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Thread: need a patch!

  1. #1

    need a patch!

    I need a patch man
    A need like a needle in the vien
    need a patch like a thirsty man waiting for rain
    its driving me insain
    that my tradeskills cannot make cool toys
    it annoys my toil that pet pathing
    soils my team play.
    I know that you are workin on major things
    I am just tired of being killed by greys
    I dont want to be an MA
    I'm an engie waitin for savior patch
    to solve this need a patch itch
    I'm holdin my breath for patch 14.6

  2. #2


    so true.

    (thought I think it is more likely to come in a few months time in 15.6, after all but 3 engies have left)

  3. #3


    You hit the nail on the head my friend.We Engi's have been passed over for far too long.

  4. #4
    Mmm I just realized that engies have another weakness. Poetry. lol

  5. #5
    Originally posted by Megabio
    Mmm I just realized that engies have another weakness. Poetry. lol


  6. #6

    Wink Megabio ~~~ Poety for you

    Leets are brown
    and reets are too
    so wear a frown
    as engie poet mocks you

    on Rubi-ka the yuttus walk
    and talk and smirk
    are these things you think
    as you read the forums at work?

    so grab you pen (quality lvl7)
    and write back, after buffing with poetic wrangler
    i have cut this short
    because in just walked my manager

  7. #7
    I have finally reached the point where I don't mind if the patch helps out another profession than engies, so long as it comes soon. (at least if another prof is fixed that is one less in the queue)

    Where is the patch?
    Where are FC?

    Does it make sense stopping all comunications with your customers for a month?

    I'm sure we would all feel a little better is FC responded to say why it is taking so long, at least then we may understand.

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