Since the massive 18.7 changes, it's time for a fresh wishlist!
For historical reference, please see the previous wishlist.
How to use this List:
Here we discuss and present changes we'd like to see for Agents.
The list is a creation of the Agent Community and is never set in stone. To ask me to add something, please feel free to post in the thread, send a Private Message, or /tell Srompu ingame.
Items are prioritized by order to the best of my ability and I will re-prioritize things to meet everyone's desires.
1. Nano Formulae
- SL evac nano formulas could be faster cycle. 1 minute would be perfect. Needed for both in FP and out of FP.
- SL evac could have fear/stun resist added to them.
- The Waves/Blast and Shock nanolines would like a couple adjustments
- They have very high nanoskill requirement. We're an artillery prof, but our top nano reqs are up there with MPs/Crats. This is a line where many of us can't even use them.
- The Blast line detaunts, which we don't have the damage to need. Could we get a pvm-oriented proc debuff or something?
- Shorter duration on Mimic, with shorter cooldown on True Profession so we can change more rapidly, like MA stance, NT focus, or Advy morph.
- More buffs lasting through TP. Enfo and Adv die completely now.
- Faster buffing. We have 50s of pure nanorecharge if we buff agent, TP sold, and FP doc.
2. Weapon Diversity:
- Rifle diversification would be neat. Alien, Xan, LE rifles could each have different strengths.
- Option to diversify weapons using Ranged Energy and Bow, our SL group perklines.
- Faster AS for PvM on Longshot, X-3, Lux Incendiary, and similar.
3. Conceal and Aimed Shot:
- Ability to re-AS in PvM.
- Ability to sneak from aliens and punching bags with top buffs.
- Please buff the Cloaking device. The 18.7 conceal given is 65 at QL200, which is negligible.
4. Assorted Wishes
- Our Rifle, Aimed Shot, and Fling Shot skills are blue, blue, and dark blue, even though they're our main weapon skills. Our IP is tight as is, so changing them to green would be a huge help.
- Increase the Quality Levels available for the Agent Undercover kit so level 201+ Agents can use them.
- Make Michizure's Boomstick FPable.
5. General Balance
- We seem to be OP at 200 in BS, but not 170 or 220. Perhaps locking Snipe Shot 1 and Shadow Bullet to 201+ would fix this.