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Thread: Missions need help too...

  1. #1

    Missions need help too...

    1. Give us a button that allows us to update our teammates' maps for the mission.

    2. The missions are getting stale. Need a much wider variety of objectives. It's either fix something, steal something (and sometimes bring it back to the mission term you got the mission from), kill something, or target something. When you have to do one of those four for about 50-100 gets stale.

    3. Money should be a given in any mission. The XP / Money slider should be changed so that you can get either XP or IPR points in either solo or team missions, but to get IPR the Easy / Hard slider would have to be no less than 60%. This would at least give the high level people who have no more title levels to achieve something to tinker with in terms of skills.
    .: Naraya :.

  2. #2
    i think getting even ONE ipr point per team mission would kind of throw the game out of wack, figure your avg player, actually comoplete a team mission once every couple days. two weeks go by and you now have 7 IPR points to completely redo your entire attack style or armor approach....

    ..i do think they need to incorperate IPR quests tho, or some way to gain IPR points besides lvling, they had said they were going to
    Hailieglade 200 Heavy Combat PoP Star - Proud member of Inner Circle - Omni born on June 18th 2002
    ...after you fix cams can we get a 250 lvl cap? or maybe a 5k token board? for some poetic justice...
    BR 15 CR 2 Sniper / Medic / Engineer - Markov

  3. #3
    I like the idea about updating team mates maps. However I'd like to add, what I'd really like to see is making it so you don't lose the map if you leave the mission or log out. I mean how much more space does it take. Nothing irritates me as much as being in one of those HUGE .01% missions and then get disconnected because of lag spike or client crash and have to find your way around again.

  4. #4

    Extra IPR

    Actually, extra IPR isn't a bad idea, instead of incorporating it into mission rewards, why not incorporate it into the token system?

    I'm level 134 and I have 1013 tokens. No need for anymore tokens, but regardless, I'm gonna get more since I'll still be taking part in team missions. Why not for every 100 tokens you receive after 1000, you're awarded an IPR point? I mean things have really slowed down what with the FC 'reorganizing' and all, and I seriously doubt we're gonna have a lot of new content (ie. quests for IPR) until Shadowlands is released. If we aren't gonna be able to be awarded more token boards, then at least give us something for all those extra tokens.

    As far as missions go, I wholeheartedly agree that they are stale. There have been so many threads about improving missions and included excellent ways of making them more interesting and better suited for different professions, again this would mean adding new content.

    The way it is now, every single profession, even those not combat oriented, are thrown in the game and given missions only a mercenary could love. Why can't there be missions made just for docs, traders, fixers, etc? Adding this means adding new content.

    I like this game, it has a lot of potential, but I just don't see any of this happening for a very long time, especially not when there's still bugs in game that have been around since beta. Oh well, its nice to dream.


  5. #5
    Originally posted by Hailieglade
    i think getting even ONE ipr point per team mission would kind of throw the game out of wack, figure your avg player, actually comoplete a team mission once every couple days. two weeks go by and you now have 7 IPR points to completely redo your entire attack style or armor approach....
    Oh the horror!!!!!!!!

    You mean people might be able to change things when they get bored?

    They might be able to use a different type of weapon when Funcom nerfs their type or releases tons of buff weapons of another type?

    They might be able to see something new when they are sick of what their line of guns looks like?

    They might be able to look different in some totally different armor?

    Good lord, wouldn't that be an absolutely HORRIBLE THING?!?!?!
    Primordiax RPG - Our World, Your Imagination

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  6. #6
    Could the team missions be a little shorter? We were in one last night for 4 hours and we had to quit out because it was so late. We were only 80% done (which frankly is about the closest to finishing one i've come in a while)
    Click Click BOOM
    BoomDoom - Lvl 146 NT
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