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Thread: Theres ALOT of ppl playing AO lately

  1. #21
    works for me......
    and alot else here on work....
    even at home.
    220/27/62 Crat | 200 NT | 200 fixer |174/14/42 twink trox nt| 100/12 trader| 60/6 enf|

    Total levels gained since nov 2002 |2500+ |

    7 years to ding 220, any better?

  2. #22
    I spend most of my time in Rome. It's nice and quiet. It could use a bar, though.
    Ack, no! Rome is my base of operations because it's a nice, quiet suburb. Add a bar and suddenly there'll be herds of tipsy nanomages trying to sing at 2am.

    You know how nanomages get after a beer...
    Rogoff AKA Mr. Brumble - 59 Omni Bureaucrat (RK2)
    Goodz 55 Fixer, (RK2)
    Goodzz 25 MP - Afrolicious, freaky and habit-forming

    Mercinax: "/me casts afro containment field on Goodzz"

  3. #23
    Yes, we want bars in Rome !!!!

    It strucked me how crowdy RK1 is these days, especially during "american" hours. During europeen hours it can vary some more thought.

  4. #24
    Which AO is he talking about? I have been playing Anarchy Online (AO) and it has been dead no matter the time of day I log in. A few people around the West Gate of TIR and some folks around Newland but that has been it. I'd love to see the numbers on active users and total users logged in at any given time.

  5. #25
    I grew up in Rome and always go back there for shopping and stuff. But this past weekend, it was real busy. The shops always had people and did not reset as often.

    They opened the noob areas in Rome and some noobies are coming out of backyards into the Rome area now.

    I liked it when it was real quiet.

  6. #26
    Rome should hold the guild housing or something official like that. It's sort of cold and imposing, while Entertainment is more open and easier to navigate.

    Yeah, Rome does need a draw of some kind.

    I havn't really noticed a population change, personally, but pops do drop in summer months.

  7. #27
    Most of the people I am meeting only reactivated their accounts within the last month or less, RK must have been really empty before then.
    -Well, God was my copilot, but we crashed into a mountain and I had to eat him.

  8. #28
    Well i noticed that RK got lots of players recently. Many people running around who dont know anything or people who been playing this game way back and quit then returning. Did you see how many old FAs recently went for sale?

    What can i say yeach we might get bored of this game but we literaly done everthing and been everywhere. I been playing AO for over year with few breaks and there is nothing esle we can do. And we start looking for excuse to leave and only few just admit that they got bored. It will be in every game SWG, Neocron there no such game that will be become completly new each 3 month. And i must say most fun in AO was first three month. Same will be in SWG and Neocron.
    Two sisters practicing medicine on Rubika and Shadowlands Pomy and Julka.

    As a doctor i would prescribe you to use some common sense and a vacation to Real Life"

    If i ever start a new character in Eve i will choose a name something like "aieerjjnnvajjnasdio11e3".

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