Ok heres a question? If you play on RK2 you know Barbbs shes one of the oldest fixers in the game there, as well as Endarron another of the oldest fixers in game. Barbbs is Clan and Endarron is Omni. Both are friends from what I gather but both have yet to get GA of any kind after putting over 70 days worth of playing. Thats 70 twenty-four hour days. Think of that. Thats probably more than most of us have worked. So far this year. Granted it might be a little sad but I think of it as they probably take the 6 hours a day that I spend on watching TV and spend it in game. But thats neither here nor there, this is my point. Why would FC continue to place GA IV and NU II in the impossible range to find. As I understand it now I think the rate of drops is like 1 out of ever 2900 drops is a GA IV or NU II disc, And thats if someone actually looted the chest or mob that dropped it. I know many people like me who no longer loot cause basically the only cool stuff come from bosses. Bosses from what I gather are only marginally better at giving someone a chance of GA IV or III.

The bottom line is FC you've screwed over your dedicated players by supporting this tactic. Its one of the reason players are turning their backs on you for other venues. I dont blame them either. Theres nothign to do for high level players other than BS missions and Killing Tara which is only available once every 18 hours. Thats absurd too. With 1000's of players a mob or item is available at such and extreme range. It doesnt make any sense what so ever. I think the whole thing stems from AO not being able to deal properly with there american customers or their euro customers. They dont care about us and I feel that soon AO will be a tax right off.

Ok enough blabbering.
GA IV and NU II are stupid waste of time. No one should bother putting time into looking for either.

PSIKAT Adventurer