Would it be too much to ask for the character database to finally be cleaned up?? I think it's time we see some of the names and people disappear from the database who's accounts have been exploited or e-bayed and are now banned.

It would really help with several things:

1) naming characters in character creation

2) identifying accounts of people who are ebaying so they can be removed too (this is the best money sink the game has to offer)

3) Recognizing who are active leaders on RK these days (ie. I don't want to look up to Cloudeh, Nikkidial, Garzu, and Fotik if they are permanently banned)

4) It would also be nice to see the accounts of people who haven't paid to play in over 6 months be removed from the list too.

5) it would give us an idea if we are starting a new proffesion, which profs are in demand and which ones are most heavily played.

Please consider doing this. It be nice. I mean CaptFallout is still in the database:
and he hasn't played since November 23rd. It's scary to think that he could come back and torment us all on the message boards still!