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Thread: What does Defense Modifier do?

  1. #1

    What does Defense Modifier do?

    I have a ring of luck - defensive, that adds +26, but I also saw that the grid armor that fixers wear modifies this hugely. Does anyone know what it actually effects? It says it makes defensive skill checks somewhat easier, but what checks is it talking about? Does it make you harder to be hit, ie. Big mean Mob tries to hit you and misses, or what?

  2. #2
    In theory it provides the same benifit as sliding your agg/def bar __% to the left, without lowering your inits.

    BTW, are those NODROP? I never see anyone trading them.

    DrSquick - 134 Doc
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  3. #3
    Yep, Nodrop and Unique, found in a ql 184 mission chest loot, and can't wear it till title level 6

  4. #4
    Hmm, how come my ring of luck defensive rings were not no drop, and not unique? I just took two title level 3s off and put on some Title 4 high energy rings. I even sold them to some guy. Are you sure they are no drop? Mine were from around release, so quite possible mine were different.

  5. #5
    only ql > 100 are nodrop/unique
    Leamartini - 219 Doctor Too good for enlightenment ...
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    (04:50) [Battlestation] Techbro: skillz
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  6. #6
    So I guess the next question is, how many points does the agg/def bar symbolize? If the best grid armor give +1350 defensive modifier, I would hazard a _guess_ that it is around 2000 points. In other words, these rings arent worth much :/

  7. #7
    Quoting from the article Soloing and Teaming (the conclusions) by Gaute Godager

    "For instance, on one of my characters (around level 60) I only have 120 in Breaking and Entering. I haven't bothered raising it any higher, because I know that even with chests around 400 in difficulty I will open it if I try 3-4 times. (I know that because I get 400 points of experience. You get 1 point of experience per Unlock Difficulty.) That difficulty is used as a DMS (Defensive Modified Skill) against my breaking and entering skill. (Serving as AMS - Attacking Modified Skill) (Sorry bout the names for these values :/)

    Going back to sneaking: Think of your Sneak skill as the DMS of the chest. Think of the Perception skill of the monster as the AMS. Once every 10 seconds or so, a dice is rolled. Even though the Perception skill of a level 200 is around 800 and you have 2k in Sneak, there is still a 20% or so chance of it detecting you. If you "linger" you will be detected!"

    The defense modifier of the item or nano is applied to your characters DMS that is used for all skill checks that are of a defensive nature.

    I don't think a defense modifier has anything to do with the AGG/DEF slider settings at all.

    If the item or nano was modifying the aggdeff setting, then like the Flurry of Blows it would be listed as aggdef not defensive modifier.

  8. #8

    Post Welp...

    Let me start by saying that this is just 'my perception'

    If the 'bad guy' has 500 shotgun skill, and you have a 'duck explosives' of 500, the 'bad guy' has a 50% chance of hitting you.

    With a ring of luck - defensive (let's say a +5), the 'bad guy' will have a 45% chance to hit you.

    Just my 2 creds...I could be very wrong :P

    Trader: The trader is the most trade-skill oriented of all professions.

  9. #9

    Post ...and...

    ...and to add more light to this, nanos that boost offense increase your chance to hit by the percentage of the boost.

    For example, look at the "Automatic Targetting" nano. This gives you an additional 23% chance to hit something, after all other checks are made

    So, maybe I am on to something

    Trader: The trader is the most trade-skill oriented of all professions.

  10. #10
    Automatic Targetting raises your attack rating. You will naturally have a better chance to hit, and will hit for more damage. I wouldn't pay nanos desciptions much attention, just the modifiers So if auto targetting adds to offense modifier, that is what they mean by attack. I think you could be onto something, with the defense modifier. It is basically added on to your defense rating, which would be tacked on to your evades. Just like attack makes you hit for a more, your evades make you take less damage.

  11. #11
    The modifiers on rings of luck are "AddAllOff" or "AddAllDef" I believe. I have a defensive ring on... I'll have to check for the exact wording when I get home. But I know for sure it doesn't visibly raise my evades. I think the person who wrote about the AMS and DMS and stuff had it right, as far as that's concerned. The effect on your char of these rings is impossible to see in your stats - none of your skills or ratings change.

    But these are rings of 'luck' - the idea of the ring 'stacking the deck' a little in your favor, invisibly, by nudging those modifiers that you can't see in your score sheets makes a lot of sense.
    Taren "Jynne" Suitt, Level 216/16 Eternalist
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    Iron Law of Exploits: If it can be exploited, it will be exploited. However a rule is exploitable, the exploits become the rule.

  12. #12
    Here's my best guess.....

    Automatic targeting adds 23 to all off, which if you've ever had it cast on you, you will notice it raises your attack rating by 23.
    Now, let's say you are an agent who uses a rifle based 100% on rifle skill, if you use Sniper's Bliss(+50 to rifle) you will notice that it also adds +50 to your attack rating. It seems to me that "AddAllOff" adds to whatever skill your weapon uses as it's AtkSkill, based on that conjecture, "AddAllDef" adds to your whatever defense skill you are defending against. In the case of Grid Armor MKI(AddAllDef 870) a Fixer fighting against a shotgun user would essentially have +870 to Duck-Exp. Like I said, this is just my best guess of how it works, I may be wrong.

  13. #13
    Grid Armor MKIV gives you +2100 All Def.

    I believe that this is like giving you +2100 to all evades.
    "Self Proclaimed Fixer God since Jan 2002"

    Note: This account was stolen from me by someone I thought I could trust. I didn't realize what was going on untill someone from my guild contacted me and let me know what was happening. Funcom was gracious enough to give the account back to me, the original owner, but the account is deactivated for the time being and my main concern was just getting it out of the hands of an unsavory character. Sorry for the drama.


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