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Thread: Does any know...

  1. #1

    Does any know...

    How long does a item last if you drop it on the ground.

    I have hundreds of items in the bamk i would like to sort but it is nearly impossible to sort with just 2 backpacks open at a time.

    The easiest way i can see is if i drop stuff on the ground to sort it.
    I don't want the stuff to start fading away as i'm sorting. (sorting can take a few hours easy)

    Wish funcom would make it possible to have 4-5 backpacks open at the same time or maybe open them from the bank without putting them in your inventory


  2. #2
    I have a solution, packrat. Take as many bags as you can carry and empty them into a terminal.

    Have you considered the strain on FC's databases for characters with hundreds of items?

  3. #3
    Nice to see the ignorance of people showing up so soon. Did you ever think the reason for organizing the stuff in my bank was to get rid of the crap in there.

    Of course not. You just like to open your mouth and make stupid noobie coments to show your naivete.


  4. #4
    Originally posted by IronTide

    Have you considered the strain on FC's databases for characters with hundreds of items?
    Not a very large one. Each item is tagged with a 6-10 digit number. For the server, that's all it is: A list of 6-10 digit numbers. You can fit a lot of 6-10 digit numbers into a kilobyte. About 200. So, for 1 megabyte of server space / bandwidth, you can have 200,000 items stored/transfered. Doesn't seem like that much work for me. (then again, Funcom's servers are 486's.)
    ps: I'm sure funcom has a much more efficient way of database storage, so this is probably an underestimate.

  5. #5
    you can:

    1.dont even try to drop the things on the floor...

    2.just throw a worthless item on the floor and see how much time it takes

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