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Thread: Public Executions

  1. #1

    Public Executions

    I've got an idea of how to handle exploiters or griefers.

    Handle them within the context of the story.

    If an omni is caught exploiting and gets banned permanently, allow them to go out with some dignity by holding an event somewhere (Lush Resort maybe) for them.. The event could be their public execution by a high ranking member of OT -- which would be Perma-Death. Leave their charred remains on the ground for all to see for a week. Broadcast the event on all omni channels so people can come watch.

    A less extreme action, for a minor violation, could be the person gets arrested and is not freed from prison until they pay repatriation ( a fee ). So, if they think CLoudeh was a cheater, they could publicly sentence him with a 500m fine or whatever, and 30 RL days in "jail" for his character.

    Or, he could be kidnapped by clanners and held for a 800 million credit randsom. And, he could log in as his character, but he really would be in a cell, with no way out!

    Don't ban him, that is simply bad business. If he did cheat, then he could have his assets stripped as punishment. The jail time would not allow someone to exploit a bug for monetary gain (by the time they are sprung from jail a patch may have fixed it).

    Anyone like this idea better than what is currently being done? Ideas?
    Born on: Wed Jun 27 15:39:10 2001
    Slavor, Soldier, RK1

  2. #2

    Thumbs up

    I support the idea of accompanying whatever penalties are imposed on a player with appropriate actions in game 100%.

    I do not know if the actual ideas you posted will work; someone who gets banned for cheating should probably _immediately_ loose all access to the game. A Gm, though, could log on as him and act through the execution.

    This might require too many resources, but, if doable, I'm all for it.

  3. #3
    All this does is encourage exploiting/griefing. It gives people time in the spotlight, a publicity stunt.

  4. #4
    Cool idea. I'm not sure it would encourage exploiting, since you still end up with your account banned. It's a creative way to bring events to the game, though, and that's always good.
    Clan fixer, Fourth Title

    Director of Information
    Analog Myth

  5. #5

    i don't see it the same way

    I don't see that as a valid concern for two reasons: 1) not every cheater has to be dealt with in-game (maybe only real characters that are higher level), and 2) if the player is given perma-death, i don't see the destruction of many, many hours of time as an incentive... Even if they get their 5 minutes of fame, so what! Funcom would make it's point loud and clear: cheat, and we perma-kill your own favorite character. To those who are cancelling their accounts and don't care anyway, well, let them slide into oblivion and just delete their characters from the database.
    Last edited by Slavor_MoK; Jul 31st, 2002 at 21:28:06.
    Born on: Wed Jun 27 15:39:10 2001
    Slavor, Soldier, RK1

  6. #6
    Yeah, the idea has occured to me. Decide to leve the game, and go out in a bang.

    There is nothing preventing people from doing that as is. Dupe yourself 10 sets of Dragon Armour, and give them away in as public an event as possible. Get yourself banned. Have everyone shout at your leaving.

    Still, this is supposed to be a RolePlaying game. There should be some continuity in the game - for that, characters should not be able to just disappear. If the player that plays Radiman quits the game, some story should pop up to explain Radiman's dissapearance.

    In general, I think that a well run role playing game will take advantage of events that force it to alter, such as people not playing anymore, to enhance the experience of those that remained behind.

    I think the people left behind the a cheaters' leaving would enjoy the execution more than the cheater, who will not be allowed to play again. (and I use enjoy loosely, to also cover feelings of disgust at exectutions, rallies against them etc... )

    Executions could also be limited in a fashion - the extreme cheater does not get a _public_ execution. He dies indoors. Etc...

    Either way, I think the idea of expressing banning through some in game actions has some sort of merit. In the same manner that adding new Arks does.

    just my 2 cents.

  7. #7

    well said!

    There's crime in RL, so why should an online game be any different. Duping currency is illegal in real life with punishments, and it should be illegal *in game* as well. Other crimes have their own punishments. Different governments apply their laws and directives in different ways. Some are quite extreme... What the h*ll is the omni police department good for? Why aren't they involved with handling omni cheaters?
    Last edited by Slavor_MoK; Jul 31st, 2002 at 21:35:52.
    Born on: Wed Jun 27 15:39:10 2001
    Slavor, Soldier, RK1

  8. #8

    Re: well said!

    Originally posted by Slavor
    There's crime in RL, so why should an online game be any different. Duping currency is illegal in real life with punishments, and it should be illegal *in game* as well.
    True enough. But committing a crime in RL doesn't guarantee you a spot on the Tonight Show, where you can ham it up and be a celebrity for moment.

    Most criminals are quietly shuffled off to a small dark room, and the exploiters should be quietly shuffled off to oblivion.

    Cool idea, though- and executions would kick ass, true. If they were done in some other way, it might be better. Like say, an execution that results in a forced faction change (Omni to Clan, or vice versa) when you're caught teaming with the enemy.

    I dunno- just not a spotlight for exploiters.

  9. #9
    First advice to new DM's. Deal with problems INGAME as much as possible.

    Instead of an email about suspension, just summon the accounts characters to a cell, and give him the message in game. Not really a publicity stunt, but a nice way to keep things in the game, and out of the forums...

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