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Thread: Why gank? This is why:

  1. #21
    Originally posted by Kezix
    If you are in an arena, that means you want to fight. If you don't want to fight, go kill some monsters or something.
    In many cases thats true, but it doesnt mean they want to fight a random twink. What about people that enter to fight eachother for fun, and someone runs up and ganks them as soon as he/she can? So you want to fight? Does that mean you need to ruin others fun?

  2. #22
    I actually logged on today, and had a lil fun in 2h0.

    And well, it seems that in mass pvp, agents are quite powerful.

    I got cred for most of the kills I was involved with, but that darn fixer got me twice. Last time cuz I never got rrf (I asked...sigh)...

    But for the first time in month, I actually had fun in ao.

    Thx for the battle, omnis.

    Thelvyn, I'll get u. If I log on again, lol.

    Btw, to do the doc that said that one debuff has people running to the bunkers...well...RAPID PALSY IS REALLY REALLY ANNOYING! Almost as annoying as caps, dag nabbit!

  3. #23
    I asked a guy downtown if he wanted to fight, he said no... so I asked another guy, he said no too... so I looked for almost 10 minutes for someone to fight ( I wanted to see how good I was at fighting) but I couldnt find anyone, so I hit one of them over the head with an crowbar anyway. 'Hey its mayhem' :P

  4. #24
    Originally posted by Centurion3
    I asked a guy downtown if he wanted to fight, he said no... so I asked another guy, he said no too... so I looked for almost 10 minutes for someone to fight ( I wanted to see how good I was at fighting) but I couldnt find anyone, so I hit one of them over the head with an crowbar anyway. 'Hey its mayhem' :P
    I was walking downtown. From nowhere a pack of vultures came flying, they killed everyone around me. But I have good armor and a big gun, so I started blasting.

    Then I thought "oh yeah, not the same IRL as in the game" and my LSD trip ended and the vultures were all gone.

  5. #25
    I like the game as it is right now.

  6. #26
    So what if its just an game? Does that mean you dont have to respect others in the game?

  7. #27
    Originally posted by Centurion3
    So what if its just an game? Does that mean you dont have to respect others in the game?

    There's this silly game old people and fat women like. It's called BINGO!

    Btw, u don't have to respect people in real life either, I don't.

    Respect is earned, it's not something you are entitled to. I respect those WORTHY, I am nice to most others, except those that are annoying babbling idiots, those I make fun in a very juvenile way. I am such a meanie!

    Btw, I am just a roleplayer. I chose to be an a$$hole in this game, except to the people that are l33t uber haxkor d00ds. (and I really really hope u got the sarcasm..)

  8. #28
    Ganking in political zones or mayhem zones is normal. You come here to get some, and these zones don't have this name for nothing (political and mayhem). It's free for all zones, battle fields.

    Ganking in Arena is very childish. Arena are for tests, duels, and fun with friends. If you really want some cheap kills, then go gank in a political zone, at least at can be explained by the fact you are in war. Ganking in Arena can only be explained by the fact you are a title hungger...

    Ganking in 25% is normal.
    Ganking in arena is lame.

  9. #29


    Obviously this thread could go on forever with people arguing there points trying to convince people that are unconvinceable with their opinion. So uh... how about we quit filling the forums with junk and go gank people!?

  10. #30
    Originally posted by Mandor
    Arena are for tests, duels, and fun with friends.
    I beg to differ. I could go through H20/MMD all day and not find a single low level person of the opposite faction. Tir Arena is the most popular low level dueling place, mainly because of the low CompLit-Req (so Omni's can get to it). Most low level clanner's can't get to Omni-Ent.

    If arenas are for tests, why can you gain PvP titles in them?
    Last edited by Veev; Aug 5th, 2002 at 03:24:14.

  11. #31
    Originally posted by Veev

    This is mayhem.

    Neither, I merely wanted to fight, it's not that I was impatient, it's just that NO ONE wants to duel me it seems.
    No, if you just to fight you would of taken your agent into the arena into a 25% zone or an arena, dueled, won or lost and had a good time. Agents aren't great in PvP, but they can hold their own if played right.

