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Thread: 2ho - rampage

  1. #1

    Talking 2ho - rampage

    is it only me or has it been unbelivable fun in 2ho last few days ? i have mostly died but damn i have had so much fun.. clanners have backed up to bunkers and omnis to hill when the other side has been underpowered.. ok not always but it we have tried.. and the result 5-7 hours of nonstop pvp ... _damn_ i like it

    absolutley the most fun i ever had in AO... so now quit it so i can go level

  2. #2

    Red face 2HO......

    Heh i have been trying to find fun in 2HO battles lalty...

    I used to have fun there but not anymore.

    I dont see any purpose to fight over some vilage that we clanners cant even take over. Whats the reson of 2HO fight? An excuse to kill someone to get title when one side camp whompa/grid and then rush to the bunker when one side charge....

    No its not fun plus its laggy. Fun in 2HO were when we were fighting there with smal groups 3 vs3 or soemthing like that. I realy dont see any fun in pvp besides in camelot atleast there i know what i fight for.
    Two sisters practicing medicine on Rubika and Shadowlands Pomy and Julka.

    As a doctor i would prescribe you to use some common sense and a vacation to Real Life"

    If i ever start a new character in Eve i will choose a name something like "aieerjjnnvajjnasdio11e3".

  3. #3
    How can you post this

    "well i dont pvp..... and when i sued to pvp i didnt care what kind of reflect you have. I could switch around 3 damge types. So basicaly you need realy good set of bracers to fight me. Well rrf is another issue. But dont touch bracers. bracers is the only way for most classes to solo."

    ...4 min after the post you just made here ?

    Well apparently you wheren't there today where you Pomy ?(I know *I* didn't see you)
    And if you read Znails post, you'll see he mentions both sides tried to backup for the enemy to regroup.
    Sure, there is bad lag at times, but compared to Camelot its practically lagfree.

    I had a great time in 2ho today (and yesterday, and the day before)....thx Znails and all others who participated. Yup, even the guy with 2002 in his name who should really get his mum to wash his mouth out real good

    --edit-- *really* need to learn to tell time
    Last edited by OddLogic; Aug 4th, 2002 at 01:22:47.

  4. #4
    well i agree that there is no really point in holding 2ho.. but its damn fun

  5. #5

    Smile Damned fun

    Held 2ho for about 3 hours tonight. The escalating nature is awesome. It started with Asmoran (my guild prez) going to look for a fight. he gets wasted by a couple from the Council, so he calls for backup. I come with 3 others... and it goes from there. By the climax there were maybe 15 clanners vs 10-15 omnis (couldn't get a real count since they were constantly using the wompas).

    Pull back to bunkers, wait 'til they're on the hill then charge. Kill a few, fall back.

    I don't know how you can't enjoy it... I had a great time, even after Finalbreaker critted me 4 times in a row for 1200 dmg each.

    Heh... but those AoE roots are evil...............

  6. #6

    Re: 2HO......

    Originally posted by Julia

    No its not fun plus its laggy. Fun in 2HO were when we were fighting there with smal groups 3 vs3 or soemthing like that. I realy dont see any fun in pvp besides in camelot atleast there i know what i fight for.
    How can you say 2h0 is laggier then Camelot? Camelot is 100x worse..

    Ive been to 2h0 these days to and its great fun until them all omnis attack the poor little trader

  7. #7
    Heh... I really don't have that many lag problems in 2ho OR camelot... (though in camelot i'm usually in the box room and lately omnis haven't even TRIED to attack...)

    Just have to restart my computer every 1-2 hours or the RAM bugs out and I get extremely bad performance.

  8. #8
    One more time, there was a battle in 2ho tonight, that was a lot of fun

    PS : Znails, I got your kill

  9. #9
    Mandor, grrrr, now i will have to keeeeel you!!

  10. #10

    Talking damdidum!

    WTB FRYLI`s head on a silver plate. (need it for my appartment) Paying 50 mill credits

  11. #11

  12. #12

    Re: damdidum!

    Originally posted by MrHaga
    WTB FRYLI`s head on a silver plate. (need it for my appartment) Paying 50 mill credits
    Damn, i tried to screenshot myself dying but did not woork

  13. #13

    Re: Re: damdidum!

    Originally posted by Fryli

    Damn, i tried to screenshot myself dying but did not woork

  14. #14

    Talking Big Fun lately

    Having fun there lately

    I vote that Funcom puts a mega mob in 2h0. But the loot should just be something like a pinky or water ballon (of Uberness!)

    Just a nice souvenir with no practical value of a fun fight.

    Vergil TC NT

  15. #15
    'You were hit by Waterballon full of Tabasco for 34978452935 points of Fire Damage.'

    There should be some uber Ermite mob that burrows around there... I'd like a good reason to fight one of those sometime. I'm sick of extremely powerful mobs that are grey by the time you're 130+.

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