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Thread: Lev, Lupoh Logs 1

  1. #1

    Post Lev, Lupoh Logs and 'Glowstick'

    As I have been a bit lax lately, I shall present Sightsee’s encounters as briefly as is possible ( I have Loads of Vicinity logs staring at me right now ). Please also note that some of what you read here are open-ended (i.e. not planned RP) and thus should not be taken as wrote. I also hope that this shorter style of writing will be easier to read.


    Sightsee realised that he was in trouble, still couldn’t believe that Levrivers made threats. If Lev was serious, it meant that he had to make allies, and fast. He also needed to find people he could trust, someone to analyse the drug for him and spy’s to check on any gossip that the Mockers may have circulating.

    He managed to form what he termed the ‘Posse’, which consisted of the following:
    Charley (Dragon Security Agency, Omni Soldier)
    Luxurea (Healing Hands, Neutral Doctor)
    Madcat48 (Mercury Dragons, Clan Adventurer)
    Trasey (Trinity, Omni, Bureaucrat)
    Technon (Entropy Dawn, Omni Soldier)

    All he needed now was someone within the law, or the law itself, for protection and leverage. He had put thought into his plan, and didn’t want the Mockers to be shut down, just for the production of the one drug to be stopped. Luckily for him, Leani gave him Templus’ name to contact in regards to Levrivers, Omni Pol were interested in his arrest. When the earliest opportunity would present itself, he would contact her.

    LOCATION: Roompas Bar.
    DATE : 06/24/02

    Sight opened a private channel and invited Madcat48 to it, but there was no response. Sight wanted one of his posse to listen in to everything, should anything ever go wrong at least the word would go out. Then he contacted Templus of Omni Pol, and managed to get her into his private channel.

    Sight had mentioned that Lev had paid him a visit, to rough him up and warn him off of Lupoh and Metalynx’s affairs.
    “Hmm I was here for one of Levs visits, almost had him but I lost him in the Grid” she said.
    “Yea well you guys should be more careful, I heard he robbed and murdered in one of our Omni-1 shops.”
    “Are you saying he has been raiding Omni-1 looking for you?”
    “Hell if I know?” Sights temper rose, she seemed more interested in Lev than the drug that he had also mentioned to her before.
    “I’m just saying it would explain why he has interest in Omni-1 now.” She replied.
    “I don’t think he or the Mockers involved realise that I have a sample of what could be the drug Lupoh showed me…” He could hear Templus talking to someone, not seeming to pay attention. “Jesus, Don’t you get it Templus? This drug can kill as a side effect; you guys still don’t care about the poor uh? What if this drug hits the City proper? Guess after a few exec’s fall victim, then you’ll do something about it!?”
    “No, I do understand.” She exclaimed. “OK, is Lev involved in the production of the drug and do you know where they are manufacturing it?”
    “No he isn’t, and I’m looking into potential production facilities… Lev is merely the muscle, maybe even just a one off to hassle me. But if I can coax him out again, you could ambush him and his damn crew?”
    “Hmm sounds interesting, so you see him often or does he seek you out?”
    “He found me, if he wants to I reckon he can find me again… So you gonna help with getting me some protection or not?” Sight forgot to cancel Madcat48’s invite, and suddenly he joined the channel.
    “What’s going on Sight?” Asked Madcat.
    “Hmm, who is this, I thought you wanted it to be a secure link?!” Sight couldn’t believe his dumbness. “Err Damned Hackers!” He shouted. But it was too late, Templus cut off her link to the channel.