    Spending 28 hours twinking a level 19 character out (it shouldn't of taken you more than 2 hours to reach lvl 19) and choosing a breed/profession combomination which isn't good for PvM, only for PvP, has nothing to do with the desire to fight for the thrill or just for enjoyments sake.

    It's about feeling self important. Its about fighting w/o the possibility of losing and getting respect from others when they see your title. You either sit there killing n00bs or people who just want to take a break for a bit and do some PvP. It turns PvP into a childish contest to see whose willing to spend the hours/has the time twinking.

    This is why 80%+ of players have no interest in PvP anymore.

    You are whats wrong w/ PvP

  12. #32
    Hmm, where do I start?

    Originally posted by Alexion would of taken your agent into the arena into a 25% zone or an arena, dueled, won or lost and had a good time. Agents aren't great in PvP, but they can hold their own if played right.
    Please read my post more carefully, I'm not talking about dueling my Agent, although I have dueled my (Novice) Agent, a long time ago. I've also dueled with a Doctor, Soldier, Enforcer and NT, I don't try to only play the strongest classes.

    Spending 28 hours twinking a level 19 character out (it shouldn't of taken you more than 2 hours to reach lvl 19)...
    30 hours, LvL 13, and it takes more than 2 hours to get 30 tokens.

    ...choosing a breed/profession combomination which isn't good for PvM, only for PvP, has nothing to do with the desire to fight...
    You're being sarcastic, right?

    It's about feeling self important. Its about fighting w/o the possibility of losing and getting respect from others when they see your title. You either sit there killing n00bs or people who just want to take a break for a bit and do some PvP. It turns PvP into a childish contest to see whose willing to spend the hours/has the time twinking.

  13. #33
    Originally posted by Alexion

    No, if you just to fight you would of taken your agent into the arena into a 25% zone or an arena, dueled, won or lost and had a good time. Agents aren't great in PvP, but they can hold their own if played right.

    Spending 28 hours twinking a level 19 character out (it shouldn't of taken you more than 2 hours to reach lvl 19) and choosing a breed/profession combomination which isn't good for PvM, only for PvP, has nothing to do with the desire to fight for the thrill or just for enjoyments sake.

    It's about feeling self important. Its about fighting w/o the possibility of losing and getting respect from others when they see your title. You either sit there killing n00bs or people who just want to take a break for a bit and do some PvP. It turns PvP into a childish contest to see whose willing to spend the hours/has the time twinking.

    This is why 80%+ of players have no interest in PvP anymore.

    You are whats wrong w/ PvP
    Let me explain some things to you.

    1. Uber twinks don't kill n00bs, usually.

    2. Uber twinks fight OTHER uber twinks.

    3. Most uber twinks go for high titles, thereby killing a n00b does nothing for them.

    4. Veev was the original lowlevel. Myself and a few others followed his example and surpassed it to a scary level. It is one part of the game that is fun, to see how well you can build a character. Those who do this rarely fight no-titles, and few around level 13 are rookie or higher without being uber twinks.

    5. My twinkie is on permanent OE vacation, but when I played her, seldom did I kill n00bs. Sure, the rare wanna-be uber twink would come across. I faught 5 at a time a few times for fun. But right after OE patch hit, I went to arena, GANKED a person, and ripped him up. Guess what, I didn't deliver the lethal blow. I just wanted to see what she could do. After the slaughter, I helped the guy heal up. Later he wanted a duel, I asked if he was sure, he was, and he died a little later. Some uber twinks are very nice and infact do help others duelling. Veev and I do not have the exact same view on ganking, granted, he is after title, I took pleasure in building. But, aslong as he gets no credit from your title, you will be safe, I am sure.

    6. He wrote earlier something to the effect of "duel without outside buffs", thereby removing immortality, making it a somewhat fair duel. My twinkie was very good without outside buffs, and she was immortal with them, aslong as I duelled people atleast within 10 levels of her...well 15...maybe 20, but still.

    7. Agents are not good in pvp? If you say so, my opifex agent hits fast, hard and has unbuffed a tad over 6k hp. I have 100% crit for 6s, 22% for 17s unbuffed, 26% for 22s buffed, deaths gaze, slowdown and roots. Trust me, I may have built my agent for pvm, but I can do some dmg if I get in that mood.

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