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Thread: For all you non-Star Wars Fookers!

  1. #21
    Lol he was annoying but he is funny nontheless, in Ep2 its funny how he Votes for power in Senator Palpatine, which undoubtedly means he got The Emperor started on his way hehehehahahahehhahahe Dumb big ears.

    If you can't beat them, Hit them in the face with a wrench


  2. #22
    SWG is rocking. When it comes out, AO will be history. 110%
    Rubi-Ka's FiRST Neophyte Enforcer - Holder of Spoon - Stirring the pot - Pumpkin' Pie anyone?
    >Wo "Caol" Ha - 187 ENF | >Thzunami - 97 MA | >Wo "Dioxy" Ha - 30 TRA | In memory of The Council

    Jayde's Item Database - All you'll ever need -

    "BACK AWAY" - Pogobear / Skymarshal

  3. #23
    You're on beta Caol?
    If you can't beat them, Hit them in the face with a wrench


  4. #24
    Stop talking about the stupid Star Wars ruining creature of a Dyslectic idiot. k ?

  5. #25
    You're Breaking my balls.
    If you can't beat them, Hit them in the face with a wrench


  6. #26

    who in their right mind

    Who in their right mind supports swg? I know lucas Arts is claiming it will me extremely hard to become a jedi and that i do not doubt. But after a year or no sleeping and 12 year olds gone cofee addicts playing this game, we're gonna have 500 jedi's running around, making it totally unrealistic. It's Also unrealistic in the time phrame it takes place in. In the time frame it's in (based on what was said in the movie) the last jedi are luke, yoda, and ben (and liea if you want to jump ahead a few years). OOHH burn george lucas, bet you didn't think of that one did u? Also I've seen the pics and they must be cinema taken cause I've seen gameplay pics in pcgamer and they're like everquest.

  7. #27
    Originally posted by Cloudeh
    Dunno if you have played the game or not but..

    ...Why are people arguing over a game that hasnt been released?

    i think you just became my personal hero cloudeh.

    As for you your infinite wisdom.... AO was a great game in beta too..there are maybe a max of a few thousand people on during the beta..and thats at peak hours. When the game comes out... every god damn 12 year old on earth is gonna buy this game, along with his mother, brother, sister, father, and uncle. Dont assume a game is going to be flawless based on beta.
    President of Midnight Reveries

  8. #28


    World of Warcraft will own both ao and swg!
    until that ill stick to bashing up vets
    Toorgs - Enf
    Reroll2002 - Adv

  9. #29
    As for you your infinite wisdom.... AO was a great game in beta too..there are maybe a max of a few thousand people on during the beta..and thats at peak hours. When the game comes out... every god damn 12 year old on earth is gonna buy this game, along with his mother, brother, sister, father, and uncle. Dont assume a game is going to be flawless based on beta. [/B]

    Uhm, which beta of AO did you play? I seem to remember crashing ever 10 minutes, losing 5 minutes worth of xp. Only way you cuold level was the times 2 xp mobs gave. Missions did not always generate and in certain areas you could level by simply taking find person missions because the person spawned next to the mission booth. Zoning was unreliable and you could end up anywhere upon zoning. Just to name a few...


  10. #30
    SW:G is trade skill oriented. They are doing AWESOME things with the use of trade skills including an example below.

    I'm a gun maker. I make guns. I get a noob to supply me with scopes for my guns. The guns I build are used by Bounty Hunters. I get experience when people use my guns and so does the noob who made the scope. The Bounty Hunter needs me to make him guns so he can collect bounties for experience. The guns that drop from mobs are pale in comparison to my custom made DL99R Heavy Blaster Pistols.

    Experience = Skill points
    Skill points = spend in skills

    The example above is a noob, mid experience and high experience group making experience for eachother by mutually sharing their skills.

    JUST like a TTRPG such as Cyberpunk, Star Wars (first and second edition) and other TTRPG games which are skill based such as the hero system or gurps.

    You are not identified in power by level, you are identified by your experience.

    Kinda' like in RL, Joe isn't a lvl 50 armorer, he's got 20 years of experience.

    The cool thing is, you never know who your messin' with :P

    I've been doing some pretty in depth research of the SW:G system and imho for a non level based system, it rocks in every way shape and form.

    Will it make me cancel my AO account? No, but I'll be playing SW:G beta soon, comments about my experiences there will be available in MoK's forums to which anyone can sign up.

    Total Aggression Gaming
    Mercenaries of Kai (TAG)
    Chapter I. LAYING PLANS "All warfare is based on deception."

  11. #31
    Originally posted by Fluffor "Tanyr" Neblett
    You're on beta Caol?
    No person from the general populace is playing SW:G beta right now.

    Currently the only people in SW:G are support, engineers, GM's and DEV's who are testing map environment and movement models.

    Total Aggression Gaming
    Mercenaries of Kai (TAG)
    Chapter I. LAYING PLANS "All warfare is based on deception."

  12. #32

    Re: For all you non-Star Wars Fookers!

    Originally posted by Hirum
    Ok, listen, lets clear some things up about Star Wars Galaxies once and for all.

    First of all, LucasArts and LucasFilm are totally different. Here is the direct quote derived from the faq on the official site.

    "11.13 What is the difference between Lucasfilm and LucasArts?

    LucasArts develops entertainment software, some of which utilizes that Star Wars license. Lucasfilm, specifically Lucasfilm Licensing, must approve all content that directly involves the License.

    1. Cool man, the graphics are going to be so neat!

    incorrect Sure they may look cool on screen and in the magazines, but those screen shots are buffered and all prettied up for your veiwing pleasure.

    They currently are using Maya for their in game artwork which has horrible specular highlight textures and offers somewhat blindness and normal screen lighting preferences.

    Basically, unless your running an Anti-Aliasing video card ie:Ge Force 4x AA or the new bad boy Parhelia 16x Fragment AA, your game graphics are either gonna look the same or worse than AO.

    So, no points there.

    2. Good music

    Sure, we all love star wars music. I am sure we have never heard this before. I am sure it has nothing to do with any other star wars game they have!!

    Damnit, from the supernintendo games even up to Jedi Knight II and SWGB, its the same stupid fu cking theme song just all changed around! Give me a break.

    3. Gameplay

    I think Ill go play Mario, seems funner.

    How you gonna call it a role playing game if it has no physical number levels any more. Thats traditional, and I think it will be alot less sophisticated with the whole skill system, childish even.

    4. Stability

    Even AO should convert to the Unreal Engine, Jesus, they are gonna use the guys from Verant to build this thing for them, yeah, good idea, we might as well just get B.Net, it never lags at all! (stupid stupid stupid)

    5. Duration

    I give it two years till it flops like JKI and JKII will

    I give AO atleast three more years untill FC gets tired of everyone *****ing all the time and sends worms to all our computers that physically damage our hard drives.

    Did I miss anything?

    With all due respect, wrong.. wrong... oh and umm, wrong.

    Total Aggression Gaming
    Mercenaries of Kai (TAG)
    Chapter I. LAYING PLANS "All warfare is based on deception."

  13. #33
    the current beta is limitedly closed, with few exceptions on folks with high end systems.

    yes, some beta cd's have been sent out.
    yes some small public are playing.

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