    A few hours later at Reets Retreat, Sight was surprised to find an invite to Templus’ private channel, he knew that there probably be others listening in but he needed Omni Pols help. Templus walked into the flesh room to where he was seated. He reluctantly hooked into her channel.
    “OK… Now you have to prove to me that you can be trusted. Let me ask you a question to see. What was the item that a Mocker gave you?” Surely this is a trick question thought Sightsee, maybe she was trying to make sure he wasn’t wasting her time?
    “No one gave me anything? I found this drug on the body of some poor guy in the Omni Sewers. I’m sure he died of the side effects, you should have seen his face.”
    “Hmm does Diamondcut Dave have anything to do with this?”
    “Unknown, all I do know is that Lupoh has most probably made this, or was one of its designers. Metalynx and Lupoh see me as a threat, thus they hired Lev to try and warn me off. What complicates matters is that I am one of the Managers bodyguards here, the Mockers are general security, so I gotta watch my back from them and general trouble makers.”
    “Why don’t you quit while you’re ahead, you might live longer?”
    “Coz people are dying from this drug, that’s why, guess you can call me the Mother Teresa of Rubi-Ka?”
    “So who’s the manager here?”
    “Ignis, Eddie to his friends – he’s the manager.”
    “Ignis… He is also working with Gridstream productions correct?”
    “Well, I guess they work for him.”
    “Well, I think I can help you as long as you get this stuff to Omni-Med straight away… We need to leave NOW!” Templus darted to her lithe feet and started to walk out of the room, “Mockers know we are talking.”
    “Sh*t! You head out first. I work here remember.” Sight hoped that she was over worrying about nothing, and left after her.

    They met up once again in Roompa’s Bar in Omni-1. He sat down opposite her; she was scanning the area for bugs. She smiled to her device as she found the area clear.
    “OK, here’s the deal, I have talked to the Generals and they seem for it, but… I have to get the final answer from President Miester. But rest assured Mr. Boothby, it looks good so far” She smiled, a strangely warm smile that reminded Sightsee that although she was OP, she was a person and an attractive woman at that.
    “Err Ok, when you do sort it out, give me names that I can contact if I’m in danger, or if I discover more”.
    “Ok till then though, call me if you need my help and I will see what I can do. You are an Omni Tek employee so we do have to protect you.”
    “Good, I like that kinda talk.”
    “Till then, all I can ask is that you watch your back and stay close to Omni Tek areas.” With that she got up and nodded to Sight before slowly walking out of the bar looking inquisitively at each booth on her way out. Sight smiled to himself, his plan was setting into motion.
    Last edited by SinisterCake; Jul 12th, 2002 at 00:39:36.
    Crattyjack (RUR) - Director of Sales.
    Nashka (RUR) - Security Chief.
    Greenie01 (Devils Advocate) - Wheeler an Dealer.
    Emmet 'Bazzit' (Uncle Bazzit Foundry) - (Unofficial) CEO.
    Sightsee (The Makers Shades) - Lord.

  2. #2


    LOCATION : Roompa’s Bar Omni-1.
    DATE : 06/26/02.

    Sightsee had met up with Ehrynn after she had interviewed Thyme at Baboons. Sight had been cocky and said a hello to Lupoh earlier that night while the party was kicking off. Ehrynn was a member of the South Rubi-Ka society and was quite the journalist. Mingling around in the crowd was Madcat48 who kept Sight informed on what the Mockers were talking about, which was nothing of personal interest to Sightsee’ ‘crusade’.

    Sight still hadn’t got the sample analysed, and he knew he needed to get one of his ‘posse’ to do it soon, and try to obtain a sample from Lupoh. Things were moving slowly, and Sight tried to be patient but he was far behind schedule.

    He was by now visibly tired and melancholy looking. He accompanied Ehrynn to the Roompa’s bar, had some things to tell her, and felt guilty about one of them. He had tried to start the conversation but Ehrynn spotted Missmanners, a Vixen Ent worker and asked her to dance for Sightsee and herself. After Missmanners had danced, Sightsee shamelessly got Ehrynn to do so as well, but she didn’t seem to mind. Instead she joked about how she would get booted by the SRS if they were here to see her. ‘Either that or Skybert and Jabrak would join in too’ thought Sightsee. He was also confronted about being armed, but had to explain that he was harassed by a criminal in Roompas and so did not feel safe without them to hand.

