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Thread: An Omni-Pol Threat

  1. #61

    Thumbs up hear hear!

    Originally posted by Wyldthing
    You know what... I am getting really F'ing tired of people insulting Aktrez and pointing fingers at Vixen Entertainment. No one points at Thyme and Devils Advocates and says, "Bad Omni, I will force you out of business!". No one points at Liss and Cystal Line and says, "Bad Omni, I will force you out of business!". Instead they look at Aktrez, see her role playing in one of the most popular bars in Omni Entertainment, and start flaming up at her.

    This must stop.... right now. Aktrez and Vixen Entertainment are /not/ the only Omni Entertainment guild. If you are going to flame one, flame them all, or knock it the F off.

    The reality is simple. Just because you can target a player in game, type 'T' and see what Faction they are does not mean that in a role play sense you have any idea. When you pass someone on the streets of your town, do you suddenly know what religion they are? No. So, from a role play stand point there is no way to determine if that guy sitting next to you is Omni or Clan without ROLE PLAYING and finding out.
    Well said!

    And yes, as an RPer you should probably ignore things like "this guy is grey to me" or "hit t, oh a clanner". I agree

    Aktrez and the V-E girls are great, I love the floor shows they do. Like a virgin has always cracked me up

    I think its brutish and wrong for the people that have singled out Aktrez, like Curtlees PATHETIC attempt at griefing her just now. Quote: "But or course I am sure alot of these 12 year olds think you are as hot as you do.Course I do not think anyone could be in love with you as much as you are babe." You need to say this type of thing to feel like a big man? How sad your life must be.

    Devil's Advocate is cooler than you.

    "If you can't get rid of the skeleton in your closet, you'd best teach it to dance."
    - George Bernard Shaw

  2. #62
    They perform 'Like a Virgin'?!?!?

    Katelin "Missmaul" Locknane -Sloooowly climbing her way out of the dank pits of gimpness. But stil crazy. Ya know...just in case you cared.

  3. #63



    Well, all Omni Personel are given ID's, I imagine... Think of them as Driver's Licenses, Corporate ID Cards, whatever... I've always imagined that is what you are looking at when you 'Shift-Click' on somebody to see who they are...

    For that matter, check Merit Boards for further proof. It's a great security measure to use.

    Personally, I don't care for it when people try to make other's RP the way they want... It never sits well. But I don't know if that was the intention or not, as I wasn't there.

    As for not being able to ID everyone that sets foot in the door, it's quite simple really... Station someone at the door to view people entering. Ask them to display their ribbons, or just check their ID Cards, whatever. They have those here on earth... they're called 'doormen' , 'security' , etc... Any succesful Club here on Earth has a good security team to make sure no under-age kids enter... so it should be in Omni Territory for Clanners.

    Whatever the case may be, don't get personel. Nothing's more hypocritical, than when RPers get Personel...

    I still have issue that when Omni-Pol ( And I realize Meister is not a GM, and he is not Ivan, but he leads a rather well-known Org Division of Omni-Pol ) lays down the law, nobody takes it seriously.... When you get pulled over by the cops, do you get in an up-roar?! Hell no! The Law is the Law... If you get busted, you get busted... case closed. But when the Police ( Omni-Pol in this case) come in, and say, " WE need to clear this area out now" and people are non-compliant, they have every right to ENFORCE the Law... I will always support that from a RP standpoint, as long as it is not abused...

    That said, I would never try to force someone to play their character a way they did not wish, but I offer some simple advice. If you are an upstanding Omni-Tek Employee, give Omni-Pol / InternOps / Omni Admin the respect they deserve. If you are playing an Omni-Tek Entertainment Employee, try to keep in mind how Clanners are not welcome in Omni Territory, and that includes Bars and Clubs. Personel views aside, it is Law, and not the Entertainment Industry's place to change it.

    Perhaps FC will one day make Bars 25% as they should be...

    These are just my views, and I hope they are taken as mearly opinion. I greatly respect the Entertainment Orgs for their hard work, and IC, love to go to a good party with Clan Omni and Neutral people.
    *Cuts to the cold static of an ended Grid-feed...*

    Division 9 RSGE

  4. #64
    Hello Miceter, i love your new flatulent tactics as of July Friday the 12th at the Rompa...was funny for the first 20 seconds.

    But after about 30 minutes of you farting and sitting in his lap and the clansmen still not moving, still remaining in the Rompa, i thought you would give up, but NO!.... Ya went the full hour!

    I salute you.../salute

    And despite what you think of Aktrez's cousine, i quite like it, along with the many other Omni/clan/neutal patrons...

    OH and 'fore i forget, Doncarnage sends his regards, Miceter... with hugs and kisses of course. You go get'em Tiger.

    *laughs under his breath and walks away*
    Last edited by Eclipxx; Jul 13th, 2002 at 08:37:47.

  5. #65
    I find it funny that Meister talks about OT RP'ers right to face down RP Clanners in OT territory, then joins in in condemning an OT roleplayer for doing just that.

    Aside of his seemingly hypocritical behavior, I generally agree with his points. The OT guards shoot Clanners on sight, so logically Clanners shouldn't be welcome in Omni Territory. Likewise for OT's in Clanner territory.

    As for Aktrez, niether she nor her staff can be expected to drive out Clanners from the bar, it's not their job. However, it does not suit them to serve Clanners. They can refuse to take orders from Clanners, and only serve OT employees. That, I think, is enough.

    Any other gestures of dislike for Clanners should be encouraged, if not mandatory.

    As for driving the RP'ing Clanners out of Rompa and whatnot, that should be the job of Omni-Pol, to do that by whatever means necessary. Failing that, any OT employee RPer has reason to set into a present Clanner, in OP's failing.

    They want to party in an Omni-Tek bar? Then if they want to do it in character then by all rights they should either turn their character OT, or expect trouble.
    Last edited by Stormrazer; Jul 18th, 2002 at 10:17:59.

  6. #66
    Bars shouldn'tbe 25% gas.

    They should be 0%
    Taren "Jynne" Suitt, Level 216/16 Eternalist
    Knight of Unity of the Rose - Check out our AO Tools!
    The Doctor Guide to: Notum Wars Martial Arts Perks! Nano Controller Units
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    Visit the Roses and check out the shops in our City, NE of ICC at 4500x1500 in Andromeda!

    Iron Law of Exploits: If it can be exploited, it will be exploited. However a rule is exploitable, the exploits become the rule.

  7. #67
    This Subject was done away with about 2 weeks ago, sorry you missed it.........

    *hears nothingness*

    OOC Aktrez & Meister have Made up also, don't know why you are still posting here........

  8. #68
    Dear Aktrez,

    I urge you to stay ABSOLUTELY neutral in this matter.
    Let your customers decide.
    Inform your customers about the wish of OT that all clanners should be banned.
    Let them decide wheter they want to stay and defy the will of OT and off course suffer themselves the wraith of OT.
    Entertainer and Rubi-Ka Trotter

    Feel free to visit:
    Olie's Arul Saba Store - Gems and Bracer
    Free Champagne and refreshements

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