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Thread: Suggestion: Why don't we take all the powerleveling idiots out and shoot them?

  1. #1

    Suggestion: Why don't we take all the powerleveling idiots out and shoot them?

    I spent about six hours tonight trying to get a team of ~100th level players to hunt at outpost 10-3.




    I think I heard every stupid whine about how "we're not getting enough xp" that there is out there.

    We never even got to the main biledrinker village, where there would have been *more* than enough enemies and xp because they'd all leave before we finished walking the 5 minutes to the camp!

    Plus, no one seems to realize that you don't have to stand on top of the freakin mob to shoot it with a RANGED weapon!

    I KNOW you stand that close in missions, because the rooms are tiny, but we're NOT IN A BLOODY MISSION, DORKWAD! Use the frickin range!

    And when the agent roots a melee mob, you can just step away and not get hit! You don't have to stand right up next to the mob and complain that roots are useless! ARRRRRRRRGH!

    (This belongs in a rant section. But there is no rant section. So I stuck it here. Neh.)
    Kenlon- Combat Medic, RK1
    "This! Is! My! Boomstick!" Gear.

    Creaky old vet, back for another go-round.

  2. #2
    ahh, brings back memories of early hunting days.

    i recall thinking it kinda sucked when my team could stand and shoot a mob while i was running out to hit the SOB. made the difference between melee and ranged stand out a bit.

    /me sighs wistfully

  3. #3
    What? You mean this isn't the rant section? lol sorry everyone

  4. #4
    It's much easier for new AO players to reach level 100 nowdays. There are much more money in the game than before. New players get spoiled with armor and creds

    But also ... team missions gave us much nicer loot.
    THere are much more items floating around and people are much better equipped. The professions have been tried out in many ways, so you can always go the safe way and use the same weapon, imps and armor as suggested by people.

    Many of them dont have experiece with outdoor hunting at all. Some people want their 1k belt and only do team missions.

    Another thing is that new players have probably only tried 1 profession all the way to level 50. By trying other professions you understand how the people in your team act. If you never experieced an near-death situation where you save your ass by rooting the add and pull aya from it... maybe you dont understand the importance of rooting. I'm met level 100s that dont know that calming is, and dont even know how to build implants.

    I guess they are aiming for the big 200 from day 1?

    I usually team with friends or people i know.
    They only way to be really good is to have a big network, something that takes time to build.

    If there are no teams i use my time to Improve implants or think over the IP use once again... and ofcourse chat.

    To play this game you need patience.

  5. #5
    my fondest memories of AO are from the days I used to hunt in Greater Omni Forest... we would do a little exploring and a lot of killing... and we'd die too... I used to love running to a camp from the barracks...

    Now the barracks are barren... new players only go do missions... sad thing was it was so much easier to find teams when everyone who was looking for a group was hanging out in the barracks, or at the cave in NW, or outside the Lush Outpost gate, or outside the PM gate, or at Ace camp... Now you can spend hours looking for a team.

  6. #6
    Nope, people don't know how to hunt anymore... complain about missions from Tir to GTC that they're too far away, and even Tir County is 'a long walk'. And I'm not making this up, sadly.

    Things are going to get messy with 14.5. Those camps they're adding had better be REALLY REALLY good xp, and awesome loot or it's going to be a waste of the developer's time. Yes, we're really that far gone.

  7. #7
    I still hunt outdoors relatively often with people from my guild.

    We hiked down the river out of Wine last weekend and fought everything we came across. It was a lot of fun, much more so than another mission in Home. It was dangerous, but we are tough, well, everyone but me is tough anyway.

    The only mistake I made was tanking the dark, dark red Slate Pit Lizard we found... it died about 5 seconds after I did
    Taren "Jynne" Suitt, Level 216/16 Eternalist
    Knight of Unity of the Rose - Check out our AO Tools!
    The Doctor Guide to: Notum Wars Martial Arts Perks! Nano Controller Units
    The General Guide to: Auto-Combat General Perks

    Visit the Roses and check out the shops in our City, NE of ICC at 4500x1500 in Andromeda!

    Iron Law of Exploits: If it can be exploited, it will be exploited. However a rule is exploitable, the exploits become the rule.

  8. #8
    Originally posted by reality
    Things are going to get messy with 14.5. Those camps they're adding had better be REALLY REALLY good xp, and awesome loot or it's going to be a waste of the developer's time. Yes, we're really that far gone.
    Hope someone at FC thought of this. <bump>

  9. #9
    ql 300 mobs.

    Multiple high level teams to take out one mob.

    I don't care what those mobs drop - having any sort of status symbol thing to prove you were involved in a killing is cool enough for me

  10. #10

    Arrow well Mr.

    most likley powerlvling people will just shoot your head off if you shoot them,

    and yes, more stuff next patch
    for me~~ highlvlin !! (bah only 4 lvls to go)

    and then,
    Quote from Nothinman "woho lvl 200 cant raise skills ok /logoff"


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