    Eventually the conversation did indeed get down to business, about a number of things. “OK, still no news about your brother Ehrynn, but I’m sure he’s OK.” Sight was trying not to let the lie show.
    “Really?” Ehrynn smiled up to him.
    “Err, yea.” His guts twisted inside, he felt awful – truth was that he was probably dead. Now he had to tell her that her young and inexperienced friend Charley was involved in this mess that Sight was a part of. “Charley wanted to tell you what was happening.”
    “Okay”, Ehrynn looked slightly concerned at the mention of her friend.
    “I’m kinda taking on the Mockers. Lupoh sowed me a drug that looked like what I found on a dead guy recently. Gonna get it tested and try to get some off them to cross reference with. I have some undercover people working for me as we speak, one of them is Charley. I’m pretty sure the Mockers are oblivious so far – to their existence.”
    “Be careful with the Mockers Sight.” Then it hit her, her friend was involved, “Charley is too green for that work.” She frowned at him.
    “Well… she insisted.” Sight looked down in shame, Ehrynn shook her head sadly. He continued, “Anyway, I talked to Omni Pol and I think they and Internal Operations are gonna help us out, well, while I’m still useful to em anyways? They’re just itching to shut Diamondcut and the Mockers down. I don’t trust them though. Thing is I don’t want the Mockers had, they could come in useful later. Anyway so that’s the score, but you gotta keep it quiet Ehrynn.”
    “Okay, thanks for bringing me up to speed and I will keep it quiet, Mums the word.”

    They talked some more about another concern within the SRS and of Garrisen and Golthan. Ehrynn had to leave with a couple of Atrox’s quite abruptly, and Sight was left alone to drink the night away yet again.

    LOCATION : Roompa’s Bar Omni-1
    DATE : 07/02/02

    Sightsee had been discussing the new problem that faced his friends the SRS in regard to another drug dubbed ‘White Trash’ that caused havoc in the Omni Sewers. He was tired; in fact it seemed no matter how much sleep he got he was always that way these days. He was about to leave Savoy, Slotline, Varsel and Skybert when Rhina walked to his booth with a stride that suggested a woman with a mission. Her eyes had a sparkle to them that suggested attraction towards Sightsee. She walked right up to him and gave him a sexy smile, “Oh there's no room?” Without further ado, she sat down into his lap, resting he head on his shoulder. His friends looked and mumbled to each other, Savoy raised an eyebrow and rolled her eyes. Sight laughed nervously, he hadn’t had a gorgeous lady pay him attention in a little while.

    He had met Rhina once before, under very different circumstances. In a bid to get Diamondcut released, Sight had made a wager with the then Yixxil disciples. To fight for whom gets to have Dave in their custody. Rhina amongst others was a fighter on Sights team. The battle that ensued in the area around Stret West Bank however was lost. He thought that he would be the last person that Rhina would ever want to talk to yet alone be this ‘close’ to him. They SRS left shortly after, thinking that they should give him time alone with Rhina.

