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Thread: High level outdoor.... make it like that >>

  1. #1

    High level outdoor.... make it like that >>

    Red mobs to a lvl 195+
    Spawn as fast as shades/bh/claws
    Not necessarely in PW...
    Enough camps to avoid griefing/outdamaging camping bs

  2. #2
    ... and if "unique" mobs with "unique" drops are added, please find a way to make them close to uncampable.... random spawn loc... random spawn time... so they would truly be unique? ... and not just something a few people "drop by to harvest when they know itll spawn cause they killed it last time too"-thingie...

    but Ilumo ?! how are we supposed to find these new uniques ?!

    you are not supposed to find them... some times you get lucky...

    some things can be campable, some things should not... just to even out things for people who dont happen to want to join an enormous "unique factory" and prefer to RP, and would therefore (if they chose to RP something that dont get along with the stockpiling-just-in-case-someone-else-could-ever-want-it-and-get-as-uber-as-us-thingie) still have a chance to get some wierd items.

    does not have to be the best of items... just some item that you can say "hey! look what i found" and not something you say "hey look what i bought" or "hey look what my guild camped for me, even tho its MP item and im a MA... but HEY ! better than anyone else getting it... they might pose a threat, and get uber enough to camp themselves OHH SCARY"... or just some item you can enjoy without boasting of some silly +3 to plumbing skill and cost 593mills to get.

    no griefing... i just find the campwar thingie pretty hilarious...

    pls ?

  3. #3
    lol, red mobs past level 195 Just do a ql 230-250 mission or go to Aces camp. Spawn rate as high as claws? Well, good currently takes about 5mins those top level aces....if you increase their spawn rate only thing you achieve is a quicker death. Perhaps once Jobe comes out we will have access to higher ql gear, but at the moment your suggestion doesn't make any sense at all.

  4. #4
    ya cause is full of exictement to kill green mobs that cant even kill me over and over... tell me your an ex D2 nerd right

  5. #5
    I agree, more outdoor hunting I hear some of this is coming in the next patch.

  6. #6
    Outdoor Hunting = Pet class love

    I played this pass weekend in Wine with a grp hunting. Not once my stupid pet got stuck, and it was always there next to me!

  7. #7
    You misunderstood my point. Currently killing a red mob (and they are pretty rare, unless you do 225+ missions or go to Aces camp) takes forever, and you get about 80k XP from them. We had a 6 level 165-198 hunting at Aces camp few weeks back and to take down a Ace there (there are different level Aces, not all red) took about 2-5 mins each. Now that is not very effective way to do outdoor hunting. Medusas also give bad XP in comparison that they are as hard to kill then Veteran Enforcers.


    I agree that we need more outdoor "content" for high levels, but what we need even more is a XP fix for those high level mobs. I also posted about this on another thread, basicly those high level red mobs should give about same amount of XP then mission the moment they don't.

  8. #8
    k i took it wrong , i meant red mobs, but not hp gods like what we currently have in 250 missions ( ~300khp) for poor xp, just red mobs, wiht decent xp (70-80k/kill) with normal hp

  9. #9


    I'm personaly getting tired of running around the same little set of boxes in BS,

    "pull the main room, heal up, r2r, warp, r2r, warp , re-buff boss warp, pets on boss take the lackys kill the boss, auction the loot rinse repete"

    sound familiar?

    Tooooo familiar, I went exploring the other day, and suddenly realised what a very pretty place Rubi-Ka is, I have seen all of it before, but sometime you forget after seeing the same mission maps over and over again, with a guidie I went to the borg camp in PW, sat on the iron bridge some distance south of there, and typed /list, in all of the that play field just the two of us, almost no lagg at all.

    Let's have some more outdoor content, there is so much room out there, little wonder that BS play field is laggy as hell, 60% of the playerbase is there.

    Caloss2 LVL 220 melee VANGUARD (semi retired).....Llewlyn 220/30/70 meepmeep.....Boooocal 220../30/70 Soldier.......Knack 220/30/70 Keeper.....Hiesenberg 215/xx/xx NT NERFED Neytiri1 220/30/70 Shade Knacker220/30/70Meat shield for guides/walkthroughs/letsplays and all your other AO needs
    Quote Originally Posted by Mastablasta
    In my special design documents that I feed to the FC devs, who are my willing slaves.

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