Improve and increase Armor machine content in stores and player crafted armors

.The amount and sellection of armor offered for sale in the shops needs increased badly, especialy at the mid and higher levels.

there is a critical lack of more than one example of some types/armor sets apearing in a given machine at a given time or at all, also the machines seem to be stuck on one part of a given type/armor set, never selling or having any of the other parts of that set.

For Example, the Omni-Pol armor set sold in trade shops is 90% or higher allways boots and torso pieces in the Omni-Trade stores.

Many other armor parts are also only sold as boots or torso pieces. Helmets, sleeves and gloves from certain sets are rare finds if at all, with leg sections infrequently sold. Some armor sets have the oposite problem, with the torso, leg, and boot pieces being just as difficult to find.

In a general across the board there needs to be a increase in what is available in the store, the armor set sellection should be four times it present, were 1 piece of armor would be displayed make it 4 of that type/armor set displayed. Currently if you make the rounds of all the stores on a given side or location you find very little of many types/armor sets, if at all.

Also if a given piece is displayed then that piece has a decreased chance to repeat in the machine at that time. Instead it would sellect another piece of that set to display, instead of showing 4 of the same things at diffrent QL levels.

It is also easier for certain breeds to armor and outfit themselves then other breeds, this needs leveled out, bringing the difficult breeds up to the standard for the others, not lowering the easier breeds.

There is no logical reason to make playing a Nano 40 times more difficult than a atrox, its already hard enough with the stats and limitataions the breeds have, just getting decent armor for your level should not be heaped onto the pile.

Add the Bau and Waitt lines to the stores, and increase the amount of sense/Agility armor being sold to help the opifex breed aquire armor. As it stands it is pretty hard on the eyes seeing little grey skinned Opi's running around in that awful nail armor.

The trade skill armors are a good idea, however, it needs to be easier to pursue this trade craft. It is insane how hard it currently is to try to become a crafter.

With apropriate trade skill vs QL level requirements there is no need to have the current cost or difficulty associted with aquiring these items. All it does it make it a horrific money sink, and not a usful player improvment/fun process.

It should be possible to craft the needed droped items, albiet more time consuming, and or restricting the kind of improvments that can be made to the armor. the dropped parts should be for making special enhanced versions of that set, not required to make the most basic type of that armor.