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Thread: -=NT Concept - As if FC's gonna read it=-

  1. #1

    -=NT Concept - As if FC's gonna read it=-

    Ok people, I'm going to get right to the problem here...

    NT's simply put are intended to be a "Glass Cannon" of sorts.

    And no doubt about it we are the "Glass" profession in Rubi-ka.

    But unfortunately the "Cannon" aspect of our profession is not good enough to justify our "Glassiness".

    Ok - with this "understood" by FC how could they possibly fix it? Outside of a retarded (no offence) boost of Nuke damage across the board...

    Think about this - It takes me 8 seconds to Nuke something.

    (Longer than it sounds when in combat)

    Those 8 seconds pass and you Nuke the Mob (Almost guaranteed agro to a "glass" profession)

    Ok then - Your getting your @$$ beat and you obviously go to calm the Mob. All is well.

    What have you accomplished? You knocked off, maybe 1/10th of the Mobs health. You are standing there with a calmed Mob on a timer, wounded, and with a LONG fight ahead of you.

    How can this be fixed?

    Well here comes my concept...

    Damage Reverberation!

    That's right my friends - A line of NT only buffs that allow your nuke to "reverberate" a set percentage of the initial Nuke damage thru the target like a DOT.

    It would go something like this...

    Say you're level 34 (me) and I fire up my Damage Reverberation buff (lets say it's the first nano in the line - It Reverbs 10% of the Nuke damage every 15 seconds to a maximum of 15 ticks)

    I go and cast Glacial Advance. And I strike the target for 510 points of initial Cold damage.

    Now the Reverb kicks in - It simply takes 10% of my 510 hit and begins, immediately, to reverb on the target - DOT style.



    Simple enough, eh?

    This line would, maybe, consist of 10 nanos...

    First one at 10% - Ending up at 55% with the final nano
    The first 5 nanos in the line would have a 30 min. duration and tick 15 times as previously stated. The final 5 nanos would have a 40 min. duration and tick 20 times.

    10%15%20%25%30% - at 15 ticks (30 min. duration) (15 sec. tick interval)

    35%40%45%50%55% - at 20 ticks (40 min. duration) (20 sec. tick interval)

    Ok now - If you were to cast a nuke with Reverb on - Then cast another Nuke while the DOT was running - Your second nuke would then become the one being reverbed regardless if it was stronger/weaker then the previous Nuke. (And of course only one DOT running at a time)

    ~While typing this post I had a thought (wow) - If two NT's were to use there Slow Nukes on a single target the DOT at 55% might be a bit harsh. So again maybe only 1 DOT of this type can run on a target. And the rights to who's DOT runs belongs to the NT who's Nuke did the most damage? I do not really know - I'm not a game developer and I do not know what the game in capable of doing so I'll leave that to them~

    NT's should not have to spend IP on alpha strike weapons to be half decent - NT's should not need weapons at all. (MA)

    Now, in conclusion¡K

    Now I feel that this would give he NT the damage that they were intended to have - Without a 400% boost across the board - And let us go without weapon skill at all. (which is, come on people!, as it should be) This is NOT uber. I just know some ones going to flame me with some statistics like this:

    Izgimmer's Last Word does 8907 damage - at 55% and 20 ticks that's - 4898.85 per tick x20 that's 106,884 total damage! That's so uber! You're Stupid! Etc.

    In fact you would be doing nothing close to that - First off you be lucky to hit for that much - Second in PK damage is halved - Third fights don't last long enough to go thru 20 ticks, not even close.

    So before you start - Don't.

    Is this a reasonable fix?

    Is this uber?

    Is this worth while?

    Yes - No - Definatly (at least my opinion)

    For those of you who took the time to read the whole post I thank you. Although, sadly, I know not one of you is FC.

    EDIT: As to AoE nukes, I feel that eveything affected by it should get a DOT just the same.
    Last edited by Tieku; Aug 2nd, 2002 at 18:28:24.

  2. #2
    Well, being the complete loony that I am, I'm already working on a proposal for something like this. See Thought for the Professionals
    in the NT forums.

    I figure the acid line of Nukes should have a larger first hit (DD) then a big, but short (3-5 tick) DoT.
    Kenlon- Combat Medic, RK1
    "This! Is! My! Boomstick!" Gear.

    Creaky old vet, back for another go-round.

  3. #3
    hey what do you think about this?

    MPs and NTs combined?

    good idea? bad idea?

    we should have a poll.

  4. #4
    an interesting idea, but the tick time had to be pretty low to be usefull in teams since the mobs go down rather fast in teams. and it needs to be high or it would be to effective in pvp, since pvp battles tend to take awhile longer...

  5. #5

    Talking I didn't read it!

    I only copy-pasted it into our suggestion system. I swear I didn't read it!

  6. #6
    Originally posted by XenoMega
    hey what do you think about this?

    MPs and NTs combined?

    good idea? bad idea?

    we should have a poll.
    Bad idea...
    .: Naraya :.

  7. #7

  8. #8
    yes the whole MP + NT idea is an bad idea, they are two different classes even though they both happend to be mages. We have the summoner and buffer who is an support, and we have the... as stated 'glass canon (would be)' who is a fighter.
    "Yesterday we bowed before kings and bent our necks to emperors, today we kneel only before truth"

  9. #9
    You propse to essentially double an NT's damage potential-unless I'm reading this wrong and added nuke castings would only refresh, not stack. If it doesn't stack, even at the top end it would seem to increase nuke damage only 25% or so. I'd like to see this.

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