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Thread: 2 Common Sense Ideas

  1. #1

    2 Common Sense Ideas

    These are just some common sense ideas I would like see implemented in the game.

    Idea 1: Locked doors/Chests (but mainly doors)
    Speaking as an atrox enforcer (lvl 84), I think everyone who doesn't have the IP to be raising breaking and entering just so they can open doors and chests in missions. Now call me crazy but I think it would make sense that a big looking character like me holding a support beam or hammer should be able to beat in a door or bust open a chest. Wouldn't it be great if you could attack a door and break it down or bash a chest and pop it open instead of having to raise dark blue skills to be able to do these things? Am I crazy, is this too much to ask? I personally don't think so.

    Idea 2: Improved PvP rules
    I really don't think its fair or fun to be attacked by lvl 100+ people once you hit lvl 75. I remember having fun PvP'ing before 75, now I dont even remember the last time my PvP experience hasn't been ruined by a lvl 100+ guy who kills me in a few hits, then talks trash saying stuff like he owns me, well no F***ING sh*t you do, you've got 50 lvls on me. Anyways I'm starting to rant... Basically I think Arenas are for 1 on 1 or at least vs people near your lvl. Now for zones like mmd or 2ho that is a political zone, therefor a warzone, I think the current PvP rules for those zones are ok, although can be unfair.

    Anyways these are 2 ideas of mine that I think should at least be considered, so feel free to comment or give constructive critisism.

  2. #2
    bump because i wanna see comments

  3. #3
    A good idea, so we probably never will see it.
    The stuff in chest broken should be reduced in QL, as the chest is bashed in, I think.
    Troll Commando, doing the dirty work that need to be done.

  4. #4


    Yeah sure, give the chest alot of HP or something then everyone go crazy on it!

    or something along those lines

    ///halofire.. burp?

  5. #5


    hummm add anti-resistance borg technology... er ok maybe wrong game.. but chests with HoT's to simulate them sucking in notum to fix themselfs need a whole 3 people just to break down the door and open the chest !

  6. #6

    Re: 2 Common Sense Ideas

    Originally posted by Zeplan
    These are just some common sense ideas I would like see implemented in the game.

    Idea 1: Locked doors/Chests (but mainly doors)
    Speaking as an atrox enforcer (lvl 84), I think everyone who doesn't have the IP to be raising breaking and entering just so they can open doors and chests in missions. Now call me crazy but I think it would make sense that a big looking character like me holding a support beam or hammer should be able to beat in a door or bust open a chest. Wouldn't it be great if you could attack a door and break it down or bash a chest and pop it open instead of having to raise dark blue skills to be able to do these things? Am I crazy, is this too much to ask? I personally don't think so.

    Idea 2: Improved PvP rules
    I really don't think its fair or fun to be attacked by lvl 100+ people once you hit lvl 75. I remember having fun PvP'ing before 75, now I dont even remember the last time my PvP experience hasn't been ruined by a lvl 100+ guy who kills me in a few hits, then talks trash saying stuff like he owns me, well no F***ING sh*t you do, you've got 50 lvls on me. Anyways I'm starting to rant... Basically I think Arenas are for 1 on 1 or at least vs people near your lvl. Now for zones like mmd or 2ho that is a political zone, therefor a warzone, I think the current PvP rules for those zones are ok, although can be unfair.

    Anyways these are 2 ideas of mine that I think should at least be considered, so feel free to comment or give constructive critisism.

    1. What then, would be the point of the skill B&E? The thing that would happen is that fixers would have another useless green skill. (Like they don't have enough of those?)

    2. This I like. Reduce greifing and ganking in PvP. Make it fun. Im sure that it's really not fun for most high levels either, we're just too easy for them.
    Garret "Necc" Scheer press officer of Desert Winds (MSAS)

    Karma, the world's true equalizer.

    Free Rubi-Ka!

  7. #7

  8. #8
    1. Very Bad Idea
    Much better idea to put in the team someone that can actually lock pick.
    Beside, there are parameters on missions to avoid those stuffs.

    2. Don't know, Not a PvP guy

  9. #9


    1) You'll note that locked doors are *much* easier to open than chests, so if your not keeping your B&E up enough to be able to open doors, then you might want to rethink. Also B&E implants often don't conflict, and you've always got the +20 buff. For chests, well, if you want the reward, its gonna cost...

    2) The PvP rules certainly need looked at (and I believe we were told that they were being/would be looked at). I've no idea what would and wouldn't work mind you.

  10. #10
    Originally posted by McFee
    1. Very Bad Idea
    Much better idea to put in the team someone that can actually lock pick.
    Beside, there are parameters on missions to avoid those stuffs.
    We are supposed to be able to solo in this game you know, or do you? And mission parameters are more then a little broken, in general.
    Troll Commando, doing the dirty work that need to be done.

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