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Thread: On balancing Professions

  1. #1

    On balancing Professions

    There is something clearly wrong with professions as we know them in AO. They look all the same, there are only minor differences like nano programs and skill colors. As an engineer, there's really nothing that prevents me from being a successful martial artist, and my enforcer could produce trade-skill items just as easy as a trader. Nothing, really nothing is profession-unique.

    As AO has developed, all professions have tilted more and more towards being soldiers. They are soldiers, except that they all have some extra, funny nanoprograms.
    This is because here is only 1 viable way to get XP in AO: To kill tons and even more tons of MoBs.

    What I suggest is for FunCom to make each profession really Unique. There already are unique items, but none of these are actual aspects of the game, they're just variations of basic items everybody can use. See where I want?

    Some suggestions:

    • Adventurer
      What is an adventurer supposed to do? He's walking around in the wilderness. That's his "job", and therefore, he should get XP for that. He should be able to get experience by exploring areas, maybe even tracking different creatures. Of course that does exclude the use of a Yalmaha.
    • Agent
      Agents I think need a special sort of missions. They would of course include a lot of sneaking around, maybe even outside. A lot of alignment switching and different disguises should be standard. A whole array of unique equipment would be necessary.
    • Bureaucrat
      Tricky one. A crat is a politican, and besides the out-of-game fiction, there are no politics in AO. "Speeches" and "charms"? Go boil your head, that simply isn't good enough! Maybe an ability to directly affect upcoming events could open an arena for the not very popular Bureaucrat profession.
    • Doctor
      The skills of this profession are outstanding in usefullness, but not unique (fair enough, as this isn't the most popular prof). Added to their healing, I think these should have a wide array of Doctor-only tradeskills, mainly on producing drugs. We could imagine diseases caused in battle, reducing skills, only healable by the tradeskill items of a doctor.
    • Enforcer
      This is a pure fighther, and all XP of this profession should be made from missions and hunting.
    • Engineer
      This master of tradeskills should have a wide array of produceable, unique tools and weapons. Many parts and tools should be nodrop, or even better: Prof NoDrop, makes an item only tradable by members of a certain profession. As a controller of war machines, he could double as fighter.
    • Fixer
      The Fixer's already got his own Grid and shops, which is very good. However, none of these really give XP, so that he should have his own version of Trader Missions (see Trader below), with a "shady" twist.
    • Martial Artist
      Not as much a fighter as the enforcer, the martial artist deals considerable damage, and has no other real uses besides secondary healing. XP from combat only.
    • Meta-Physicist
      Another difficult profession. Nano-tradeskills would be the most likely source for alternative XP. Anyone got ideas here?
    • Nano-Technican
      FunCom better quickly decide whether this is a Technican or a Warrior. At the current state, he is a pure fighter, and nano-programming unique tradeskills could be left to the MP. That could work well, but for Zarquon's sake: Give them better DAMAGE!!!
    • Soldier
      Need I say more? Pure fighter, combat XP only.
    • Trader
      This is the real weirdo of the Anarchy Online profession system. Altough he's called a Trader, but is actually just a soldier with some funny-named nano programs. Give him his own half-mission this way: Put a new terminal in each zone, severals in some, and make it trader only. Here he can pick up an item or two (max 3-4), and transport it to the destination terminal mentioned in the description, there to recieve XP/money reward. Loading a Yalmaha, using Grid or Wom-Pah immediately deletes mission. Carrying items gives him a different range of aggro reactions. Food transport aggros only natural aggro mobs like Rollerrats. Weapons may aggro all NPCs. Illegal goods may even cause guards to attack!

    Summary: All professions except the fighting Enforcer, MA, Soldier and NT has alternative ways of getting XP and/or money, which could allow for some reduction of their fighting capabilities. This would balance out the game at once, and elliminate the need for nerfs (or "profession improvements", as FunCom like to call it.) Then they could base patches on storyline and stability, rather than working 3 more years just to create 10 variations of the Soldier/Enforcer profession.

    More suggestions wanted!

  2. #2
    This NEEDS a bump.
    Katelin "Missmaul" Locknane -Sloooowly climbing her way out of the dank pits of gimpness. But stil crazy. Ya know...just in case you cared.

  3. #3
    Diversity is the solution, I couldnt agree more.

    Profession balancing based mainly on 1-to-1 PvP is NOT.

    Profession balancing based on Team-against-Team pvp would follow same principle more or less as Team-against-Mobs and should be encouraged. Ie back to diversity..

  4. #4
    Three things are wrong with that.
    1. Adventurer is with nature, BUT your allowing them to use a yalm? Thats mixing hitech with nature which is not an Adventurers way.
    2. There are Politics in AO.
    3. NT's do the max of 4300 something in an AOE! That means they do 4300 something do all the mobs within that area thats like bringing them all to half life! They are powerful enough!

    MA's could get extra XP for doing there MA attacks. Like if there should be some MA attacks that are hard to do and when you do do them you gain some xp.

    Enf's should be able to gain XP in special one on one missions. Where its the Enf vs the boss alone.

    Crat's could gain XP for mezing and calming.

