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Thread: Name issue's?

  1. #1

    Name issue's?

    Eh? we have strip club's?

    12 YO Whores at babboons ?

    Sexuality Advertisements banners?

    people Running around with worse names?

    Yet people like me or superslag can't have our names??

    here is a SUGGESTION

    GIVES US OUR DAMN NAMES BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. #2
    I agree, this whole business with changing people's names is ridiculous. Everyone playing this game has to click on the agreement that says they are either an adult or playing with the permission of their parents. Thus there is no reason the game should not have mature content. And, as you pointed out, there is already tons of adult content in the game. Look at the thong bikini pants and the skimpy lingerie for sale in the clothing stores, to name just one example out of hundreds.

    Besides all that, I'd like to know whose standards of decency we're being held up to, because they seem pretty strange to me. I had never even heard of the word "slag" before this, and I don't find the word "sex" at all offensive. Is some twisted person going through the database and changing any name that suggests something to their perverted mind? Or is this just happening because uptight people petition about other people's names offending them? Either way it is very silly.

    I also have a big problem with changing people's names after they've been playing for 100s of levels. People get attached to their character's names, and they make friends who know them by that name. If you want everyone to have "decent" and "proper" names, then for heaven's sake put a filter on the naming machine, so when we create our characters we can't make names with sex and other "naughty" words in them. But don't take away someone's name after they've had it for months.

  3. #3

    Thumbs down

    Funcom has just found a new way to piss of the customers, that is all. Once this one is over and done, so it add no more exitement to them they just find some other way to tick us of.
    Troll Commando, doing the dirty work that need to be done.

  4. #4

    Talking Trying to piss of the customers more

    Had to change my Msg Forum Name too =(

  5. #5

    well for the superslag name...

    Im sure they were offended that it had "lag" in it, since nothing like that ever happens in AO

  6. #6
    If they had been more honest of the reqs for the game people would have less lagg.
    Proper req should be more like 900+ P4/Athlon, 512 RAM, 64MB 3D graphic card, and cable connection.
    But MS did put up current policy in computer industry with min req that is not practical to use.
    Troll Commando, doing the dirty work that need to be done.

  7. #7

    Thumbs down

    LOL...what a bunch of _. There's nothing offensive about the name Sexdoctor that I can see. Especially not after looking at the ad where you have some 3/4 naked blond chick talking about implants as if she had a boob job. LAME
    .: Naraya :.

  8. #8
    Thats what I say.. But who am I to argue, i'm just a customer...

  9. #9
    Just as a reminder, from the ARK website, here are the current name rules. Note that it seems GM's/ARKS rarely 'self' enforce these, you get changed because someone /petitioned a name that annoyed them.... or an illegal name of someone who annoyed them in some other way. <grin>

    Doing that means someone had to be peeved enough to wait an hour or more for a /petition to be answered.

    Naming Policy

    The goal of the naming policy is to promote the feeling of being immersed into the world of Anarchy Online. These policies apply to all player names, regardless how long it's been since they were created. Use of the following will be restricted:

    1. Profane, racist or obscene names; this also applies to any homonym, misspelling, combination, or reverse spelling of the previously mentioned.

    2. Names of religious significance: (God, Satan, Zeus)

    3. Names of in-game creations: This includes NPCs and concepts (Rollerrat, Omni) note: A name created before the creation of said NPC or concept should never be changed. Example: NPC Jed is created 3 months after player Jed had first created their name.

    4. Names intended to defame another: Any name created to harm the reputation of another player or a member of the Funcom or volunteer staff.

    5. Names of CS personnel/major Funcom names: Any name created after a CS employee was instated. Note: A name created before a CS person was instated shall never be changed.

    6. Names creating sentences containing a noun and a verb: Any name that forms a sentence. (IhateOmni, Buymystuff) Names that are descriptive compounds are to be allowed (Quickfeet, Deadshot, Undercover)

    7. Names that are misspellings, backward spellings, or easily recognized constructions of disallowed words are not allowed.

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