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Thread: How did you get so UBER???

  1. #1

    How did you get so UBER???

    I became bored with leveling about a month ago (hack/slash/kill - hack/slash/kill - level - hack/slash/kill - *yawn*) so I decided to try the PvP thing. It took me a few tries to get the hang of it, and I was finally able to develop a PvP char that I thought was going to be pretty good. Solitus trader, level 24, ql 51 flowers and ICC cloak, mix of QL 70ish and 50ish implants. With some help (a mastery) I can cast ransack/deprive for a total of -139 to enemy and +80 or so to me. This means I can equip a level 50-60ish weapon, and with ransack/deprive it's not OE. So, Freshman came relatively easy, but now I have noticed a BIG difference in some PvPers and myself (some, not most).

    What is up with this? I have fought (and killed relatively easily) MAs that were 6 or 7 levels above myself, only to get absolutely smoked by an MA 6 levels lower. I have fought an agent that (even after -139 to his skills) was still hitting me for 18 every shot and critting for 180 every fourth shot.

    I suppose I am missing something important. I have the Concrete Cushions, I have lots of NCU space, I have good acs (1.3K at level 24), so why does their seem to be a few low-level PvPers who are so far beyond me that I have absolutely no chance against them?

    Maybe there are tricks that aren't obvious to me, or maybe these people are doing something "funny" - but oh is it frustrating. I thought I was pretty smart to be able to get in ql 30 implants at level 2, or get in 70s at level 20 - obviously this is not enough, and my quest for a higher title may never be accoplished (at least until I give in and make an MA for PvP).

    Anyway, I'm not asking for anyone to divulge their secrets, I am just wondering if other people have noticed this gap in PvPers - also I don't know anything about high-level PvP - my highest level PvP char is 24.

    /me throws his RF keyboard across the room again


  2. #2

  3. #3


    Dont bother fighting a MA. No way you can beat them..

  4. #4

    Re: hmm

    Originally posted by Blanch
    Dont bother fighting a MA. No way you can beat them..
    He is a trader....root, debuff and after that the MA can use his ql10 heal or something while the trader keep distance and won't even get hit a single time.
    ICQ: 419860

    Clan Apocalypse - The guild for models

    Account closed.

  5. #5
    unless the MA was smart enough to put some points in using a bow...

  6. #6


    that pvp gap in skill is what makes pvp INTERSTING

    imagine if you went into every fight expecting t know the outcome based on lvl differences....BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRRRINGGG GGGGGGGGG

  7. #7
    I gess the most of the difference is about selfbuffed or not...
    Char list:
    Discont 200 trader,
    Geiringe 184 MA,
    Tykkskalle 114 Enf,
    Vidsyn 114 NT
    Rightfirst 77 MA
    Lifegiwer 74 Doc,
    Quickdraw 60 Soldier

  8. #8
    You cant expect to pvp for a short period of time and expect to kill everyone.

    hehe, I've been pvping since last July and my highest title to date is rookie (rk2 tho, pvp here is deaaaaaaaad).
    Suupaslap Master 10th Dan--Rk2
    Smugglerguy Ickle baby fixer--Rk2

  9. #9
    All that is, is the differnece between what you can build within the rules existing today, and what you could build 5-8 patches ago.

    Sounds like you've equipped your guy pretty well. When things that drastic happen its either due to massive outside buffs, ancient-patch rules, or just the FC curse.

    -I can't find my pants
    -The Slowest MA in Tir
    -Wise Sage to All Noobs
    -Soothsayer to the Incompetent
    -All Around Nice Guy
    -Killing Guards Is Good For the Soul!
    -Like Whoa!

    Originally posted by Kenlon
    Level limits make baby Jesus cry.

  10. #10


    A lot of people filled up empty account slots with chars they twinked belts on with the tutor exploit a few months ago. I'm sure theres still some low double digits running around with 392 ncu. That leaves lots of room for nice buffs, stick rrf and a good damage shield and [insert 8 more buffs here] on a lowbie, they'll eat you alive.

    OE made them take off the ql150 guns on level 15s, but lots of ncu is still evil.

    Theres also the legit chars made before 12.8, but very few people didn't level those and didn't quit AO already.

    Just some things to think about at the lower end of pvp.

    I still remember when a level 3 who came to me in a backyard had enough room for a 132 and then some...
    mercatura -ae f. [trade, traffic; merchandise]

    Moved off-world and found real tradeskills...along with many other things

  11. #11
    Yeah - well i made a level 2 PvP agent within this patch and he has 46 ncu, and ql 45 - 39 imps. He owns, need i say more. Work on ya ncus, and never trust someone that says lets go to 50 percent or im selfbuffed, because 9 times out of ten they will eat you for breakfast.

  12. #12

    Red face No big secret...

    How'd I get so uber? I showed up and rolled my char... It's not like this game is hard or anything, right?

  13. #13
    i guess people forgot or dont remember cause they werent playing then that the trader comp lit buffs didnt used to be self only, that the surg clinics stacked treatment, that scopes were readily available add these factors in you have say a lvl 7-10 agent equipped with a 3-6% scope a ql50 Gripo com ql 70 implants Essence buffs TTS UA(which would explain why your debuffs would do nothing) rrfe and mod cause mop takes to much ncu.. yes i have one of these pre patch characters and people who play low lvl pvp today who werent around say pre 12.4 or so really dont understand the amount of twinking that was possible...

  14. #14
    i guess people forgot or dont remember cause they werent playing then that the trader comp lit buffs didnt used to be self only, that the surg clinics stacked treatment, that scopes were readily available add these factors in you have say a lvl 7-10 agent equipped with a 3-6% scope a ql50 Gripo com ql 70 implants Essence buffs TTS UA(which would explain why your debuffs would do nothing) rrfe and mod cause mop takes to much ncu.. yes i have one of these pre patch characters and people who play low lvl pvp today who werent around say pre 12.4 or so really dont understand the amount of twinking that was possible... O and just an afterthought about back in the day lowbie pvp. The hanshi secundus pants reqs were bugged with 10 str 10 agi reqs so of course you had to have those on to get a 600 AC boost or course OE takes care of that now but even oed they give abou 200 ac...

  15. #15


    that last post was supposed to be an edit rofl its late im tired and im sorry

  16. #16
    woo, I almost ***ALMOST*** had one of the worst prenerfed characters that I know in my grasp, I was 20 hp away from killing her bad, not gonna name anyone, she's lvl 10-20, I was lvl 15 MA, 100 ncu, ql 80 implants. I 'know' what I'm doing when I tweak up, I know 'what' I do when I fight.

    I was so very, very close to beating her... Agent also by the way... she that is..

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