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Thread: A new RP idea for those interested

  1. #21

    When you can't really "die" for a cause

    Heh forgot what this post was even about, anywho that's an interesting point about the cell scanners, and yes they do cheapen war and generally make life on rubi-ka miserable, you can't effectively rid yourself of cetrain nuisances because of scan technology and supression fields. The iCC would rather see the denizens of rubi-ka slaughter each over in a never ending stalemate than lift a finger to take any real actions in the future of the world, it's why the organization I eventually create would bring that and many other points to the attention of whatever ears are willing to listen.

    DOWN with the ICC's tyranny!!
    "Did I tell you that you could speak?....then why are you still talking?."

  2. #22
    Cell scanner technology is one example of clanners and neutrals capitalize on Omni technology

    ICC wants to keep the peace but in the end there could be more and more fighting

    Omni rules forever!
    Peace to all free peoples of RK

  3. #23
    I think what Shizara sort of means, well ok bare with me here its rather hard to explain. But in AO we had roleplaying on two sort of levels. By levels I mean one sits on top of the other so to speak I dont me one is any better, in any way at all.

    The lower layer is at a guild level, this is often a well scripted, planned form of RP. It is very pure RP and is a lot of fun Savoy's group and Div9 and perhaps good examples of this. However in no way does it mean this group of people only do the lower layer RP.

    The upper layer was based more around the story level, it was a guild level, including the different orgs, like OTSEC, TBA, SA, Redfreedom. This layer was much wider than the guilds invloved and other people could enter into the fun of it if they where in a guild or not. Savoys group did a number of events around leet fighting which shows the cross over from guild events to a much wider upper level.

    Ok, I think its this upper layer we have lost. People dont sit around the clubs discussing recent evens anymore. The RP is very local so you average joe bloggs in the club would have never heard of you, your guild o what your doing. In most cases this is fine, but it does lead people to consider the rp is dead.

    I think its this upper level we need to bring back to life, get people outside the lower level, people perhaps not in RP guilds into the action so to speak. I know many RP's would have a problem with this but in a sense we need to create Heros, Villians to brighten the world up.

    The heros, villians is not about the people playing them but its the stories around them, like Lev Rivers, Methon, Azazzel Redruum, Snarf. Like them or hate them these people where known all over Rubi-ka, you could talk to almost anyone and these names would have ment something to them.

    I started a post before I read this one about looking to doing something new. Sure the ICC is a good idea, but I am not sure with the shadowlands plot if the whole Ross, Radiman story line is dead.

    Perhaps a new one will appear, but perhaps we could create our own style, some one has already suggested Crime families, I was thinking of a neo gothic vampire type group, Its not just one single idea either but may be join a few different plots together.

    Try to include a much wider number of people involved.

    Well the tread is here, as all ways any input is welcome.


  4. #24

    Thanks for the good press, but please can you not refer to us as "Savoy's group"? It makes me very uncomfortable, and I am sure other members of the Society reading this might not be too thrilled either. We have a name. It's the South Rubi-Ka Society or SRS if you are really in a hurry.

    As for why the "upper layer" you mention died, could it be its simply because that sort of thing doesn't work? When things get too big they are too difficult to manage, the noise to signal ratio gets unbearable and the limitations of the game engine and of all of us sharing the same virtual world (but not necessarily sharing the same "reality") become all too apparent?
    Dabblez - Rubi-Ka Universal Robots (RUR)
    We put the Art into Artificial Intelligence!

  5. #25
    Sure ok, I am sorry about the Savoys group thing, its just you tend to act as the spokes person for the group. I think more people have heard of you than they have the group which I think it is why I refered to the groups by the people that lead them.

    But your right this does dimish the role others play in your guild and group. But in that maybe is does highlight a problem, only a few people of the roleplayers become known.

    I wonder if trying rebuild tapperts old site, a sort of directory of Roleplaying groups and people might useful. This is not about the fame issue or trying to be leet.

    But more about finding out who the roleplayers are, so they can meet up to rp or at least gives you chance to learn about people on at different time zones etc.

    I think the upper layer does work, games like UO, DOAC have shown its possible and for 6 months it worked in AO. It failed because FC stopped supporting it or adding to via the storyline. It became very hard to make a difference when the main players in the story stopped responding.

    While the top layer was greatly effected by this it also filtered down to the lower levels as well. The number of events have dropped off even within the guilds. I have noted the lack of updates on many of the roleplaying guild sites. A lot of other RP sites which had little to do with the upper layer went the same way.

    So I think rebuilding the the upper layer would be good for all roleplayers, it works in other games, it worked in the past with AO. We just need to clear out the dead wood by junking the old story ideas, the restrictions of being clan and omni and think outside the box so to speak.

  6. #26
    We never did see eye to eye regarding the importance of having famous player characters in game, no point covering old ground. What matters is that new AO players interested in rolepaying are managing to find their way to the South Rubi-Ka Society, and by the same token I assume they also find their way to the other roleplaying guilds. If new players can do this, I can't see how existing players can fail to find roleplaying groups in AO if that is really what they are after. It takes a little bit of digging around on the internet, but as with all things in life, you get what you put into things.

    Still, just to make this sort of thing even easier, Domu (or rather her alter ego Tuxx) have just recently opened a new site, the Neon Zebra Club ( to help roleplayers get together. Tappert is also working on new site to support AO roleplayers. Yes, both Tap and Domu are in "Savoy's group", but want to stress neither of these are SRS related sites; these are for everyone. Please support them.

    As for the "upper level story", maybe I am being too negative when I say it can't be done, but what we had a few months back was not a strong player driven story, it was a bloody mess. I could never tell which bits were intended as a roleplaying and which were down to some bored players mucking about; taking pot shots at celebrity mobs just for the hell of it; probably a bit of both I guess. In the end I had to actually stop reading the game news to just to maintain any sort of suspension of disbelief. This isn't to say that it can't be done, I just find it hard to think of those as our glory days.
    Dabblez - Rubi-Ka Universal Robots (RUR)
    We put the Art into Artificial Intelligence!

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