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Thread: Where can I find Grid-armor ?

  1. #1

    Where can I find Grid-armor ?

    Need some info on this.. Need places for mkI, II and III ... plz tell me in game (Minimalistix) or here..

    Minimalistix, General of Mayhem, Engineer(Nobel Prize Engineer)

  2. #2
    I been looking for someone to go GA hunting with me for a while now. I know of a few places in like belial that could theoretically drop GA4, a few places in southern artery, deep artery, stret east for GA2 and 3 and a bunch of possinilities for GA1. Your omni and I'm clan, but no worries as I'm not interested in jumping you or anything (belial and sav are 75% zones now too).

    If I could add on a personal note, you showed ALOT of balls in camelot last night man, I was impressed! It's nice to see someone with the guts to blast into a room of fifty clanners, knowing ahead of time that they'll die and lose pvp points. THAT earns some proper respect in my book bro!

    Send me a /tell anytime man

  3. #3
    acctually I ran into the room cause I was laggy :P well, ty, and yes.. i will be in for some GA hunting ! I need I,II and III, but not IIII.. getting it for a newbie u know ;D I send u a /tell

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