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Thread: Pvp Idea

  1. #1

    Wink Pvp Idea

    I was thinking what would make Pvp more fun(insted of that mindless whacking).
    This is just a idea and comments would be cool:

    So here goes nothing:

    You could /toggle if u do or not participate in rubi-ka wars(there would be like 3 hours delay to /toggle on/off). Then when ur /toggle is on, every-zone is 25%, and with some work funcom could make that towns are capturable.
    Of course there would be some kind of reward from succesfully capturing a city (enemy has more % captured of game area, so own side shop`s get less equipment/equipment costs more?).
    Would be cool if omni-tek leader (leader votes every month or something?) suddenly responses that outer outposts are under attack and needs some backup fast. This is kind of UO factions rip-off. But what a heck? UO faction wars were damn fun, so why not here too?

  2. #2
    i think there should be events where every zone is 25%...every week have a day where every zone is pvp...give time to plan attacks and would bring some life into the otherwise dead ao pvp

    more spontaneous gm events near omni ent/trade and tir so more people will take part in the very rare happenings of the above mentioned.

  3. #3
    dunno about the capturing etc of cities, but the toggle on/off thing is a very good idea imo, and possibly a valid alternative to a pvp server....
    Hailieglade 200 Heavy Combat PoP Star - Proud member of Inner Circle - Omni born on June 18th 2002
    ...after you fix cams can we get a 250 lvl cap? or maybe a 5k token board? for some poetic justice...
    BR 15 CR 2 Sniper / Medic / Engineer - Markov

  4. #4
    yeah, would be more suitable for FC to implement this thing to all. A little coding would be cheaper for FC, instead of making a new server.
    And i think even players would enjoy more not making new chars/getting equipment. Just /toggle on and let the fun begin

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