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Thread: Suppression Zone/PvP idea

  1. #1

    Suppression Zone/PvP idea

    Perhaps if all arenas were set up like Omni 1.....

    When entering mayhem suppression area's, the server wouldnt initiate the crossing if you were buffed.

    Then lengthen the amount of time for the grace period, a great deal, for allowing buffs to take place.

    Not only would this decrease the amount of outside buffing, but would allow for less run-in-and-kill's and would create less tension in the arena for new pvp peeps, more control, less ganking of unwilling duelers, and so on and so on.

    Is this completely a stupid idea?
    "I got a snake man" -The Bafoon

  2. #2

    Re: Suppression Zone/PvP idea

    Originally posted by Hirum

    Is this completely a stupid idea?

  3. #3
    **mental note: do not put simple yes/no questions at the end of a post**

  4. #4
    Originally posted by Atlavan
    **mental note: do not put simple yes/no questions at the end of a post**
    Lol yeah, he set himself up for it by putting that question in that spot.

  5. #5

    Lightbulb know its kinda of topic but....

    I would really like to see a pvp zone with more buldings, maybe with more floors?....i always kinda liked the idea of "urban warfare" so make a copy of omni-1 and tear the place a bit apart and lower the gass to 25%....maybe place the save spot in the middle of it all...idea need to get worked a bit on, but here you go...

    Filthgrinder, Soldier Of Legion[size=0.1]
    Do you belive?
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    My type is: KAE.
    Killer 93% - Achiever 66% - Explorer 26% - Socializer 13%

    Account Created : 2001-06-27 13:42:4

  6. #6

    Re: know its kinda of topic but....

    Originally posted by Frost
    I would really like to see a pvp zone with more buldings, maybe with more floors?....i always kinda liked the idea of "urban warfare" so make a copy of omni-1 and tear the place a bit apart and lower the gass to 25%....maybe place the save spot in the middle of it all...idea need to get worked a bit on, but here you go...

    Yah and give the players masks and paintball guns, c02 and nitro while your at it

  7. #7
    or just buy unreal tourn 2
    "I got a snake man" -The Bafoon

  8. #8


    Originally posted by Hirum
    or just buy unreal tourn 2

    Well, thats not really the same is it now?....
    What im talking about is i think they got something right in mmd...just too little space...The problem with open space is you can always see where your target is...never any suprises, if we get some more buldinds and stuff we might even create some "real" agenter inviorement...Make it posible to ambush ppl... was just an idea

    Filthgrinder, Soldier Of Legion[size=0.1]
    Do you belive?
    Which Personality Disorder Do I Have?
    My type is: KAE.
    Killer 93% - Achiever 66% - Explorer 26% - Socializer 13%

    Account Created : 2001-06-27 13:42:4

  9. #9
    firstly /me is new to PvP

    Hirum - good proposal.

    Something has to be done to encourage new peepz to try PvP or more players will leave the game and no one will replace them. I find PvP In Mort or MMD (on the very few times Ive tried) to be exciting and fun. whether I win or lose or I dont really care. Im 161 MA and can, If I wish get the same buffs as everyone else who im going to be fighting.

    But on the low level game its different. I just created a new alt, took her to the Tir arena to duel a RL friend and test our work. OK, so everyone under lvl10 is running Titan or so.. id rather duel self buffed, but If you cant beat them you have to join them. This I can handle. Its NOT really a test of your skills, but rather how big an essence you can fit in..kind of lame really. Especially for those, like me, going in self buffed with 150HP and fighting someone with 600HP same level. whats the point?

    Anyway..when I was fighting this friend, and this lamer just outside zone was sending me tells every 30 seconds "nice essence what is it?" "im going to gank you" "im comming" " here I come" blah blah.. I thought ok.. this fool is going to try and gank me but I aint going to get distracted from why im here.. sure enough I just about beat my opponent and this fool runs and starts beating on me while im at 1/4 HP.. well the guy I was fighting had already zoned ( haha - title hugger ) and I just managed to get out myself (no way im giving this loser a kill).

    Anyway.. this has totally put me off going in Arena and just seeing the uber childishness that goes on there and the blatant unsporting conduct is almost enough to put me off this kind of PvP also..

    So those that value PvP as a major part of the game (high level) really need to make some concessions to those who want to start at low lvl.. or they just wont bother..

    Let there be a zone where u can only fight self buffed without grief, and a zone where anything goes. It may encourage a few more ppl to get into this for the right reasons other than childish cheating nonsense which devalues the title system.

    im done. sorry for the Rant

    p.s so called "freshman" Mrpvp - get a

  10. #10
    What I would really like to see is all of Rubi-ka, save perhaps the cities become 25% with 0% zones further from towns. This would really make the game what it was designed to be.

  11. #11
    Originally posted by Konstas
    What I would really like to see is all of Rubi-ka, save perhaps the cities become 25% with 0% zones further from towns. This would really make the game what it was designed to be.
    The game wasnt designed to be this way, its just what the name suggests. And what you speak of reminds me of everquest, where you spend half the game trying to get stuff out of your body cuz some lamer killed you.

  12. #12
    Originally posted by Konstas
    What I would really like to see is all of Rubi-ka, save perhaps the cities become 25% with 0% zones further from towns. This would really make the game what it was designed to be.
    ROCK ON. they could make all zones 0% and still have protection for newbies if the gaurds were a LOT harder. That might even give us something to do, like get a group and take over a city. ah well, FC will probably just ignore this since it add's content
    200 Martial Artist

  13. #13
    The game wasnt designed to be this way, its just what the name suggests. And what you speak of reminds me of everquest, where you spend half the game trying to get stuff out of your body cuz some lamer killed you.
    I haven't played EQ. To tell you the truth, I have heard that it's extremely carebearish, however. Two points though, the whole concept of this game is based on an armed conflict; you know... that one... The game map is large enough to prevent from extensive camping of hunting areas; the towns, their immediate surroundings would be protected by guards, the mission areas would be inaccessible to PKs, the rest of the great territory would be fair game. For those people who read this and cringe, I suggest to think outside of your carebear nature for a second and realize how much more fun and excitement this would add to this game!

    P.S. Unlike your experience in EQ, you wouldn't have to run back to your corpse in AO

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