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Thread: Give us an option to turn off Morph effects

  1. #1

    Give us an option to turn off Morph effects

    Just need a simple option to get rid of morphs, its annoying as hell when some level 40 newb gets pit lizard and just HAS to dance around the grid to show off something weve all seen 1000 times before.

    If you can't beat them, Hit them in the face with a wrench


  2. #2
    If they did that then why bother with having the morphs in the first place. This is kinda nit picking isn't it?

    How about worry about more important things first.

  3. #3
    I agree with the poster. I'm sick of being a slayerdroid. I am sick of it. I have been a slayerdroid for 60 odd-some levels. Yea, it's cool for the first 5 levels.. then you get sick of it after 20, and then after 30 you wish you'd never switched to martial arts.

    Sounds like a petty thing, but one of the things about the games is uniqueness. I can't be unique if I've looked exactly the same for over 60 levels. Not to mention a few LoS issues, seeing above the doors cause it's too tall, etc.

  4. #4
    If they did that then why bother with having the morphs in the first place. This is kinda nit picking isn't it?
    Thats the point in having an option, so those who get their chuffs from laggy horrible morphs can see them but I for one am sick of them. You still get the modifiers just no morph graphics... I dont get saber anymore in teams because the constant rearing up on my backlegs for each hit hurts my eyes.
    If you can't beat them, Hit them in the face with a wrench


  5. #5
    For ppl with crapy video cards like me, turning off the option for seeing morphs would be a good idea, Newland + Acouple pitlizards = Major lag

  6. #6
    Ya, turning off morphs....
    This checkbox should also include turning off different armor animation to lower loading and make everyone look as they are carrying a Nova though they are going dual 1HE just to keep you from wondering "Ooo what could that weapon be?" when someone runs past you and thus makes you distracted from the good deal you are about to do.
    Hopefully it would make everyone look as an Opifex female too, because those Atrox just take up to much space in front of the mission booth.
    Only morph left alone should be Parrot as that one is so small and can fly above everyone so noone notice it, and while at it lesser Yalm size by making it look as a Parrot too..
    Heck, make all morphs to Leet animations.
    Leet the society I say, leet it.

    Hmm, do the irony show through?

  7. #7
    I've seen... I'd say... four n00bs showing off their Pit Lizard morph since December. Not exactly a plague.

  8. #8
    I still say FC has bigger things to worry about than making an option for this.

    I'd rather they stay focused on the things that are mission critical to the game, rather than a minor player options.

    I get tired of the way my advents damage shield looks, but I'd much rather see FC work on something like fixing my BBI's ranged init first.
    Last edited by Hunteres; Jul 31st, 2002 at 00:23:43.

  9. #9
    I believe funcom have seperate "teams" that work on different aspects of the game, all the graphics dudes need to do is add an option to remove morphs, it should take em a few hours heh.

    Also Cat I wasn't saying its JUST pitlizards (they are the worst tho), saberform is an eyesore with the nonstop bopping up and down.
    If you can't beat them, Hit them in the face with a wrench


  10. #10
    Play in 1st person and stop complaining

  11. #11
    If they do implement this make it so that you will still not know what weapon the adventurer is using. I am not an adeventurer but I know a few who PvP and they morph so people dont know what they using if you made it possible tot urn off everyone would know then not good for the adventutrer.

  12. #12
    How about a option to switch off all textures and display all things in wire frame graphic.. you sure have no lag then...

    .. ohh boy.. you have problems...

  13. #13
    I agree with slayer it is annoying when you have slayer and essense of behe running and your head is stuck in the roof most of the time.
    engie + ghetto crowd control + no healing + lowest hp + worst evades + bot who is never around. = worst prof in game

    Bump for engie fix

  14. #14
    Your option is another one than this thread was started. I agree that morph forms should be changed in missions, they are simply to big for the little rooms inside the mission. Maybe they should give one the option to cast the morph nanos so, that your surrounded by a smaller transperent form of the morph. So that it's like a spirit surrounding you ...

  15. #15
    Nice idea Sadom.

    Anyway, unless last patch fixed fighting animations for morphes, I think that should be fixed first.
    Troll Commando, doing the dirty work that need to be done.

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