Okay...I'm a 132 Enforcer...

I've always had a thing against Martial Artists because I can't keep aggro on me because of thier insane constant damage output. Now this isn't a knock against Martial Artists, as I believe thier nerf of 8 second recharge on thier healing is totally wrong, but I now see my problem. I became an Enforcer to get beat up and not to stand around...

I only feel useful now at the beginning of the mission for Essences that everyone begs for and at a Team Mission boss when the Martial Artists have to run back down to avoid death...

Currently my implant setup only allows me to dual a QL200 Byom and a QL135-140 Byom or a QL200 Rider Executioner. Even with this...I pale in comparison to a Martial Artist. Sometimes I can keep aggro but I'm slapping my Aggression Enhancer like crazy, using my taunt nano and Mongo'ing when it's safe. What use is more hp if I don't take advantage of it? I know I'm not the best Enforcer being an Opifex...but...it's really depressing me.

Others have told me the problem isn't me, which I have no idea anymore really, and it's an aggro problem. I look back and when I joined 5 months ago the taunts just had 1 damage effect added to them but I never thought about it until now.

Was the 1 damage just a lame attempt at an aggro fix?

Why are Martial Artists getting more taunts like I'm hearing about?

Is Funcom ever going to even address this issue?

Will people stop making fun of me for being an Opifex Enforcer?

It's just hit me as of late...and it's been bothering me. Has anyone else noticed? And I'm also kinda wondering why Adventurers and Fixers got all this nice buff love when my brother and sister Enforcers that use Blades are stuck with nothing...it's not a rip on anyone. I like Adventurers (they heal and help keep me alive like Martial Artists do) and Fixers with thier neato speed buffs and stuff. I'm just wondering why Enforcers are being ignored. Soldiers are complaining they got no love either...but...what about that Division 9 Plasmaprojector?

Sorry about my rant...it's just got to me...

Good travels my friends...

Timika "Rhina" Goliday
132nd Knight of Avalon - Blades Division - Dragon Class