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Thread: Removing Old Nano Programs we no longer use

  1. #1

    Removing Old Nano Programs we no longer use

    Just would like to be able to remove old Nano programs from Nano program menu that are no longer used. Agents have a lot programs we can no longer use.

  2. #2
    Just clear out one of the current program-holder things and use that, works fairly well.

  3. #3
    I have tried that but for some reason they love to teleport back into the nano section they originated.

    On my NT, I have about 500000000000 old nukes. I move them to the 'favorites' folder, but then I logoff and when I come back they move right back to the combat section.

    It is a pain in the ass.

    I would REALLY like to be able to remove these permanently so I can get rid of all the clutter.
    Primordiax RPG - Our World, Your Imagination

    Muckbeast - MMO Game Developer Blog

  4. #4
    Actually... I once wanted to remove some of them...
    Until one of those "oldies" saved my hide against a really nasty Deprive
    Jen Markarian - Put the weirdness back in Omni-Mining
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    I never want to lose what I have finally found
    There's a requiem
    A new congregation
    And it's telling me: go forward and walk
    Under a brighter sky
    -- Delerium, Euphoria --

  5. #5
    Originally posted by Demenzia
    Actually... I once wanted to remove some of them...
    Until one of those "oldies" saved my hide against a really nasty Deprive

    But nobody said you HAD to remove old programs.

    This has been posted many times before.

    Why hasn't it been implemented?
    Primordiax RPG - Our World, Your Imagination

    Muckbeast - MMO Game Developer Blog

  6. #6

  7. #7
    just like a hold right click, and move to delete, like missions and items...

    i like it, bump

  8. #8

    Favorites Menu

    Yeah I have the same problem. All of the sudden one day the nanos I move in there just started moveing back. Also itd be cool if somebody would make a skin that changed the nano catagories to professions. I use about 5 different FP's on a regular basis, but it gets confuseing trying to remember what nanos go with what profession.

    Something to think about

  9. #9
    This is the reason I have a level 51 MetaPhysicist with only 4 pet nanos uploaded (3 Healpets and an attack pet I uploaded by mistake).

    I'll gimp along a bit longer just so I can enjoy the luxury of a properly organized NF list.

    I never ever upload any proficiencies or +6 ability buffs. I really try not to upload nanoformulas if I can avoid it until getting to the ones that 'matter'.

    Then again, a first character cannot afford this luxury as they need to scrap for every bit of improvement they can.

  10. #10
    I use all six of my nano tabs to oraganize my spells.

    The problem with the "Favorites" tab is that if you put more than about 20 in it, they will start warping back to their original place.

    So what you do is this... Clear out a different tab like protection or medical and use that.

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