    After a few exchanges of words, Sight no longer felt nervous and gave Rhina a massage, which she seemed desperately in need of, and like a child he played with her silky dark hair. Unfortunately for Sight, his moment was disturbed by no other than Levrivers, who made himself comfortable on the couch opposite. He asked Sight if he would be interested in working for him, Sight almost choked on his drink at what he was hearing. Before he could ascertain more from a cheeky Lev, SPARTA members including the Director himself (Bonefish) approached the booth, they were all wearing the same grey outfits. Sight was glad that they had showed up, hoping they were her to arrest Levrivers for something, anything, it didn’t matter so long as it got Lev off of his back. Levrivers immediately rose to the challenge and stood in front of the group.
    “Your not wanted here Levrivers.” Bonefish said sternly.
    “I don’t believe Lev wants me to genuinely work for him, I reckon Lupoh sent him, I can feel it in my blood.” Sight whispered in Rhina’s ear, noting its beauty. Xeroscope was standing seemingly in Levrivers defence now.
    “Look I never said I didn’t want him here, I think you guys don’t want him here.” Said Xeroscope to the SPARTA group.
    Xianan a member of SPARTA turned to Xeroscope, “Can it Xero!”
    “You can it!” Xero shouted in reply.
    Jaggors tried to make SPARTA’s situation clear, “Hey our business is with Rivers, not with you!”
    “I wouldn’t be associating with ex-Omni rebels, it’s not good for your health.” Xianan stated.
    “Maybe he wants to see if I got Omni Pol connections?” whispered Sight.
    “Hey, I garner that feelin every day, if I could CHOOSE not to come down to this dump, I wouldn’t ya know…My my, Jaggors and Xianen, I do hope you and your families keep safe walking the streets at night, it’s a dangerous World out there ya know.” Lev smiled at the group.
    “I have no family, they were all killed by Clan scum like you Lev.” Xianen was looking slightly worked up, trying to keep his professional composure, which Sightsee thought he did quite well considering the current situation.
    “Really? Then that’s made my day a bit more happier.”
    “Xero, I hate ta say it dude but Lev is bad news.” Said Sightsee. Valiak was no there with them. Bonefish prodded Lev with his finger.
    “Leave.” Bonefish said with no emotion in his voice.
    Valiak chuckled, “Bone, that didn’t work on me when I was Clan, what makes you think it will work on Lev?” On noticing Valaik Sightsee whispered “Oh great”.
    “Look Bonefish, if you have anything to charge me with then do it, otherwise I don’t see any reason for me to leave this place” Xianan had grabbed Levs arm, which Lev shook off, “You should watch it! Touch me again and I’ll make sure you don’t touch anything, ever again!” Lev's eyes had fire.
    “He’s got a deathwish.” Rhina whispered into Sights ear, they nearly kissed each other by accident. The gentle breeze from her words made Goosebumps rise along his neck. Bonefish slowly and purposefully looked Levrivers up and down, then suddenly sneered, “Just try me Lev, just try me!”
    Rhina whispered “Dang…” Sightsee noticed the closeness of her grip on him and his own on her. He couldn’t believe he was distracted in a time like this!
    “These gentlemen are here coz they know they can try this here in Omni land… but I bet they wouldn’t even think to try it up in my territory, where my men walk the streets. You guys think you can scare me with your off white suits and dark glasses?” Lev quipped, raisin his hand to Bonefish’s glasses.
    “Yea, you guys really should try black, it’s much more intimidating.” Valaik chuckled.
    “Shut it Valaik you dumb two bit crook!” Bonefish's composure was getting visibly aggressive.
    Suddenly Levrivers turned to where Sightsee and Rhina where seated, “So, I guess I don’t need to ask if you were up for the job Sight, you just talked yourself outta a nice little earner and into an early death!”
    “Really?” answered Sight, trying to not give away his sudden shock, Valaik simply chuckled at what was transpiring around him.
    “Pay no mind to him Sightsee.” Xianan said, ‘but you don’t even know what’s going on, Christ if ya did, you’d have me under observation too’ Sight thought, as he nodded to Xianan.
    Bonefish turned his head sharply to Xeroscope. “I don’t think you know who I am, what I do or who I represent Xero. I suggest you back off right now and stay out of the way, before you make yourself look like anymore of an ignorant idiot than you already do.” Bonefish then prodded Lev in the chest for a second time, “Leave cowboy.”
    “Doin that could get you a visit to your old dead Grandma quicker than ya think Baldy!” It was clear to Sightsee that Lev wasn’t gonna leave unless it was on his terms. Bonefish grimaced slightly, frustrated that he couldn’t do what he wished he could to this criminal before him. “I’m not gonna be hustled anywhere!” With that he frowned and pushed through the SAPARTans. Valaik laughed at them as he followed Lev to a table.
    “Xero, you’re such a dumb ass, were not through.” Bonefish raised a hand and he and his colleagues left Sightsee’s booth.

    Well it looked serious, Lev was pissed at Sight. But at least Sightsee could make a new ally, offer his services to SPARTA. The next day he made contact with Bonefish, explaining his role to some degree in regards to Levrivers. Everything was moving into place, the 2nd phase would begin soon.
    Crattyjack (RUR) - Director of Sales.
    Nashka (RUR) - Security Chief.
    Greenie01 (Devils Advocate) - Wheeler an Dealer.
    Emmet 'Bazzit' (Uncle Bazzit Foundry) - (Unofficial) CEO.
    Sightsee (The Makers Shades) - Lord.

  3. #3

    Talking pppsstttt.

    /me whispers to Sightsee.

    "Great story, umm but ya.. Lupoh and Valaik arnt mockers."

    It's ok. You've been doing alot of stim's these days.
    We forgive ya.
    ~*Taboo's Views On Templus*~
    " "He is just a moron .You know he really isnt in the military, he is a 48 y/o man living in his parents basement who cant get laid & therefore hates all women and feels he has to belittle them because he cant get his lil peepee wet"

  4. #4

    Thyme luv, a quick explenation.


    Thyme I'm not aware that Valaik being a Mocker was mentioned in the logs, but I'll check again to see if it has and change it.

