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Thread: Cz, 12 days before WTA, any info from the guys?

  1. #1

    Cz, 12 days before WTA, any info from the guys?

    Ok, soon we might have the 14.5 patch in our hands, and frankly Cz, im curious and excited. Though im not likely to be that affected(level 38) by the part of the patch about high level outdoor content, it would be nice to have some more info still.

    I am sure there are more who are anxious to hear from you about the patch, and there ought to be things that are definite to be in the patch. Could you do a big "pleeeeeease a tiny bit more info to release guys" to see if you can be allowed to give us some more.(i probably repeated myself several times in this post, heh)

    By the way, I think you and the guys are doing a great job, keep it up. All hail Cz and the rest of funcom, they are not as bad as many seem to think they are. They are just people, like everyone else.
    Last edited by Joramon; Aug 16th, 2002 at 14:04:00.
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  2. #2
    my thumbs up to you guys too!

    Any teaser info CZ?

  3. #3
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