Well, heres a crazy set of ideas..

Suppression Generators-
Each clump of zones (Omni Forest/Greater Omni Forest, Omni Ent, Omni Trade, Omni HQ for example) has what is called a suppression generator. This is a very large machine that pumps out suppression gas, and fills it into the zones around it. Well, i think it would be really cool, if players could take down, hack into, destroy or sabotage suppression generators. The source of the generator would have to be deep deep in, lets say, Omni HQ, and surrounded by many guards, obviously a hard place to get to, and i think it could provide for great PvP, clanners running amuk in Omni Trade, and Role Playing situations.

Jail Time-
Say you attack an Omni guard, and your omni, instead of you dying, and being sent to the reclaim, with not even a slap on the wrist, I think Funcom should put all those jails to use, say you get caught and placed in jail for 2 days, (game time), this could open up the possibility of breaking into jails and freeing friends, holding prisoners hostage, and letting players, be bounty hunters, and bring in some of "Omni-Pols Most Wanted" or the like. We got a long list of people, but if we kill em, we dont get anything cept maybe a title in front of our name, how boring =].

Fixer Black Market-
Yes, yes, i now funcom thought this up, but they need to hear it again. It would be awsome if Fixers had an underground zone, with tons of shops, that sold illegal items, support beams, stigmas, etc. It could correspond with the jailtime idea, and would bring up more player interaction.

Last but not least, Tradeskills-
Funcom, you really need to implement more tradeskills, sure the game needs more balance, but balance in an MMORPG is like throwing a ball around the world, its near possible to achieve. If we could build all different types of new weapons, and maybe even not have constuction kits for them, so we had to work with them on our own, it would be really cool. I spend alot of time in the tradeskills Dpt., noticing i cant build hal;f the stuff it says i can =].

Thanks for takin the time to read this, if you did.