    As for Lupoh; forgive me if I am wrong, but wasnt he still a Mocker on the 2nd of July? If not I will try to contact Lupoh to find out the date he resigned.

    Just to clear something else up. Sightsee belives that the Mockers may be involved with this Drug, and that other people are too (to be made apparent when I find the time to write up those logs), these others may belong to other Orgs.

    Nice to have your reply, (at least someone I know is reading these logs). Sightsee will be watching you, so look out! lol.

    Crattyjack (RUR) - Director of Sales.
    Nashka (RUR) - Security Chief.
    Greenie01 (Devils Advocate) - Wheeler an Dealer.
    Emmet 'Bazzit' (Uncle Bazzit Foundry) - (Unofficial) CEO.
    Sightsee (The Makers Shades) - Lord.

  5. #5
    Aye that's right, I'm not Mocker, cept in my heart.
    Just a simple businessman and Board Member of Devil's Advocate. Just a Fixer trying to find a little fun in the world.

    And you were hitting them stims pretty hard, I haven't seen someone that strung out since the last rave I went to.
    Garret "Valaik" Clasen - Renegade, Subversive, Simple Businessman
    Xavier "Cyberwrench" Krohs - Builder, Creator, Chiraptophobic

    The difference between a good man and a bad one is the choice of cause. -William James

  6. #6
    This thread was brought to my attention and despite the entertaining rumours floating about, i aint involved in this... and as for :

    As for Lupoh; forgive me if I am wrong, but wasnt he still a Mocker on the 2nd of July? If not I will try to contact Lupoh to find out the date he resigned."
    I resigned from the Mockers on the 27th of could verify this by checking the Mocker's private forums...but *gasp* your not a Mocker, hell... ya ain't even a fixer.

    As for the Mockers, they provide a service to all those of Rubika looking for that peice of equipment they just cant seem to find. Try their Item aquisition service like many other satisfied customers (shameless plug). As well with thier security operations for many great parties brought to you by Thyme and the Devils Advocates, goto to fire up your next party (shameless plug) , i highly doubt the Mockers, have any time for such things.

    But hey, im not all that bad of a guy, if your lookin to get jacked up again, i know a few pushers round Omni 1... You just gimme a call and you can have another wild night on the town.

    *Laughs under his breath and walks away*

  7. #7

    Cool Your man failed you Lupoh.


    Hi Lupoh 'ol buddy

    That Rivers guy aint only failed you in takin me out, but got himself a permanent 'problem'. Tsk, tsk, you should really try not to underestimate me dude. Lets hope you are truly nothing ta do with the drug.

    As for hitting the stims Val, I seem ta recall not hitting em hard at all but rather your Herbacious girly introducin em to me whether I liked it or no. I think maybe you really need ta see a shrink, before your dellusions of grandeur go to that pinhead of yours. Next time OP wanna Ice your sorry ass, I wont be there to stop em!


    (OOC) By the way, I have a cool excuse for getting Lev's resignation wrong hehe do you check to see what your RL enamies are doing? No? Hehe right then, I was RPing (yea right lol). By the way, so that everyone knows whether you are saying things IC or OOC, please could you follow what I have done, (as I initially thought that Lupoh was denying any involvement with the storyline as it was/is) , thanks guys
    Last edited by SinisterCake; Jul 15th, 2002 at 01:14:07.
    Crattyjack (RUR) - Director of Sales.
    Nashka (RUR) - Security Chief.
    Greenie01 (Devils Advocate) - Wheeler an Dealer.
    Emmet 'Bazzit' (Uncle Bazzit Foundry) - (Unofficial) CEO.
    Sightsee (The Makers Shades) - Lord.

  8. #8

    Angry Very informative

    Lotsa interesting stuff here...just needed to point one thing out. Early on you say that GridStream works FOR Ignis, that is totally erroneous......GSP works FOR no one person. He is the manager for Reets, and we use Reets as our 'home base'. The only people we work FOR, are the people of Rubi-Ka. We are totally apolitical, have no interest in drug running, arms, smuggling, politics, any of that. We provide entertainment for the masses, and if the masses happen to include criminals or Omni-Pol (which most often are both included), thats fine and dandy. The more time you spend partying, the less time you'll need to worry about who's ganking who, whos a slimeball and who should be eliminated....I understand that the chess match of politics and it's intrigue are of great interest to some people, thats fine, just keep GridStream out of it, cuz we stay out of it.

