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Thread: This is what I want, please tell me how to get it.

  1. #1

    Unhappy This is what I want, please tell me how to get it.

    Hello, I'm posting here cause I dont know how to get what I want and need. Its not only the phat lewt its umm other stuff aswell, stuff that I find umm no stuff that I just want.

    First things first, I'm a clanner, I dont have a guild. I want a guild, that accepts me, I'm blunt and stuff. this is what I miss the most, I get really ****ing depressed cause I got nobody to talk with heh, and that sucks. you know the sentence "**** I gotta go guild event/thing", while your in a team, well most people gets really annoyed by that, but I get touched heh.

    Secondly I want a gaily painted hood and padded coat (the coat is more of a wishful thinking thingie, or well maybe the gaily hood is aswell, but hey I'm allowed to dream now am I?) and since i gots no "uber"guild to back me up, I want to get the stuff on my own but not ninjaloot, whats the proposed action to take ? and I most certainly will not lick someones ass or boot to get what I want, thats against myself

    heh well I guess thats what I want or something, those who know me know me, those who hate me flame me (alot of people do but hey I dont care really, and noer your hair is ugly, I bet you look like that irl hah)


  2. #2
    whats the deal with you?

    before you had lotsa cash and stuff.

    was it exploit cash?

  3. #3
    oh no no , I do have lotsa cash and stuff, this is but what I want and need, I just wont pay '''''insane'''''' amounts of money for A. the coat, and B. bribing for raffles, I'm just not like that. Whats mine is mine heh.

  4. #4
    maybe you will find what you are looking for under a bridge?

  5. #5
    Maybe you will so aswell you damn troll ( I finally got to know what a troll is today! FINALLY someone took the time to explain what it was. hurray for me!)

  6. #6
    maybe its at the bottom of the ocean, if you want me to help, id glady cement your feet into a cinder block and give you a nice friendship push into the atlantic.

  7. #7
    Gee... thanks... Kahr can go straight to hell then (come visit me , hell is always recruiting )

  8. #8
    Supersoly lvl 220 Atrox Enforcer
    Fearthis lvl 200 Opi MA
    Tehsoly lvl 60 Atrox Enforcer

    and a lvl 160+ sold...


  9. #9
    /me wonders if any of darksnakes posts have had any relevance

  10. #10
    Originally posted by DarkSNaKE
    Gee... thanks... Kahr can go straight to hell then (come visit me , hell is always recruiting )
    its all fun and games, until DarkSNaKE banishes you to hell.

  11. #11

  12. #12
    jho its ok ill help u get what u need.
    just ignore these people
    Snakee Atrox, Soldier

  13. #13
    meow thank you ri, your a real friend

  14. #14
    This is by far the most unfriendly community I've been taking part in. Dunno why I bother really.
    Garret "Necc" Scheer press officer of Desert Winds (MSAS)

    Karma, the world's true equalizer.

    Free Rubi-Ka!

  15. #15
    Originally posted by Szticks
    This is by far the most unfriendly community I've been taking part in. Dunno why I bother really.
    These peopel hit me with soaps and stuff when I sleep ! HELP! ! ! ! ! ! ! !


  16. #16


    nice loose reference to Full Metal Jacket.

  17. #17
    darksnake i need some of that stuff too and no guild for me. lets work together

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