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Thread: Want a poll, sound emotes.

  1. #1

    Want a poll, sound emotes.

    I'd like a poll to see if people would like to have sound emotes in the game.
    Think this would add to the games atmosphere.

    Idea came from

    A few sound emotes stored locally on your computer as other sounds to not affect bandwith.
    Needs to made in a way to not be annoying (chain shouting in your ear)
    Perhaps a possibility to turn it off.

    Implementing these emotes should not take to much effort from the programmers, most work would be recording the sounds I guess.

    And btw...I'd really like to be able to roar when in Sabretooth form =)

    *edit: Hm, on second thought. I don't think we will see emotes that only works in different form or race (or?) as this would probably involve a lot more work. So we are talking about general emotes here.
    Guess even an Opifex female will be able to do /snarlasamadatrox =)
    Last edited by Rothwinter; Jul 27th, 2002 at 16:37:23.

  2. #2
    ALWAYS have the choice to turn a feature off or on. ALWAYS. It's just considerate programming and allows the user a much more enjoyable session when they can choose how their GUI works.

  3. #3

    Add audio enhanced emotes, but of course make it toggleable off/on in settings.

  4. #4
    Yes, been thinking alot about this myself, and was just about to make a thread here that I would call "I want an ingame voice". But you did it before me, so ill just bump this one instead.

    I want to say "Hello", I want to say "I r0xx0r" etc etc.

    And, in crowded areas, I think we should hear summing voices, just as in rl, many voices at the same time, just to add that small bit of realism and to make you feel ppl actually are there.
    President of Ali Baba and the 40 thieves

    Garzu 193 Day 1 NT & Garzuperman My Fixer 4 fun since NTs are broken


  5. #5
    Yep- that'd be incredibly useful and good for the atmosphere. I love the crowd murmering thing- and that would just be another ambient noise, really.

    I loved Tribes2's little chat system. It was simple, but flexible enough to really be useful, and it added tremendously to the immersion.

    Neverwinter Nights has a nice little voice system, too. Simple, but flexible. Ideally, we'd need several different voices to choose from, but I'd love to see something like this.

  6. #6
    I suggested something like this quite some time ago:

    Of course, like 99.99999% of the posts here, it came to absolutely nothing. Really, this particular forum - most likely all of them - are a complete waste of bandwith. They're just a token gesture on FC's part to keep us believing that they listen to us... nevermind actually implementing any of these worthy ideas.

  7. #7
    Well, I'll give you my blessing.
    Sounds to emotes that can be toggled on/off would be nice.
    *pray to the higher powers*

  8. #8
    YES, sound emotes.
    /me applauds

    Man this would motivate me to write new scripts,
    Entertainer and Rubi-Ka Trotter

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  9. #9
    I'm pretty undecided on this one, because let's face it, the last thing we need is burping and farting 'Troxes running around
    Rebekah Poachie Vein - Lvl 200 Omni-Tek Bureaucrat - Equipment
    April Poachinator Joor - Lvl 150 Omni-Tek Enforcer - Equipment

  10. #10

  11. #11

    Yes! excellent idea!

    ....and while youre at it...make morph emotes too (with sound)
    (playful cub and so on...)

  12. #12
    hmm... voices similar to the one on 'the sims' would be cool


  13. #13
    With all the lamers running around now, it would be exploited into oblivion and I'd have to keep it turned off always anyway. or risk hearing "I ROXXOR I ROXXOR I ROXXOR I ROXXOR I ROXXOR I ROXXOR I ROXXOR I ROXXOR I ROXXOR" every day in the bar hehe
    "Yesterday we bowed before kings and bent our necks to emperors, today we kneel only before truth"

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