    DJ 'Shadowrunrr' Catt
    >Mikal 'Shadowrunrr' Catt - Email: shadowrunrr
    >RK1ROX - Radio Free Rubi-ka - Pirate Radio for the People

  9. #9

    Unhappy Just to explain.


    Hi all

    Maybe I should have included the 'PLEASE NOTE' disclaimer that I have done previously. I understand your concern Shadowrunerr, my fault was not including a qestion mark at the end of the quote where I answered "Well, I guess they work for him." to Templus' question to Sightsee.

    The second thing is quite simply that when people in RL ask me things I am unsure of, I tell them of what I know, with the quote of something along the lines of "well that's what I heard?" or "I think?". Sightsee is a freelance Adventurer who is not affiliated with any guild at the moment. He has the same floor in his make up as the player lol. No offence or reference to Gridstram being an ally have been made in my mind either?

    These logs are of Sightsee's views and conversations had with others, if I discover later (before writing the stories) that I am incorrect in game with my comments, I ommit certain dialogue that may have transpired. If this is causing distress plz inform me here and I will stop posting. Also note that logs of events not to do with the mockers will be written, and that they are that, a kind of diary of sorts. An example will be a conversation with Wyon.

    Apologies again and plz inform me that I should not bother and I wont. (It is hard work trying to post stuff as it is on his encounters).

    And sorry for the bad grammer and spelling.

    Last edited by SinisterCake; Jul 16th, 2002 at 02:14:16.
    Crattyjack (RUR) - Director of Sales.
    Nashka (RUR) - Security Chief.
    Greenie01 (Devils Advocate) - Wheeler an Dealer.
    Emmet 'Bazzit' (Uncle Bazzit Foundry) - (Unofficial) CEO.
    Sightsee (The Makers Shades) - Lord.

  10. #10

    Thumbs up Re: Just to explain.

    Originally posted by SinisterCake

    Apologies again and plz inform me that I should not bother and I wont. (It is hard work trying to post stuff as it is on his encounters).

    OOC: No mate, you're doing grand work. Don't stop the story posts.

    The fact that you may or may not post mistakes due to Sightsee's individual (& hence limited) perspective on events just makes it so much more like real life. It's his angle on things, as opposed to the clinical truth which he as an individual 'character' may not know.

    I applaud that realism.

    Crack on.

    Garret "Bonefish" Silvestrini
    Director - SPARTA
    Director of Operations, OTSEC

    Founding Member of the Omni-Tek Security Council

  11. #11

    Talking Thanks for the support.


    Thanks for your support, and glad to see that there are some people who understand that the perspective is Sightsee's and is based on what he knows at that time, and/or thinks at that time of when the logs are dated.

    I hear that not many people RP all the time and that the good ones seem to leave. It was my intention to keep some of it alive by creating these logs, I hope it is helping in at least a semi-positive way to that end.

    Hope you enjoy what there is to come

    Crattyjack (RUR) - Director of Sales.
    Nashka (RUR) - Security Chief.
    Greenie01 (Devils Advocate) - Wheeler an Dealer.
    Emmet 'Bazzit' (Uncle Bazzit Foundry) - (Unofficial) CEO.
    Sightsee (The Makers Shades) - Lord.

  12. #12

    Keep Writing

    (( OOC Post))

    Hey Sight PLEASE keep it up with your Brilliant stories. I understand that it is an ic perspective on how the character sees things based on impressions,hearsay rumors or whatnot. Its cool and Im sure that people just needed to be reminded what you mentioned in your post.

    Anyway keep typing away ...Im patiently waiting the next part of the story.

    Take Care!

    Lux's player

  13. #13
    Film director extraordinairre RandaZ's Avatar
    (( OOC ))

    Keep up the good work posting. It's always refreshing to see stories that invoke a little controversy

    Can I ask a favor that you add an extra carriage return at the end of dialogue lines? This board doesn't treat line wraps well and the paragraphs are muddling together for my poor brain to comprehend easily.

    Slotine Zembower
    R.U.R. Member (RK1)

    Tappert Solminski
    Tailor of Rome-Blue (RK1) [currently MIA]

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