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Thread: Out of curiosity... What are the most wanted Nanos out there?

  1. #1

    Smile Out of curiosity... What are the most wanted Nanos out there?

    Any and all input is welcome


  2. #2
    Above QL 125 adventurer healing nano's cos you cant buy em )

  3. #3


    Grid armor of all marks, due to high numbers of fixers currently playing and the fact that Grid Armor Instruction Disc is rare to begin with.

  4. #4
    nullity MKII
    team beacon warp (a little more common now)

  5. #5

  6. #6
    Team Beacon Warp - probably one of the rarest, but fortunately you can get it off mission bosses in 'the zone' (180-195 team missions)

    Next in rarity comes Grid Armor 3 and 4, and Nullity Sphere 2.
    I suppose these come off bosses as well, but you will only be doing missions that QL for a very small part of your career and those bosses are probably too difficult to solo for the most part (unless maybe you're an enforcer or healing class with humidity on.) Good luck.

    Finally there's Grid Armor 1, 2, and Nullity Sphere 1. These are pretty uncommon, but nothing like the higher versions. I'm sure if you do the right QL team missions you'll get some eventually.

    As far as the boss only MA/Agent/Adv/Fixer/etc nanos.. not worth it. Not to sell anyway. Anyone who needs these has probably already done missions of the appropriate QL. After 14.2 I had all the fixer nanos I needed/wanted within 20-30 team missions after patch. Granted we blitzed to boss for most of them, but it went pretty fast. I wouldn't have paid for the nanos.

  7. #7
    Soloing Nullity Sphere MKII or Grid Armor MKIV is not really an issue. The problem is to get 6 ppl to team up with you in order to get most loot out from the boss, at least this is what I have found being the hardest part.

    You basicly need to be able to solo ql 140-145 missions to get these nanos dropping. Those aren't the problem unless the boss is a doc or trader (as a NT have problem with both types).

    I usually get about 1-2 discs when soloing team missions if I have 1 person in team when picking missions up, if I had 6 ppl in a team I will get everywhere between 3-6 discs per mission...this increases the chance but doesn't change the fact that its very difficult to find so many ppl to team with to get those missions. Instead, I been trying to find 2 ppl. That increases the amount of loot dropping slightly but not much.

    Over 50 missions later, I still don't have MKII...I have been focusing on leveling since then. Will try to do about 3-6 solos per day and also to kill few Lunaspells near Wine.

    I usually have a really bad luck in these things, hope yours work better.

    Gailyn, 171 NT, RK2

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