    Also doctors already have doctor only healing items. So thats basically stating something thats already in the game.

  5. #5
    Originally posted by Leois
    3. NT's do the max of 4300 something in an AOE! That means they do 4300 something do all the mobs within that area thats like bringing them all to half life! They are powerful enough!
    Get a clue and do some research, you uninformed retard. The highest NT AE nuke is Ke'l Neutronium Plaything which does 2,400-3,155. There are several faults with this nano.

    1) It reqs more skill than an NT can possibly have at level 200 with a full set of MC implants. They can only ever cast it if buffed by an MP.

    2) This nuke has a recharge of 8.5 seconds. Recharge is unaffected by nano init. This means after casting this nano, the NT get's to sit on his butt shooting at the mob/mobs with his puny weapons skills for 8.5 seconds before he can think of casting another nano. And that's only if you can instacast it.

    3) You think 3155 is a lot of damage? The weakest of weak mobs at that level have tens of thousands of hp, and in the case of RMs or Aces, sometimes over 100K hp. 3155 doesn't even dent them.

    4) AoEs are only useful for things like, the neverending search for Nullity, aka the slaughter of the PM CLaw camp.

    So here's my suggestion. Get past level 2, then make some more comments.

  6. #6

    You have great ideas and FC really needs to look at suggestions like this.


    My Current Armor Setup Nail Armor Baby!

    Stupidity Should Be Painful

    LVL 200 Clan Enforcer - General of Lost Chapter

  7. #7
    I really like the idea of getting extra xp for doing something common to a specific profession if you are that profession.
    A MA gets more xp for using MA attacks in a kill
    A fixer getting more xp for lockpicking
    A enginner gets more xp for tradeskills
    It keeps to the games you are allowed to do whatever you want and makes professions more unique gameplay wise

  8. #8
    Maybe adventurers could have a 'Log' item. They would get xp for using the item with mobs out in the wild. However, they wouldn't get as much xp for a mob nearby after using it once. They'd have to move a long way away, then use it on a different mob.

    Does anyone get what I'm saying?
    Katelin "Missmaul" Locknane -Sloooowly climbing her way out of the dank pits of gimpness. But stil crazy. Ya know...just in case you cared.

  9. #9
    1. Funcom has stated that making leveling without hunting/missioning would be very hard. I would rather see improvements to the current system.
    2. Don't forget, if some profs are reduced in combat power the "combat" profs come to dominate PvP, which lest we forget is a substantial portion of the later game.
    3. NTs don't really shine until 150+. A guildmate of mine is 170ish with a QL 200 x-3. If he gets a nice AS, there's no chance that he's losing agro until the mob is down. He'll pop off an IEF for 2.4k average damage and keep smacking with that x-3. I'm not saying he pulls agro from everyone, but keep in mind that while NT damage is pretty gimpy from 100 to 150 or so, any across-the-board boost would probably result in NTs becoming overpowered.

  10. #10
    Don't forget, if some profs are reduced in combat power the "combat" profs come to dominate PvP
    Yes, and I would support this change 100%.
    Combat profs should "dominate" PvP. Not rule it, but be the best at it (1 on 1 duel).
    In a perfect-designed game I would say "If you want to be good at PvP, play a combat prof (Enforcer, Soldier, MA, or even NT)". At the current state of the game, I would say "If you want to be good at PvP, play a Doctor or a Trader".
    Can't you see something wrong here ?
    I hope you can.
    - Scarlito -

  11. #11
    Originally posted by Leois
    Three things are wrong with that.

    3. NT's do the max of 4300 something in an AOE! That means they do 4300 something do all the mobs within that area thats like bringing them all to half life! They are powerful enough!

    What nuke would that be? cuase there's nothing like it in the database. If you are thinking of Kel's Neutronium Plaything, which is our largest area effect, it has a 7.5 second recharge and the max it hits for is 3,155 (which only happens on leets cuase they have no ACs). The NT's best (and most widely used nuke) is Izzy's Flame wich is a single target nuke and hits for the minum 90% of the time. Anyways, I'm not going to eduacate anyone on NT nukes, or our dmg output.

    I think NTs need more dmg. Not a whole lot more, but enough so that there is a broader gap at higher lvls.

  12. #12

    Re: On balancing Professions

    Originally posted by Thadlerian

    FunCom better quickly decide whether this is a Technican or a Warrior. At the current state, he is a pure fighter, and nano-programming unique tradeskills could be left to the MP. That could work well, but for Zarquon's sake: Give them better DAMAGE!!!

    More suggestions wanted!
    Grr...NTs should be a combat class. Out of all the combat classes, we should do by far the most damage, yet we should be the weakest in terms of taking damage. ...wait...we already are the weakest in terms of taking damage.....
    .: Naraya :.

  13. #13
    Originally posted by Leois

    3. NT's do the max of 4300 something in an AOE! That means they do 4300 something do all the mobs within that area thats like bringing them all to half life! They are powerful enough! an NT past level 2 before talking out of your ass like that. If we had an AoE that did max 4300, the only way it wouldn't get nerfed is if the minimum was like 100....
    .: Naraya :.

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