #55
    sorry guys i have to agree with Fryli 85%of the time and not just cause im a doc ,does that make me 12 as well ?
    in fact i would say as an add to this ,we dont kill fast enough !
    LEAVE us alone
    as to having 1.1k in evades when our evades are dark blue .unlike your nice green evades pls show me how
    maybe you should start a doc and to see what pvping is like cause its a lot diffrent than you think
    Last edited by Slipstar; Aug 22nd, 2002 at 16:49:03.

  16. #56
    told ya Polgra we dont kill fast enough everyone dont kill fast enough. I witnessed some 5mn+ fights thats bs just put back real damage

  17. #57
    Originally posted by Fryli

    Yea, Cyboot to bring ur arguement a bit further....yea, dmg is nerfed to 50/40 and heals are not....but i cant see that RRF, TMS, UVC, EVADES, DEBUFFS, AC +++....are caped either...

    So when u cry for nerf on heals....i can agree as long as FC nerf all those other defensive abilities and buffs along with heals
    I didn´t cry, just my opinion

  18. #58
    Dunno about making it 40% but at least make it whatever the dmg is (think its 50%) im sick of boring doc fights, at least in MA fights i die after my tms has run out, with docs it just goes on untill we dicide to give up and go home, i keep using first aids and they keep using first aids for nano so its pretty pointless, especially seeing as a lot of classes cant even heal.

  19. #59
    I obviously don't PvP the majority of my time in AO, but, the classes I can *not* kill are Trader and MP. The classes I have a very tough time with are Enforcers and Soldiers higher lvl than me, and MAs which use a ridiculously high Shen.

    I may find some ways around the last 3 to have an easier job PvP'ing them, but against Traders and MPs, there is nothing we (docs) can do to even have a remote chance of success.

    My guild president and I PvP'd in Wine one-on-one. Even with my best init debuff, I'm still instantly divested for lower heals, then plundered, then divested, then plundered. Trader debuffs last 3 minutes, doc init debuffs don't. This means when my init debuff wears off, I can't re-cast it. He got me down to using a QL60 heal and critting for 139 points of damage (he did not have any reflect shields, damage shields, or bracers). I was a sitting duck.

    MPs? I PvP'd a guild MP my level and it was such a joke. Nano Shutdown, Mind Quake, Curse of Chronos, heal pet, attack pet, mezz pet, nova flow, all while I can't heal myself? Again, init debuffs don't mean jack when you're being chain-NS'd because you can't recast it when it wears off. Granted, I have some more ideas/tricks up my sleeve I need to test with him But at first glance without some serious strategic plans, it's totally silly and a joke.

    I'll get you next time, Meurgen! Next tiiiiime!!


  20. #60
    docs get owned by mp/trader and semi-owned by ma if we arent outside buffed (he/crunch to outlast ma). All classes have their natural enemies so to speak and it isnt the case doctors kill fast; we all have around 700 to 800 atk rating. Some classes have more enemies then 'easy' ones, up those classes a bit, sure. Soldiers for once need some help.

    Funny how people *still* ask for 40% heals while FC already stated not to do that, and we already found out a lil that its like not possible to code (as in, what if a mob attacks with the player, what amount do I heal?).

    Try something else, look at your own class, its not that there are a lot pvp docs.

    Vhir / 215 Doctor
    Nynke / 205 Agent
    Letah / 200 Doctor
    Firerose / 200 Soldier
    [eqp | imps | pics | sig]

    Yeah I'm back, no need to ask your ebay-check questions

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