Ok, i know that this post could come out sounding stuck up, but after playing with teams level 150+ grouping at low leveles is just too painful, one of the reasons that i PvP. Anyway - now that i have had apprentice for a while and (i think) im not getting points from rookies anymore, im looking for some good people (level 50-75ish) to team with, for some good fast xp. If you happen to have a little twink that you want to get leveled, send me a tell in game, and im most always willing to team. I know that alot of high level people feal the same way, which is why i am starting this post. Im just looking for people who will stay and level for at least an hour or 2, and can go through missions without careing to loot every corpse, or pick every locked chest, because at our levels none of the stuff is worth very much anyway.

So if you do have a character my level range, send me a tell PLEASE! thanks