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Thread: FC, Camelot is cool and all but...

  1. #21
    I blame all the lag on omni who use 56k modems because it slows the rest of us down :P
    Devis 194 Agent Retired
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  2. #22

    Arrow bump-->

    I like the desert idea,
    Maybe we'll have another super mob ( hmmm FF7 ultima weapon in desert?? @_@ ) with more super loot, aside from the loot division crap it will at least spur big battles in a *hopefully*:

    NO LAG
    NO ZONE (edit) zoning [ just because i think its sorta crap the way it is in 2ho atm with bunkers ]

    pvp place.

    > how about some of the lesser populated zones, PW or Mort... even BS in some parts isnt really bad.

    thank you. you may now return to your daily activities.

    P.S. make it in a oval shaped arena/battleground too, surrounded by mountains and stuff, just to add to the battle atmosphere stuff...

    ok maybe im hoping too much.

    Last edited by OneMind; Aug 9th, 2002 at 19:00:46.

  3. #23
    "hidden valley of the Barathons" or some such..?

    One pass going in, or maybe more to add complexity? "hard" zone walls so you have to enter through the pass.

    Put it deep in perpetual wastelands.

    Would create a viable "capture and defend" scenario ala Camelot witout the static dungeon limits.

    Notice how far you can see in Camelot? You still have people on radar, even tho they're "outside" your mini map borders. Outside, you'll loose sight of people much sooner.

    :: schma ran out of cookies on the 4th of march, 2003 ::
    :: Hitched a ride back with the aliens ::

  4. #24
    Originally posted by Destria
    Was it me you slapped?

    Can you do it again?

    Bump and fix now FC
    ICQ: 419860

    Clan Apocalypse - The guild for models

    Account closed.

  5. #25
    Bump !

    Camelot PVP is one of the funnest things ingame (was before lag and multiple Playfields)


  6. #26
    Originally posted by andertec
    Bump !

    Camelot PVP is one of the funnest things ingame (was before lag and multiple Playfields)

    Yeah, it was.

    Had some of my funniest pvp-moments there 4 months ago. Today I don't even bother go there anymore - no fun in lagging out.

  7. #27
    Originally posted by Azzazzimon
    Bump! Fix! Nerf! *huggles*

    err I mean I agree
    bah you made it too obvious with the last comment

    no huggle for you

    Vhir / 215 Doctor
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    Yeah I'm back, no need to ask your ebay-check questions

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