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Thread: Anyone know # players/accounts on AO?

  1. #21

    lineage suxor

    I played this game....what a piece of utter crap.
    Could only be popular in poor countries cause no rich 1st world gamer is gonna play a game with nintendo grpahics.
    Reminded me of ultima 4.....

    But hey it does have over 1m subscribers and thats more than EQ and UO combined....but then again look at the counties its popular in

  2. #22
    I know people will comment on Imbalance in UO because of such skills as taming where you are able to tame dragons and absolutely crush any one in PvP
    Ah this is some funny stuff alright. A lot of people would make their dragons follow you, then attack, cause it made them move faster, so you could just open a gate and they would follow you in, recall back to the fight, and OWN someone.

    Best PVP combo in UO (arguably of course) was the GM Fencer/Poisoner

  3. #23

    Re: lineage suxor

    Originally posted by KidZero
    I played this game....what a piece of utter crap.
    Could only be popular in poor countries cause no rich 1st world gamer is gonna play a game with nintendo grpahics.
    Reminded me of ultima 4.....

    But hey it does have over 1m subscribers and thats more than EQ and UO combined....but then again look at the counties its popular in
    Hmm, but Lineage 2 is full 3D (highly modified unreal engine IIRC) with no zones (seamless world). And South Korea is the gaming center of the world, its a national sport there...

  4. #24
    Linreage, the current version out there, sucks complete nuts, I mean really. Try playing Diablo online, but the graphics suck, the game sucks, the content sucks, even MORE l33+ d00dz and no one speaks english?

    I tried it when they were offering it for free...if you're wondering where Lord British went, look no further than Lineage...why he did that, I'll never know...maybe he see's a potential.
    Rubi-Ka 1
    Quiet - Sol - Enf
    Cormik - Sol - MA - semi-retired

  5. #25
    Originally posted by cweef
    UO has a playerbase of over 200,000 people . This was officialy confirmed awhile ago. Its easy to assume that the amount of UO players is still growing as they are adding MORE and MORE shards(servers) to play on. This is HUGE success in my opinion because the game has been going for soooo long. People dont quit the game because of major imbalances or bugs but because of the extreme boredom that comes with playing the same game for over 4 years.

    This is a little off topic but whining is almost non existance in the UO community because the skill system is soooooo balanced and easy. In AO, you pick a profession and do what the profession does forever. In UO you pick what you want to be, when you want to be and how good you want to be at being what you be, hah.

    I know people will comment on Imbalance in UO because of such skills as taming where you are able to tame dragons and absolutely crush any one in PvP. Here is how this is balanced, if you dont like whacking at people with your katana, youll start taming rabits in effort to eventualy own a dragon or two. In AO, a gimped engi isnt able to watch karate tapes and convert himself into a uber MA, making a huge profession imbalance.

    But forget talking about UO, because it died after the discovery of 8x8.
    um you cannot be whining in the uo community....
    you obviously do not read uo boards
    for one thing there is nothing but massive whining, so much so that the lovely company will ban your game account for speaking out of turn on the official boards.
    and tamers in pvp yeah right
    they are almost as hugely gimped as bards, a five year old skill that was just utterly and completely destroyed. the fact that anyone still plays that game boggles the mind. read the official boards and you'll find out who likes it....

  6. #26
    A lot of gaming companies forgot how big a market Asia could be

    Korea, Taiwan are already mature markets.

    Japan wasn't big on online games, but it's up and coming. Good thing AO supports Jap lang input.

    China... this is a huge monster of potential waiting to be tapped.

    At the moment, becoz of Lineage, most Korean MMORPG players u see are of the l33t d00dz type. THey PK and PK and PK. If they choose to invade a certain game... I am quite sure the "rest of the world" players better beware. Those who played diablo2 would know. I got to know some nice Korean guys.. but the major problem with them is communications... sigh.

    Even where I come from... a small dot of a country called Singapore, can have quite a big number of online gamers. What AO needs is another type of payment option.... PREPAID CARDS. Many teens here play online games using this option as they do not have credit cards... but do have lots of pocket money. (Their parents don't give them sub cards or allow their CC to be used for online stuff)

    If FC wants more customers, they just need media blitz in Asia, put in support for chinese characters (not too hard since Jap is in), and put in the prepaid cards option.

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