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Thread: Dodga quest

  1. #1

    Dodga quest

    I am eating the paint off the walls as a result of boredom from going r2r in team missions. I was thinking of doing the Dodga quest. I checked out the trash king area last night (Sunday) and it was packed with people. There were around 10 or so omni's camping on top of a pillar and takin shots at what I think was the Trash King and then there were loads of solo'ers killing bots.

    My questions are thus;
    1) Is there any etiquette between people in the Trash Area? Or is it a free for all on the bots?

    2) Is there a preferred location to find the 8 Unique Bot loot items? I've never seen these as drops. Do these items only drop form bots when they are killed by players on the mission?

    3) Since the Team was camping the king, what does he drop that is of such improtance?

    4) where else can you find bots that would drop the quest items?

  2. #2
    Here's a Mini-guide to the Dodga static mission. Don't read if you want to find out yourself.
    That link gives you the first dodga quest.

    Here's a link for all 3 parts of Alvin Odeleder's - Pads quests. Not sure how it might differ from Dodga's.
    Heals - they're not just for tradeskills anymore
    Hypos omni doc RK2 <-- stupid enough to have thought that going past level 150 would help her be a better doc
    Phlair omni mp RK2 solo char
    Nerfbat omni enf RK2 awarded the hammer of braveness
    Shadow Ops

  3. #3
    thnx for info Hypos

    Is there a sight that discusses the next 2 parts for Dodga (as opposed to Alvin)?
    Last edited by WookiHog; Aug 5th, 2002 at 23:51:38.

  4. #4
    The Alvin and Dodga Quests are identical. I know because I'm Neutral and I've completed the first two parts of both quests. The only difference is that Neutrals will probably need a Yalm to talk to Alvin without being attacked by Slayer-Droids and Guards.


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