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Thread: * Miss Rubi-Ka *

  1. #1

    * Miss Rubi-Ka *

    I will post again since i have not recieved any more applications.

    If you are interested in applying for the MIss Rubi-Ka pageant, please visit Click on the picture of Cathereine (Last years Miss Rubi-Ka) and fill out the form.

    ALSO, send me an e-mail letting me know you have filled it out.. that way if I do not recieve it, I will be able to contact you to get the info needed!

    The first round of pageants will be on August 30th. It's august 1st now... time to start preparing!

    I will have a meeting with all of the contestants on August 24th. This will be a rehearsal and a quick training session on things the judges will be looking for. It will also be a crash course for those of you who have never done a pageant

    <<ooc: This is a very important event for me, as I am currently working towards the Miss America Pageant in real life. I have been doing pageants since I was 4 years old.. and it is something I not only know alot about.. but I also LOVE doing! So, even if you don't consider yourself the "pageant" type.. I invite you to sign up and just have a bit of fun!!"

    For those who participated last year, I would love for you to return this year to try again!! Also, it would be great to get your posts on what you thouhg of last years pageant. Maybe it will raise some interest~!

    I look forward to seeing you all on the 24th of August for the training session!! The details will come shortly....

    GOOD LUCK!!!

    Shalon "Aktrez" Joor
    ~*~ Director of Vixen Entertainment~*~
    Manger of the Rompa Bar, Omni-Ent.

  2. #2
    This contest is so fixed! and biased! Where are the nanomages?! huh where? tell me!! We're just as beautiful as the solitus damn it! *sniffles* I haven't even seen any nanomages that work for Vixen in the bar as dancers, more bias!!!, I am going to file charges I say!! CHARGES!!

    /me stands up and poses

    I have a killer body, and I I look good damn it, anyone who spends a night with me will remember the pleasures for years!take THAT Aktrez!

    Snow white skin and tiny pupiless eyes forever!!
    Last edited by Lexusstreak; Aug 1st, 2002 at 19:42:32.
    "Did I tell you that you could speak?....then why are you still talking?."

  3. #3
    Solitus 36 78.3
    Opifex 4 8.7
    Nano 4 8.7

    That is Vixen ENtertainment... we are not biased. I even said in past posts.. we ENCOURAGE Nano, Opifex to sign up!!! Nothing is fixed.. I just haven't had any interest so far from that breed yet! Why not sign up Shizara!! Maybe you will be the first Nano Miss Rubi-Ka!!! I would love to see that!!!!!

    hee hee.. not to mention my best friend and right hand in Vixen is a nano-mage named Sakuraz. No, we are not bias! Bias and Vixen don't go hand in hand.

    /me smiles and hands Shizara a few application forms to hand out to all her nano and Opi friends!
    Shalon "Aktrez" Joor
    ~*~ Director of Vixen Entertainment~*~
    Manger of the Rompa Bar, Omni-Ent.

  4. #4
    hmmm we'll definitely see now won't we?

    /digs through her bags and takes out some compressed formal wear

    If I find the time inbetween liberating Omni-Tek from ICC tyranny I'll make sure to be there. /me smiles
    "Did I tell you that you could speak?....then why are you still talking?."

  5. #5
    hmm almost forgot.. /me whispers "I've never actually seen these solitus pageants, what do I have to do?" /me clears her throat and blushes
    "Did I tell you that you could speak?....then why are you still talking?."

  6. #6

    Cool Aktrez!!

    Hi there!

    Did you get Duckey's application?? I sent it over the weekend I think. If you didn't get mine, let me know and I will send it again.

    For those of you who don't know me (Duckey Waddles) I was in the pageant last year and I had such a fun time! I encourage you all to try out. I won the title of Miss Clan. I am hoping to win Miss
    Rubi-ka this time!! Aktrez puts on such a great event, and even though I didn't win the title of Miss Rubi-ka I still had a wonderful time participating in it!

    Lory "Duckey" Waddles

  7. #7
    ((Actually, I'd sure have had fun doing it, but I'm in the process of moving IRL, and don't know how much time transferring my connection will take... So, I don't want to sign for an event so long planned, and that I *may* not be able to attend in the end. Question of honor, you see... for me and for those who organize it =^_^=

    But truly, I'd have loved taking part...))
    Jen Markarian - Put the weirdness back in Omni-Mining
    Updating my stories -- 19/03/08. Going slowly, but certainly
    Anarchy Reloaded - AO webcomics for the sake of being silly

    I never want to lose what I have finally found
    There's a requiem
    A new congregation
    And it's telling me: go forward and walk
    Under a brighter sky
    -- Delerium, Euphoria --

  8. #8
    ......If I put on a wig and a bathing suit can I try out?? It seems Commander Nikola things Im a girl..why not. Im a slim Sexxy Opti...heck we look llike skinny women!! :P

  9. #9
    No Duck, I didnt' get. Just e-mail me the answers in a regular e-mail.. the application form seems to be a bit screwy.
    Shalon "Aktrez" Joor
    ~*~ Director of Vixen Entertainment~*~
    Manger of the Rompa Bar, Omni-Ent.

  10. #10

    Re: * Miss Rubi-Ka *

    Already sent my form and CAN'T WAIT!

    Originally posted by Aktrez

    <<ooc: This is a very important event for me, as I am currently working towards the Miss America Pageant in real life. I have been doing pageants since I was 4 years old.. and it is something I not only know alot about.. but I also LOVE doing! So, even if you don't consider yourself the "pageant" type.. I invite you to sign up and just have a bit of fun!!"

    ((OOC: Wow! Good luck, you've definitely got the talent!))

    Edit: What time?
    Katelin "Missmaul" Locknane -Sloooowly climbing her way out of the dank pits of gimpness. But stil crazy. Ya know...just in case you cared.

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